Licensed to Gwinnett Aquatics HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 3.0 12/12/2010 06:43 PM 2010 Marlins Invite - 12/10/2010 to 12/12/2010 Results Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Coffey, Toria L 8 GwinAq-GA 20.07 17.66 2 Jordan, Katie H 8 Hurricanes-GA 18.56 17.73 3 Kindle, Kellee M 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 20.60 18.01 4 Halbach, Brynn E 8 ABSC-GA 18.11 18.49 5 Yeomans, Lucy J 8 ABSC-GA 18.86 18.82 6 Ferguson, Rose C 8 ASA-GA NT 18.86 7 Arkoette, Sydney 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 22.00 19.12 8 Hudson, Jacinda C 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA NT 19.13 9 Mendes, Sofia F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 19.36 19.17 10 Manderson, Elle H 8 Hurricanes-GA 18.44 19.19 11 Allaway, Robyn E 8 ASA-GA 19.10 19.50 12 Kozina, Taylor K 6 NGA-GA 20.29 19.65 13 Swain, Evan W 8 GwinAq-GA 18.45 19.93 14 Mendes, Adriana F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 19.25 20.06 15 Favors, Nandi L 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 20.71 20.40 16 Pursner, Felicia K 8 ABSC-GA 20.32 20.68 17 Thorogood, Emma A 8 ASA-GA 19.37 20.89 18 Matta, Tiffany F 8 ASC-SC NT 21.01 19 Pavento, Sophia M 8 ASA-GA 21.13 21.02 20 Mayfield, Abbey R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 19.96 21.59 21 Flannery, Meghan C 8 ASA-GA 21.49 21.61 22 Thompson, Justice A 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 20.30 21.71 23 Brannon, Mia C 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 22.08 24 Collins, Emma M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 22.48 25 Wheeler, Dory K 8 ASA-GA 21.44 23.17 26 Lewis, Taylor M 8 ASA-GA 23.27 23.18 27 Whitlow, Molly N 8 GwinAq-GA 25.60 23.23 28 DellaTorre, Olivia G 7 ABSC-GA 23.22 23.50 29 Pingel, Ashley F 8 GwinAq-GA 22.25 23.77 30 Williams, Meg G 7 ASA-GA 23.91 24.47 31 Blankenship, AnnaBeth E 6 Hurricanes-GA 24.22 24.74 32 Jordan, Emily C 6 Hurricanes-GA 24.87 24.93 33 Brannon, Abbie E 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 25.59 34 Semler, Sara M 8 NGA-GA 27.89 25.92 35 Majumdar, Aakriti 7 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 27.22 36 Pisciotta, Ashlyn E 7 ASA-GA 21.78 27.25 37 Schwartz, Emma C 7 NGA-GA 22.11 27.64 38 Gaines, Julia C 7 UNAT-GA NT 29.14 39 Willett, Olivia A 7 Hurricanes-GA 30.47 29.51 40 Quinn, Katelyn A 6 ASA-GA NT 29.80 41 Pursner, Rebecca J 5 ABSC-GA 34.25 32.07 42 Schlicker, Gabrielle M 5 ABSC-GA 42.39 32.08 43 Bailey, Ella R 6 ASA-GA 29.20 32.12 44 Castleberry, Makenzie M 7 ABSC-GA 30.41 33.97 45 Siudut, Noel M 5 ASC-SC NT 34.33 46 Benson, Rachel E 5 ASC-SC NT 35.62 47 Law, Sammie / Sam E 7 GwinAq-GA 36.65 35.82 48 Halbach, Ansley E 5 ABSC-GA 28.44 36.16 49 Ash, Kate K 7 ABSC-GA 37.08 41.31 50 Duong, Kate H 5 Marietta Marlins-GA 42.87 46.73 Girls 8 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 28.29 AAAA 29.59 AAA 30.89 AA 32.19 A 35.99 BB 39.79 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Taylor, Lilliana M 8 ASC-SC 36.26 36.65 B 2 Horne, Abby R 8 ASC-SC 38.97 36.97 B 3 Keith, Julia R 8 ASA-GA 41.58 40.08 4 Watkins, Juliette I 8 ASA-GA 37.87 40.36 5 Hudson, Jacinda C 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA NT 40.75 6 Kindle, Kellee M 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 50.85 40.83 7 Jordan, Katie H 8 Hurricanes-GA 38.59 41.13 8 Ferguson, Rose C 8 ASA-GA NT 41.15 9 Manderson, Elle H 8 Hurricanes-GA 43.71 42.58 10 Halbach, Brynn E 8 ABSC-GA NT 42.89 11 Kozina, Taylor K 6 NGA-GA 48.86 43.43 12 Favors, Nandi L 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 46.29 43.75 13 Mendes, Sofia F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 44.46 43.84 14 Mendes, Adriana F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 46.06 44.76 15 Arkoette, Sydney 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 50.12 44.96 16 Pingel, Ashley F 8 GwinAq-GA 56.86 45.31 17 Pavento, Sophia M 8 ASA-GA NT 46.01 18 Salmon, Courtney A 7 ASA-GA 50.30 46.55 19 Mayfield, Abbey R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 49.52 47.20 20 Thorogood, Emma A 8 ASA-GA NT 47.49 21 Collins, Emma M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 47.80 22 Matta, Tiffany F 8 ASC-SC NT 48.05 23 Thompson, Justice A 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 53.79 49.10 24 Pursner, Felicia K 8 ABSC-GA NT 50.22 25 Lewis, Taylor M 8 ASA-GA 55.24 51.11 26 Jordan, Emily C 6 Hurricanes-GA 56.08 51.44 27 Blankenship, AnnaBeth E 6 Hurricanes-GA NT 51.68 28 Williams, Meg G 7 ASA-GA 53.46 52.01 29 Whitlow, Molly N 8 GwinAq-GA NT 52.02 30 DellaTorre, Olivia G 7 ABSC-GA 52.51 54.51 31 Brannon, Mia C 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 54.57 32 Lausier, Libby E 8 NGA-GA NT 58.82 33 Schwartz, Emma C 7 NGA-GA 59.13 59.43 34 Brannon, Abbie E 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:02.25 35 Halbach, Ansley E 5 ABSC-GA NT 1:05.82 36 Majumdar, Aakriti 7 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:07.31 37 Semler, Sara M 8 NGA-GA NT 1:07.65 38 Castleberry, Makenzie M 7 ABSC-GA NT 1:07.77 39 Pursner, Rebecca J 5 ABSC-GA NT 1:10.03 40 Schlicker, Gabrielle M 5 ABSC-GA NT 1:13.74 41 Bailey, Ella R 6 ASA-GA 1:13.92 1:18.71 42 Rajgopal, Ruchika 5 GO Swim Team-GA 1:24.44 1:19.36 43 Ash, Kate K 7 ABSC-GA NT 1:22.07 44 Siudut, Noel M 5 ASC-SC NT 1:22.17 45 Duong, Kate H 5 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:42.34 1:51.14 Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:02.19 AAAA 1:05.39 AAA 1:08.69 AA 1:11.89 A 1:21.59 BB 1:31.29 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Taylor, Lilliana M 8 ASC-SC 1:27.20 1:20.82 BB 38.93 1:20.82 2 Hudson, Jacinda C 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:29.61 1:29.27 B 40.23 1:29.27 3 Jordan, Katie H 8 Hurricanes-GA 1:29.82 1:29.50 B 41.38 1:29.50 4 Manderson, Elle H 8 Hurricanes-GA 1:36.29 1:33.10 43.28 1:33.10 5 Yeomans, Lucy J 8 ABSC-GA NT 1:33.29 44.42 1:33.29 6 Halbach, Brynn E 8 ABSC-GA NT 1:34.74 43.05 1:34.74 7 Kozina, Taylor K 6 NGA-GA 1:44.43 1:34.77 43.69 1:34.77 8 Kindle, Kellee M 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:36.33 1:35.54 44.80 1:35.54 9 Coffey, Toria L 8 GwinAq-GA NT 1:35.68 10 Favors, Nandi L 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:41.37 1:36.47 43.23 1:36.47 11 Swain, Evan W 8 GwinAq-GA 1:35.64 1:39.41 46.52 1:39.41 12 Allaway, Robyn E 8 ASA-GA 1:42.60 1:40.05 43.88 1:40.05 13 Mendes, Sofia F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:36.58 1:41.24 45.70 1:41.24 14 Collins, Emma M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:42.09 46.50 1:42.09 15 Mendes, Adriana F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:41.67 1:43.59 48.13 1:43.59 16 Salmon, Courtney A 7 ASA-GA 2:02.64 1:48.25 52.55 1:48.25 17 Pingel, Ashley F 8 GwinAq-GA 2:18.91 1:52.14 51.13 1:52.14 18 Mayfield, Abbey R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:03.06 1:54.04 50.69 1:54.04 19 Pursner, Felicia K 8 ABSC-GA NT 1:55.29 49.19 1:55.29 20 Matta, Tiffany F 8 ASC-SC NT 1:56.22 53.57 1:56.22 21 Pisciotta, Ashlyn E 7 ASA-GA 2:10.11 1:58.32 53.02 1:58.32 22 Brannon, Mia C 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:02.41 56.89 2:02.41 23 Brannon, Abbie E 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:03.02 57.13 2:03.02 24 Thompson, Justice A 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA NT 2:03.77 25 Majumdar, Aakriti 7 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:21.85 26 Schwartz, Emma C 7 NGA-GA NT 2:24.01 -- Blankenship, AnnaBeth E 6 Hurricanes-GA 2:22.62 DQ No touch on turn Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hudson, Jacinda C 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA NT 20.89 2 Coffey, Toria L 8 GwinAq-GA 28.47 21.38 3 Jordan, Katie H 8 Hurricanes-GA 22.54 21.67 4 Yeomans, Lucy J 8 ABSC-GA 21.51 21.95 5 Kozina, Taylor K 6 NGA-GA 26.04 22.43 6 Halbach, Brynn E 8 ABSC-GA 21.63 22.58 7 Manderson, Elle H 8 Hurricanes-GA 22.70 22.70 8 Favors, Nandi L 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 21.49 22.73 9 Matta, Tiffany F 8 ASC-SC NT 22.85 10 Arkoette, Sydney 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 27.28 23.42 11 Allaway, Robyn E 8 ASA-GA NT 23.44 12 Whitlow, Molly N 8 GwinAq-GA 23.75 23.65 13 Pavento, Sophia M 8 ASA-GA 25.16 23.70 14 Swain, Evan W 8 GwinAq-GA 22.10 24.02 15 Kindle, Kellee M 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 23.95 24.03 16 Thompson, Justice A 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 23.50 24.35 17 Mendes, Sofia F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 24.03 24.61 18 Brannon, Mia C 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 24.64 19 Lewis, Taylor M 8 ASA-GA 32.86 24.68 20 Mendes, Adriana F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 25.44 24.72 21 Collins, Emma M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 24.79 22 Flannery, Meghan C 8 ASA-GA 24.26 24.93 23 Pursner, Felicia K 8 ABSC-GA 24.15 25.36 24 Pingel, Ashley F 8 GwinAq-GA 26.36 25.55 24 Castleberry, Makenzie M 7 ABSC-GA 35.73 25.55 26 Blankenship, AnnaBeth E 6 Hurricanes-GA 26.64 25.91 27 Mayfield, Abbey R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 24.12 26.57 28 Schwartz, Emma C 7 NGA-GA 27.77 26.97 29 DellaTorre, Olivia G 7 ABSC-GA 27.44 27.41 30 Brannon, Abbie E 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 28.06 31 Bailey, Ella R 6 ASA-GA 29.44 28.78 32 Pisciotta, Ashlyn E 7 ASA-GA 27.64 28.88 33 Majumdar, Aakriti 7 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 30.44 34 Williams, Meg G 7 ASA-GA 27.78 30.61 35 Law, Sammie / Sam E 7 GwinAq-GA 35.97 31.18 36 Jordan, Emily C 6 Hurricanes-GA 29.06 31.50 37 Semler, Sara M 8 NGA-GA 32.62 31.82 38 Wheeler, Dory K 8 ASA-GA 32.00 32.12 39 Duong, Kate H 5 Marietta Marlins-GA 47.49 32.72 40 Schlicker, Gabrielle M 5 ABSC-GA 39.20 33.70 41 Siudut, Noel M 5 ASC-SC NT 33.73 42 Gaines, Julia C 7 UNAT-GA NT 35.70 43 Pursner, Rebecca J 5 ABSC-GA 35.79 35.76 44 Willett, Olivia A 7 Hurricanes-GA 33.71 35.88 45 Ash, Kate K 7 ABSC-GA 36.89 38.63 -- Rajgopal, Ruchika 5 GO Swim Team-GA 46.98 DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast Girls 8 & Under 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 32.79 AAAA 34.59 AAA 36.39 AA 38.09 A 43.49 BB 48.79 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Taylor, Lilliana M 8 ASC-SC 44.15 43.04 BB 2 Horne, Abby R 8 ASC-SC 45.19 44.72 B 3 Hudson, Jacinda C 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 43.99 46.21 B 4 Favors, Nandi L 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 48.18 46.42 B 5 Halbach, Brynn E 8 ABSC-GA 53.81 47.02 B 6 Jordan, Katie H 8 Hurricanes-GA 48.09 48.20 B 7 Manderson, Elle H 8 Hurricanes-GA 50.61 50.41 8 Matta, Tiffany F 8 ASC-SC NT 50.57 9 Mendes, Sofia F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 53.15 50.64 10 Salmon, Courtney A 7 ASA-GA 51.47 51.10 11 Kindle, Kellee M 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA NT 51.79 12 Thompson, Justice A 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA NT 52.31 13 Arkoette, Sydney 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:05.98 52.57 14 Pursner, Felicia K 8 ABSC-GA 55.04 52.96 15 Kozina, Taylor K 6 NGA-GA NT 53.09 16 Whitlow, Molly N 8 GwinAq-GA 57.77 53.38 17 Lewis, Taylor M 8 ASA-GA NT 53.49 18 Mendes, Adriana F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 56.15 53.90 19 Thorogood, Emma A 8 ASA-GA NT 54.01 20 Pingel, Ashley F 8 GwinAq-GA 1:01.90 54.94 21 Brannon, Mia C 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 55.99 22 Blankenship, AnnaBeth E 6 Hurricanes-GA NT 57.66 23 Collins, Emma M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 57.88 24 Castleberry, Makenzie M 7 ABSC-GA NT 58.49 25 Mayfield, Abbey R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 56.42 58.87 26 DellaTorre, Olivia G 7 ABSC-GA 1:00.52 1:00.06 27 Schwartz, Emma C 7 NGA-GA NT 1:01.54 28 Majumdar, Aakriti 7 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:02.32 29 Lausier, Libby E 8 NGA-GA NT 1:04.34 30 Bailey, Ella R 6 ASA-GA 1:08.19 1:05.74 31 Brannon, Abbie E 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:06.95 32 Jordan, Emily C 6 Hurricanes-GA 1:16.33 1:13.35 33 Rajgopal, Ruchika 5 GO Swim Team-GA 1:50.26 1:23.45 -- Semler, Sara M 8 NGA-GA NT DQ Non-continuous turning action Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Taylor, Lilliana M 8 ASC-SC 26.75 22.20 2 Mendes, Sofia F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 25.47 24.03 3 Ferguson, Rose C 8 ASA-GA NT 24.16 4 Horne, Abby R 8 ASC-SC 27.41 24.96 5 Manderson, Elle H 8 Hurricanes-GA 24.44 25.23 6 Jordan, Katie H 8 Hurricanes-GA 24.97 25.36 7 Hudson, Jacinda C 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA NT 25.64 8 Halbach, Brynn E 8 ABSC-GA 25.97 25.91 9 Arkoette, Sydney 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 29.36 26.84 10 Pavento, Sophia M 8 ASA-GA 29.59 27.75 11 Matta, Tiffany F 8 ASC-SC NT 28.17 12 Williams, Meg G 7 ASA-GA 28.32 28.21 13 Mendes, Adriana F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 27.58 28.38 14 Kindle, Kellee M 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 29.98 28.39 15 Collins, Emma M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 28.49 16 Favors, Nandi L 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 31.49 28.89 17 Brannon, Mia C 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 29.34 18 Mayfield, Abbey R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 28.95 29.68 19 Pursner, Felicia K 8 ABSC-GA 45.73 29.96 20 Kozina, Taylor K 6 NGA-GA 32.00 30.37 21 Lausier, Libby E 8 NGA-GA NT 30.79 22 Schwartz, Emma C 7 NGA-GA 31.94 30.95 23 Brannon, Abbie E 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 33.39 24 Whitlow, Molly N 8 GwinAq-GA 33.21 33.79 25 Bailey, Ella R 6 ASA-GA 39.97 40.08 26 Castleberry, Makenzie M 7 ABSC-GA 42.84 40.76 27 Halbach, Ansley E 5 ABSC-GA NT 41.15 28 Blankenship, AnnaBeth E 6 Hurricanes-GA NT 42.88 29 Schlicker, Gabrielle M 5 ABSC-GA NT 46.24 30 Ash, Kate K 7 ABSC-GA 49.49 51.50 -- DellaTorre, Olivia G 7 ABSC-GA 33.98 DQ -- Pursner, Rebecca J 5 ABSC-GA NT DQ Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke -- Semler, Sara M 8 NGA-GA 30.87 DQ One hand touch Girls 8 & Under 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 36.29 AAAA 38.19 AAA 40.09 AA 41.99 A 47.79 BB 53.59 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Keith, Julia R 8 ASA-GA 51.93 49.25 B 2 Ferguson, Rose C 8 ASA-GA NT 53.61 3 Watkins, Juliette I 8 ASA-GA NT 53.92 4 Mendes, Sofia F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 54.34 54.41 5 Manderson, Elle H 8 Hurricanes-GA 1:00.11 54.85 6 Hudson, Jacinda C 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 54.61 54.97 7 Halbach, Brynn E 8 ABSC-GA 54.76 55.16 8 Jordan, Katie H 8 Hurricanes-GA 55.86 55.46 9 Thorogood, Emma A 8 ASA-GA NT 55.49 10 Yeomans, Lucy J 8 ABSC-GA NT 56.39 11 Coffey, Toria L 8 GwinAq-GA NT 58.30 12 Swain, Evan W 8 GwinAq-GA 58.45 58.99 13 Williams, Meg G 7 ASA-GA 1:03.88 1:00.63 13 Pavento, Sophia M 8 ASA-GA 1:11.44 1:00.63 15 Mendes, Adriana F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:05.35 1:00.74 16 Collins, Emma M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:01.40 17 Favors, Nandi L 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:04.67 1:01.93 18 Kindle, Kellee M 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:01.43 1:01.96 19 Mayfield, Abbey R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:02.86 20 Brannon, Mia C 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:03.85 21 Flannery, Meghan C 8 ASA-GA NT 1:03.89 22 Matta, Tiffany F 8 ASC-SC NT 1:04.08 23 Arkoette, Sydney 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:10.45 1:04.33 24 Kozina, Taylor K 6 NGA-GA NT 1:06.32 25 Salmon, Courtney A 7 ASA-GA NT 1:07.14 26 Allaway, Robyn E 8 ASA-GA NT 1:07.15 27 Schwartz, Emma C 7 NGA-GA NT 1:08.15 28 Semler, Sara M 8 NGA-GA NT 1:08.94 29 DellaTorre, Olivia G 7 ABSC-GA NT 1:09.19 30 Pisciotta, Ashlyn E 7 ASA-GA NT 1:09.99 31 Wheeler, Dory K 8 ASA-GA 1:11.46 1:10.41 32 Gaines, Julia C 7 UNAT-GA NT 1:25.13 33 Castleberry, Makenzie M 7 ABSC-GA NT 1:29.49 34 Bailey, Ella R 6 ASA-GA NT 1:48.67 -- Brannon, Abbie E 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ One hand touch Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Halbach, Brynn E 8 ABSC-GA 24.36 20.79 2 Jordan, Katie H 8 Hurricanes-GA 20.66 21.15 3 Coffey, Toria L 8 GwinAq-GA 22.44 21.45 3 Manderson, Elle H 8 Hurricanes-GA 23.52 21.45 5 Thorogood, Emma A 8 ASA-GA 25.02 21.50 6 Keith, Julia R 8 ASA-GA 20.41 21.57 7 Pursner, Felicia K 8 ABSC-GA 25.27 21.71 8 Favors, Nandi L 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 25.35 22.58 9 Yeomans, Lucy J 8 ABSC-GA 22.20 22.72 10 Hudson, Jacinda C 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA NT 23.62 11 Mendes, Sofia F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 26.13 23.81 12 Watkins, Juliette I 8 ASA-GA 23.52 23.98 13 Kozina, Taylor K 6 NGA-GA 25.96 24.09 14 Mendes, Adriana F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 25.88 24.43 15 Salmon, Courtney A 7 ASA-GA 24.53 24.68 16 Collins, Emma M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 25.55 17 Wheeler, Dory K 8 ASA-GA 30.72 26.23 18 Pingel, Ashley F 8 GwinAq-GA 28.38 26.31 19 Brannon, Mia C 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 26.71 20 Mayfield, Abbey R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 24.69 26.80 21 Matta, Tiffany F 8 ASC-SC NT 26.91 22 Jordan, Emily C 6 Hurricanes-GA 35.38 27.47 23 Whitlow, Molly N 8 GwinAq-GA 28.94 28.42 24 DellaTorre, Olivia G 7 ABSC-GA 33.29 29.22 25 Lewis, Taylor M 8 ASA-GA 36.43 29.74 26 Blankenship, AnnaBeth E 6 Hurricanes-GA 36.63 30.95 27 Williams, Meg G 7 ASA-GA 33.08 33.60 28 Schwartz, Emma C 7 NGA-GA 34.45 34.81 29 Brannon, Abbie E 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 35.76 30 Schlicker, Gabrielle M 5 ABSC-GA NT 39.51 31 Willett, Olivia A 7 Hurricanes-GA 41.97 40.64 32 Castleberry, Makenzie M 7 ABSC-GA 34.43 46.70 -- Ash, Kate K 7 ABSC-GA NT DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Rajgopal, Ruchika 5 GO Swim Team-GA 44.73 DQ Alternating Kick -- Arkoette, Sydney 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 27.15 DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Pursner, Rebecca J 5 ABSC-GA 57.56 DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Quinn, Katelyn A 6 ASA-GA NT DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Semler, Sara M 8 NGA-GA 34.38 DQ Arms underwater recovery Girls 8 & Under 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 31.49 AAAA 33.39 AAA 35.29 AA 37.29 A 42.99 BB 48.79 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Jordan, Katie H 8 Hurricanes-GA 47.53 47.69 B 2 Horne, Abby R 8 ASC-SC 50.94 47.74 B 3 Halbach, Brynn E 8 ABSC-GA 52.59 49.26 4 Thorogood, Emma A 8 ASA-GA NT 52.21 5 Favors, Nandi L 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 57.09 53.08 6 Pursner, Felicia K 8 ABSC-GA 58.38 57.79 7 Collins, Emma M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 58.25 8 Mendes, Adriana F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:03.96 58.52 9 Manderson, Elle H 8 Hurricanes-GA 59.52 58.77 10 Mayfield, Abbey R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 59.01 11 Pingel, Ashley F 8 GwinAq-GA NT 59.21 12 Mendes, Sofia F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:01.90 59.44 13 Kozina, Taylor K 6 NGA-GA NT 1:00.01 14 Arkoette, Sydney 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:03.74 15 Jordan, Emily C 6 Hurricanes-GA NT 1:06.48 16 Lausier, Libby E 8 NGA-GA NT 1:21.97 -- Taylor, Lilliana M 8 ASC-SC 40.13 DQ One hand touch -- Aiken, Grace L 8 Hurricanes-GA NT DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Blankenship, AnnaBeth E 6 Hurricanes-GA NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- DellaTorre, Olivia G 7 ABSC-GA 1:09.61 XDQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Brannon, Mia C 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Schwartz, Emma C 7 NGA-GA NT DQ One hand touch -- Matta, Tiffany F 8 ASC-SC NT DQ Arms underwater recovery Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== 1:11.49 AAAA 1:15.19 AAA 1:18.89 AA 1:22.59 A 1:33.79 BB 1:44.99 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Taylor, Lilliana M 8 ASC-SC 1:35.27 1:33.21 BB 42.29 1:33.21 2 Horne, Abby R 8 ASC-SC 1:40.76 1:37.88 B 48.07 1:37.88 3 Hudson, Jacinda C 8 Atlanta Dolphins-GA NT 1:41.92 B 44.49 1:41.92 4 Jordan, Katie H 8 Hurricanes-GA 1:41.88 1:42.09 B 45.22 1:42.09 5 Watkins, Juliette I 8 ASA-GA 1:48.45 1:42.84 B 49.95 1:42.84 6 Halbach, Brynn E 8 ABSC-GA 1:46.84 1:44.81 B 48.58 1:44.81 7 Favors, Nandi L 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:56.11 1:46.24 46.97 1:46.24 8 Keith, Julia R 8 ASA-GA 1:50.10 1:47.10 48.75 1:47.10 9 Thorogood, Emma A 8 ASA-GA NT 1:47.17 47.13 1:47.17 10 Swain, Evan W 8 GwinAq-GA 1:45.66 1:50.20 11 Mendes, Sofia F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:51.48 12 Manderson, Elle H 8 Hurricanes-GA 1:52.35 1:52.96 54.22 1:52.96 13 Kozina, Taylor K 6 NGA-GA 2:22.10 1:54.32 53.50 1:54.32 14 Collins, Emma M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:57.07 56.24 1:57.07 15 Pursner, Felicia K 8 ABSC-GA NT 1:57.58 55.34 1:57.58 16 Mendes, Adriana F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:59.57 53.00 1:59.57 17 Arkoette, Sydney 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:22.53 2:00.24 54.27 2:00.24 18 Salmon, Courtney A 7 ASA-GA 2:11.62 2:04.24 55.06 2:04.24 19 Williams, Meg G 7 ASA-GA 2:20.78 2:07.36 1:03.01 2:07.36 20 Mayfield, Abbey R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:29.83 2:12.79 1:03.85 2:12.79 21 Lausier, Libby E 8 NGA-GA NT 2:24.24 1:09.71 2:24.24 -- Semler, Sara M 8 NGA-GA NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms - fly -- Pingel, Ashley F 8 GwinAq-GA 2:17.78 DQ Scissors kick - breast 1:00.43 DQ -- Schwartz, Emma C 7 NGA-GA 2:21.17 DQ Arms underwater recovery - fly -- Brannon, Mia C 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms - fly 58.03 DQ -- Brannon, Abbie E 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Arms underwater recovery - fly 1:17.91 DQ Girls 8 & Under 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:32.69 8&U AAAA 2:40.39 8&U AAA 2:48.19 8&U AA 2:55.99 8&U A 3:19.39 8&U BB 3:42.69 8&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Taylor, Lilliana M 8 ASC-SC 3:21.04 3:19.96 B 2 Halbach, Brynn E 8 ABSC-GA NT 3:44.91 3 Swain, Evan W 8 GwinAq-GA NT 3:49.19 4 Mayfield, Abbey R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 4:10.01 -- Pursner, Felicia K 8 ABSC-GA NT DQ Arms underwater recovery - fly Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Asa-GA 'A' 1:31.54 1:20.68 1) Keith, Julia R 8 2) Salmon, Courtney A 7 3) Ferguson, Rose C 8 4) Williams, Meg G 7 40.06 1:20.68 2 Columbus Aquatic Club-GA 'A' 1:22.41 1:22.82 1) Jordan, Katie H 8 2) Blankenship, AnnaBeth E 6 3) Jordan, Emily C 6 4) Manderson, Elle H 8 41.52 1:22.82 3 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 1:20.57 1:24.03 1) Mendes, Sofia F 7 2) Arkoette, Sydney 8 3) Mayfield, Abbey R 8 4) Mendes, Adriana F 7 40.77 1:24.03 4 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 1:30.09 1:28.33 1) Pursner, Felicia K 8 2) DellaTorre, Olivia G 7 3) Halbach, Ansley E 5 4) Halbach, Brynn E 8 49.79 1:28.33 5 North Georgia Aquatics-GA 'A' 1:41.39 1:32.71 1) Kozina, Taylor K 6 2) Schwartz, Emma C 7 3) Lausier, Libby E 8 4) Semler, Sara M 8 45.30 1:32.71 6 Asa-GA 'B' NT 1:33.80 1) Bailey, Ella R 6 2) Lewis, Taylor M 8 3) Pavento, Sophia M 8 4) Thorogood, Emma A 8 44.87 1:33.80 7 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' NT 1:45.54 1) Brannon, Abbie E 8 2) Brannon, Mia C 8 3) Collins, Emma M 8 4) Duong, Kate H 5 44.20 1:45.54 8 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'B' 2:24.13 2:10.24 1) Pursner, Rebecca J 5 2) Ash, Kate K 7 3) Schlicker, Gabrielle M 5 4) Castleberry, Makenzie M 7 1:15.07 2:10.24 Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard Medley Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Asa-GA 'A' NT 1:22.35 1) Salmon, Courtney A 7 2) Keith, Julia R 8 3) Ferguson, Rose C 8 4) Watkins, Juliette I 8 44.74 1:22.35 2 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 1:35.54 1:33.44 1) Pursner, Felicia K 8 2) Halbach, Brynn E 8 3) Yeomans, Lucy J 8 4) DellaTorre, Olivia G 7 50.56 1:33.44 3 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 1:33.34 1:35.61 1) Whitlow, Molly N 8 2) Swain, Evan W 8 3) Coffey, Toria L 8 4) Pingel, Ashley F 8 4 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 1:35.99 1:39.96 1) Mendes, Sofia F 7 2) Mayfield, Abbey R 8 3) Arkoette, Sydney 8 4) Mendes, Adriana F 7 54.16 1:39.96 5 Asa-GA 'B' NT 1:52.49 1) Flannery, Meghan C 8 2) Thorogood, Emma A 8 3) Williams, Meg G 7 4) Pisciotta, Ashlyn E 7 52.42 1:52.49 -- Asa-GA 'C' NT DQ Stroke Infraction swimmer #1: Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke - b 1) Gram, Sarah Kate K 8 2) Pavento, Sophia M 8 3) Lewis, Taylor M 8 4) Wheeler, Dory K 8 1:05.04 DQ -- Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' NT DQ Stroke Infraction swimmer #1: One hand touch - breast 1) Brannon, Abbie E 8 2) Brannon, Mia C 8 3) Collins, Emma M 8 4) Duong, Kate H 5 -- Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'B' 2:28.15 DQ Stroke Infraction swimmer #1: Downward butterfly kick - breast 1) Pursner, Rebecca J 5 2) Ash, Kate K 7 3) Castleberry, Makenzie M 7 4) Schlicker, Gabrielle M 5 Girls 9-10 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:32.69 9-10 AAAA 2:40.39 9-10 AAA 2:48.19 9-10 AA 2:55.99 9-10 A 3:19.39 9-10 BB 3:42.69 9-10 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Joassaint, Britheny 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:23.78 2:20.99 AAAA 2 Walpole, Alvena R 10 UNHUR-GA 2:47.98 2:48.55 A 3 Beckish, Lauren M 10 ASC-SC 2:52.19 2:51.55 A 4 Pokorny, Maggie M 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:04.11 2:58.98 BB 5 Walpole, Sarah E 9 UNHUR-GA 3:22.58 3:04.40 BB 6 Hicks, Deborah K 10 WAVE-GA 3:46.36 3:06.02 BB 7 McPike, Jade 10 Rockdale-GA 3:04.36 3:07.63 BB 8 Frank, Mattison C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 4:31.65 3:15.31 BB 9 Cowles, Kate K 9 ABSC-GA NT 3:20.09 B 10 Yund, Grace 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:35.92 3:20.49 B 11 Jahns, Sarah G 10 GwinAq-GA 3:42.30 3:25.23 B 12 Keys, Tylah T 10 GwinAq-GA 3:30.00 3:27.19 B 13 Swain, Clarke A 10 GwinAq-GA 3:30.00 3:30.86 B 14 Beckish, Kate M 9 ASC-SC 4:53.44 3:57.85 -- Morris, Kensley 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:11.75 DQ Girls 10 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 28.29 10&U AAAA 29.59 10&U AAA 30.89 10&U AA 32.19 10&U A 35.99 10&U BB 39.79 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Joassaint, Britheny 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 26.92 26.49 AAAA 2 Taylor, Sophie J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 28.27 28.63 AAA 3 Prendes, Mariah A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 30.22 29.38 AAA 4 Matton, Caroline L 10 Barracudas-GA 29.49 29.55 AAA 5 Walpole, Alvena R 10 UNHUR-GA 30.32 29.93 AA 6 Pokorny, Maggie M 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 31.02 30.78 AA 7 Willette, Delaney J 10 Rockdale-GA 31.25 31.51 A 8 Bashir, Ariah S 9 UNAT-GA 32.64 32.50 BB 9 Beckish, Lauren M 10 ASC-SC 31.82 32.67 BB 10 Morris, Kensley 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 33.96 33.00 BB 11 Marchman, Sara A 10 Rockdale-GA 34.15 33.46 BB 12 Mattson, Hannah M 9 Hurricanes-GA 32.20 33.56 BB 13 McPike, Jade 10 Rockdale-GA 33.69 33.74 BB 14 Tophia, Chardonay A 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 32.83 33.86 BB 15 Shafer, Brittney 10 NGA-GA 33.57 33.90 BB 16 Powell, Kelsey L 9 ABSC-GA 33.90 33.97 BB 17 Walpole, Sarah E 9 UNHUR-GA 36.20 34.05 BB 18 Keys, Tylah T 10 GwinAq-GA 35.26 34.22 BB 19 Yund, Grace 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 36.50 34.32 BB 20 Cowles, Kate K 9 ABSC-GA 35.59 34.77 BB 21 Thompson, Kiara K 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 32.35 34.90 BB 22 Frank, Mattison C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 42.04 34.92 BB 23 Massey, Kate R 10 ABSC-GA 34.37 35.13 BB 24 Garmon, Anna Marie M 10 ABSC-GA 34.34 35.16 BB 25 Ash, Anna P 10 ABSC-GA 36.60 35.21 BB 26 Swain, Clarke A 10 GwinAq-GA 36.31 35.23 BB 27 Brossett, Emilie I 10 Hurricanes-GA 38.51 35.25 BB 28 Hollingsworth, Caroline 9 Hurricanes-GA 33.88 35.87 BB 29 Mattison, Kate E 10 ABSC-GA 34.21 36.47 B 30 Grand'Pierre, Emilie F 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 35.13 36.68 B 31 Olshanskaya, Elizabeth G 10 NGA-GA 36.70 36.85 B 32 Beckish, Kate M 9 ASC-SC 36.63 37.32 B 33 Taylor, Lilliana M 8 ASC-SC 36.26 37.39 B 34 Jones, Mallory E 10 Hurricanes-GA 36.21 37.41 B 35 Moore, Christa Lynn L 9 ABSC-GA 36.63 37.79 B 36 Abeyta, Victoria P 10 Hurricanes-GA 36.89 37.99 B 37 Rothschild, Elizabeth S 9 Barracudas-GA 41.04 38.00 B 38 Norton, Laney E 10 Rockdale-GA 37.33 38.09 B 39 Bradley, Emily M 10 Rockdale-GA 38.56 38.79 B 40 Jahns, Sarah G 10 GwinAq-GA 37.35 38.99 B 41 Patterson, Skyler R 9 Rockdale-GA 43.34 39.27 B 42 Manderson, Frances H 10 Hurricanes-GA 39.77 39.32 B 43 Spruiell, Riley K 10 GwinAq-GA 44.84 39.53 B 44 Klausen, Ida D 9 ASA-GA NT 40.44 45 Mosley, Sophie 9 Rockdale-GA 40.72 41.07 46 Tilson, Mallory R 10 WAVE-GA 41.96 41.24 47 Foreman, Maria L 9 NGA-GA 43.05 41.27 48 Arasin, Ali M 10 ASA-GA 42.35 41.51 49 Ramsay, Shelby H 10 Hurricanes-GA 43.95 42.34 50 Middleton, Lauren E 10 Hurricanes-GA 40.52 42.90 51 Grantham, Shelby D 10 Rockdale-GA 43.46 43.23 52 Gibson, Skye E 9 NGA-GA 50.17 44.05 53 Carey, Juliana L 9 GwinAq-GA NT 44.12 54 Hunter, Lea A 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 44.50 55 Adams, Analise E 9 ABSC-GA 45.59 44.53 56 Semler, Katie T 9 NGA-GA 43.56 45.61 57 Pugh, Emma A 9 GwinAq-GA 45.60 46.12 58 Hussin, Allison P 9 Hurricanes-GA 44.37 46.55 59 Connelly, Erin 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 46.66 60 Elliot, Emily L 9 Hurricanes-GA 47.17 47.03 61 Dietz, Madison H 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 47.20 62 Theriault, Braeden 9 Hurricanes-GA 47.67 47.21 63 Feger, Kaleigh G 9 Hurricanes-GA NT 47.85 64 Figg, Nika M 10 ASA-GA 46.09 48.00 65 Rogers, Ava M 9 ASA-GA 49.31 48.34 66 Milon, Zion B 9 Rockdale-GA 51.62 48.65 67 Bakun, Sigal V 9 ASA-GA 46.99 48.89 68 Bahls, Sammy A 10 Hurricanes-GA NT 1:02.13 Girls 10 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:02.19 10&U AAAA 1:05.39 10&U AAA 1:08.69 10&U AA 1:11.89 10&U A 1:21.59 10&U BB 1:31.29 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Joassaint, Britheny 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 58.49 58.79 AAAA 28.75 58.79 2 Taylor, Sophie J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:04.87 1:04.31 AAA 29.76 1:04.31 3 Prendes, Mariah A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:06.82 1:04.72 AAA 31.68 1:04.72 4 Walpole, Alvena R 10 UNHUR-GA 1:06.24 1:06.93 AA 32.09 1:06.93 5 Carlson, Amanda F 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:08.62 1:08.56 AA 32.77 1:08.56 6 Pokorny, Maggie M 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:09.74 1:11.29 A 34.86 1:11.29 7 Walpole, Sarah E 9 UNHUR-GA 1:15.64 1:12.44 BB 35.28 1:12.44 8 Beckish, Lauren M 10 ASC-SC 1:10.65 1:13.44 BB 34.42 1:13.44 9 Tophia, Chardonay A 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:12.56 1:14.51 BB 34.89 1:14.51 10 Bashir, Ariah S 9 UNAT-GA 1:14.47 1:14.59 BB 35.55 1:14.59 11 Morris, Kensley 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:13.52 1:14.83 BB 35.29 1:14.83 12 Ash, Anna P 10 ABSC-GA 1:18.56 1:15.43 BB 36.45 1:15.43 13 Shafer, Brittney 10 NGA-GA 1:19.85 1:16.88 BB 36.00 1:16.88 14 Cowles, Kate K 9 ABSC-GA 1:19.93 1:17.11 BB 37.15 1:17.11 15 Frank, Mattison C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:36.24 1:17.74 BB 37.29 1:17.74 16 McPike, Jade 10 Rockdale-GA 1:16.62 1:17.94 BB 37.11 1:17.94 17 Yund, Grace 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:23.43 1:18.86 BB 37.69 1:18.86 18 Garmon, Anna Marie M 10 ABSC-GA 1:17.53 1:19.56 BB 37.28 1:19.56 19 Grand'Pierre, Emilie F 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:18.77 1:20.61 BB 37.82 1:20.61 20 Olshanskaya, Elizabeth G 10 NGA-GA 1:25.42 1:20.71 BB 36.74 1:20.71 21 Mattison, Kate E 10 ABSC-GA 1:18.34 1:21.03 BB 38.39 1:21.03 22 Keys, Tylah T 10 GwinAq-GA 1:21.83 1:22.03 B 38.35 1:22.03 23 Hollingsworth, Caroline 9 Hurricanes-GA 1:22.87 1:22.37 B 38.83 1:22.37 24 Jahns, Sarah G 10 GwinAq-GA 1:25.37 1:23.96 B 40.19 1:23.96 25 Mosley, Sophie 9 Rockdale-GA 1:36.13 1:28.65 B 41.78 1:28.65 26 Manderson, Frances H 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:30.03 1:28.92 B 40.20 1:28.92 27 Bradley, Emily M 10 Rockdale-GA 1:31.26 1:29.03 B 41.00 1:29.03 28 Klausen, Ida D 9 ASA-GA NT 1:30.39 B 43.00 1:30.39 29 Spruiell, Riley K 10 GwinAq-GA NT 1:31.95 42.76 1:31.95 30 Rothschild, Elizabeth S 9 Barracudas-GA 1:28.90 1:32.01 43.92 1:32.01 31 Blanchard, Evans M 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:25.66 1:32.71 42.24 1:32.71 32 Shah, Megha N 10 Barracudas-GA 1:32.29 1:33.25 43.74 1:33.25 33 Middleton, Lauren E 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:36.73 1:33.88 43.74 1:33.88 34 Carey, Juliana L 9 GwinAq-GA NT 1:36.65 45.95 1:36.65 35 Foreman, Maria L 9 NGA-GA 1:41.31 1:37.99 44.91 1:37.99 36 Beckish, Kate M 9 ASC-SC 1:32.64 1:38.14 47.87 1:38.14 37 Pugh, Emma A 9 GwinAq-GA 1:37.43 1:38.41 47.26 1:38.41 38 Arasin, Ali M 10 ASA-GA 1:45.53 1:39.23 44.37 1:39.23 39 Toomey, Meghan E 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:34.43 1:39.64 45.49 1:39.64 40 Hunter, Lea A 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:51.19 1:43.52 45.25 1:43.52 40 Adams, Analise E 9 ABSC-GA 1:43.19 1:43.52 46.67 1:43.52 42 Ramsay, Shelby H 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:38.40 1:44.22 52.07 1:44.22 43 Connelly, Erin 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:49.77 44 Figg, Nika M 10 ASA-GA NT 1:49.96 51.64 1:49.96 45 Elliot, Emily L 9 Hurricanes-GA NT 1:50.87 54.06 1:50.87 46 Semler, Katie T 9 NGA-GA NT 1:50.89 51.88 1:50.89 47 Brooks, Skyla M 9 Hurricanes-GA 1:42.35 1:51.08 50.68 1:51.08 48 Theriault, Braeden 9 Hurricanes-GA 1:46.88 1:55.64 52.71 1:55.64 49 Dietz, Madison H 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:56.44 55.65 1:56.44 50 Dullabh, Bianca J 10 ASA-GA NT 2:03.93 56.63 2:03.93 51 Bahls, Sammy A 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:33.73 2:19.79 -- Gibson, Skye E 9 NGA-GA NT DQ No touch on turn Girls 10 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 2:14.39 10&U AAAA 2:21.79 10&U AAA 2:29.09 10&U AA 2:36.39 10&U A 2:58.29 10&U BB 3:20.19 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Prendes, Mariah A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:19.87 2:17.87 AAA 30.47 1:04.51 1:41.39 2:17.87 2 Walpole, Alvena R 10 UNHUR-GA 2:23.15 2:23.12 AA 33.30 1:09.76 1:46.77 2:23.12 3 Matton, Caroline L 10 Barracudas-GA 2:40.47 2:26.78 AA 32.76 1:09.12 1:48.39 2:26.78 4 Pokorny, Maggie M 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:38.45 2:35.19 A 33.95 1:13.67 1:56.90 2:35.19 5 Mattson, Hannah M 9 Hurricanes-GA 2:44.93 2:37.99 BB 35.39 1:17.16 1:59.91 2:37.99 6 Beckish, Lauren M 10 ASC-SC 2:36.95 2:38.13 BB 33.97 1:14.82 1:57.33 2:38.13 7 Morris, Kensley 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:44.39 2:38.74 BB 35.32 1:16.01 1:57.84 2:38.74 8 Tophia, Chardonay A 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:37.21 2:38.91 BB 34.67 1:16.57 1:59.52 2:38.91 9 Walpole, Sarah E 9 UNHUR-GA 2:45.16 2:39.18 BB 36.20 1:15.81 1:58.36 2:39.18 10 Massey, Kate R 10 ABSC-GA 2:49.87 2:42.00 BB 36.61 1:18.67 2:01.87 2:42.00 11 Marchman, Sara A 10 Rockdale-GA 2:47.57 2:44.79 BB 36.09 1:18.14 2:01.13 2:44.79 12 Ash, Anna P 10 ABSC-GA 2:53.84 2:48.34 BB 40.83 1:25.82 2:09.47 2:48.34 12 Shafer, Brittney 10 NGA-GA 2:54.48 2:48.34 BB 37.69 1:19.83 2:04.56 2:48.34 14 Yund, Grace 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:02.22 2:50.69 BB 37.87 1:21.36 2:07.26 2:50.69 15 Garmon, Anna Marie M 10 ABSC-GA 2:47.94 2:50.90 BB 38.14 1:22.27 2:07.97 2:50.90 16 Thompson, Kiara K 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:40.87 2:52.47 BB 38.54 1:24.76 2:09.97 2:52.47 17 Powell, Kelsey L 9 ABSC-GA 2:58.47 2:53.57 BB 37.85 1:24.67 2:12.57 2:53.57 18 Frank, Mattison C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:54.69 BB 36.94 1:21.79 2:08.98 2:54.69 19 Moore, Christa Lynn L 9 ABSC-GA 3:00.95 2:56.17 BB 39.85 2:15.43 2:56.17 20 Cowles, Kate K 9 ABSC-GA 3:05.54 2:56.20 BB 38.63 1:25.20 2:12.72 2:56.20 21 Keys, Tylah T 10 GwinAq-GA 3:04.61 2:56.42 BB 38.36 1:24.33 2:12.65 2:56.42 22 Grand'Pierre, Emilie F 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:51.99 2:56.84 BB 39.28 1:24.93 2:11.52 2:56.84 23 McPike, Jade 10 Rockdale-GA 2:50.86 2:57.28 BB 39.27 1:25.66 2:12.80 2:57.28 24 Jones, Mallory E 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:54.25 2:57.43 BB 39.02 1:25.79 2:11.30 2:57.43 25 Mattison, Kate E 10 ABSC-GA 2:59.52 2:57.51 BB 38.52 1:25.39 2:14.08 2:57.51 26 Swain, Clarke A 10 GwinAq-GA 2:48.66 2:57.84 BB 40.34 1:26.03 2:13.49 2:57.84 27 Jahns, Sarah G 10 GwinAq-GA 3:03.25 2:58.51 B 39.40 1:26.88 2:14.98 2:58.51 28 Olshanskaya, Elizabeth G 10 NGA-GA 3:20.81 3:05.05 B 41.30 1:30.05 2:18.97 3:05.05 29 Hollingsworth, Caroline 9 Hurricanes-GA 3:06.64 3:10.63 B 43.35 1:33.61 2:26.35 3:10.63 30 Bradley, Emily M 10 Rockdale-GA 3:52.40 3:11.51 B 1:31.68 2:23.89 3:11.51 3:11.51 31 Manderson, Frances H 10 Hurricanes-GA 3:17.70 3:12.53 B 41.67 1:31.22 2:25.28 3:12.53 32 Mosley, Sophie 9 Rockdale-GA 3:32.49 3:14.20 B 41.52 1:30.98 2:24.44 3:14.20 33 Tilson, Mallory R 10 WAVE-GA NT 3:15.43 B 42.71 1:33.37 2:25.28 3:15.43 34 Spruiell, Riley K 10 GwinAq-GA NT 3:15.78 B 42.61 1:33.88 2:26.93 3:15.78 35 Brossett, Emilie I 10 Hurricanes-GA 3:01.85 3:19.11 B 43.18 1:35.68 2:26.73 3:19.11 36 Foreman, Maria L 9 NGA-GA 3:54.37 3:26.33 46.35 1:41.72 2:37.72 3:26.33 37 Pugh, Emma A 9 GwinAq-GA 3:35.75 3:30.87 47.80 1:42.29 2:38.37 3:30.87 38 Middleton, Lauren E 10 Hurricanes-GA 3:43.53 3:34.15 46.40 1:41.80 2:38.77 3:34.15 39 Beckish, Kate M 9 ASC-SC NT 3:35.85 48.62 1:46.64 2:43.54 3:35.85 40 Ramsay, Shelby H 10 Hurricanes-GA 3:43.76 3:41.99 50.03 1:47.49 2:45.58 3:41.99 41 Carey, Juliana L 9 GwinAq-GA NT 3:42.49 45.70 1:41.05 2:43.74 3:42.49 42 Adams, Analise E 9 ABSC-GA NT 3:45.93 48.93 1:45.78 2:46.31 3:45.93 43 Hussin, Allison P 9 Hurricanes-GA 4:06.47 3:46.77 46.83 1:48.48 2:50.12 3:46.77 44 Theriault, Braeden 9 Hurricanes-GA 4:05.77 3:48.66 48.34 1:46.28 2:48.52 3:48.66 45 Feger, Kaleigh G 9 Hurricanes-GA NT 3:57.79 49.51 1:50.48 2:56.15 3:57.79 46 Dietz, Madison H 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 4:07.82 48.14 1:51.02 3:00.14 4:07.82 47 Connelly, Erin 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 4:12.56 48.77 1:53.44 4:12.56 Girls 10 & Under 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 5:57.39 10&U AAAA 6:14.39 10&U AAA 6:31.39 10&U AA 6:48.39 10&U A 7:39.49 10&U BB 8:30.49 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Matton, Caroline L 10 Barracudas-GA 7:21.06 6:46.64 A 34.62 2:39.57 3:20.63 4:02.97 4:46.11 5:28.23 6:09.79 6:46.64 2 Beckish, Lauren M 10 ASC-SC 6:50.56 7:03.78 BB 35.41 1:17.46 2:00.79 2:44.70 3:27.77 4:11.35 4:54.59 5:38.77 6:22.35 7:03.78 3 Morris, Kensley 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 7:20.57 7:05.30 BB 36.88 1:18.97 2:02.33 2:46.30 3:30.34 4:14.81 4:58.23 5:41.95 6:25.92 7:05.30 4 Walpole, Sarah E 9 UNHUR-GA 7:28.93 7:05.96 BB 37.74 1:20.10 2:03.74 2:47.32 3:29.96 4:14.16 4:58.38 5:41.72 6:24.03 7:05.96 5 Hicks, Deborah K 10 WAVE-GA 8:46.95 7:12.56 BB 35.79 1:19.60 2:05.42 2:47.82 3:34.81 4:19.62 5:04.18 5:47.69 6:31.79 7:12.56 6 Pokorny, Maggie M 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 7:17.92 7:14.93 BB 37.34 3:38.26 7:14.93 7 Marchman, Sara A 10 Rockdale-GA 7:22.77 7:25.69 BB 34.27 1:16.62 2:01.33 2:47.18 3:33.03 4:20.20 5:08.25 5:54.39 6:40.16 7:25.69 8 Yund, Grace 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 7:38.48 BB 38.20 1:23.71 2:11.53 2:58.53 3:45.71 4:34.01 5:22.46 6:08.88 6:54.98 7:38.48 9 Cowles, Kate K 9 ABSC-GA NT 7:39.16 BB 39.09 1:25.41 2:13.32 3:01.85 3:48.36 4:34.70 5:22.85 6:09.40 6:55.82 7:39.16 10 Frank, Mattison C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 10:30.93 7:42.16 B 37.88 1:22.95 2:09.57 2:56.33 3:44.21 4:32.20 5:21.59 6:09.36 6:57.14 7:42.16 11 Jahns, Sarah G 10 GwinAq-GA 7:59.62 7:52.53 B 41.13 1:29.05 2:16.78 3:05.19 3:52.44 4:40.78 5:29.26 6:16.82 7:05.62 7:52.53 12 McPike, Jade 10 Rockdale-GA 8:05.83 7:59.00 B 40.57 1:28.85 2:18.66 3:07.33 3:56.39 4:45.22 5:34.98 6:25.11 7:13.14 7:59.00 13 Keys, Tylah T 10 GwinAq-GA 7:55.00 8:05.73 B 42.09 1:29.82 2:18.42 3:07.45 3:56.50 4:47.30 5:37.88 6:28.13 7:17.93 8:05.73 14 Swain, Clarke A 10 GwinAq-GA 8:09.52 8:13.78 B 41.88 1:31.40 2:22.37 3:13.32 4:05.59 4:56.33 5:46.47 6:36.83 7:26.10 8:13.78 15 Taylor, Lilliana M 8 ASC-SC NT 8:16.66 B 40.98 1:30.12 3:14.47 4:06.19 4:58.90 5:51.23 6:41.40 7:29.76 8:16.66 16 Swain, Evan W 8 GwinAq-GA NT 9:09.40 45.92 1:41.89 2:38.66 3:37.65 4:35.05 5:31.01 6:27.45 7:20.99 8:19.92 9:09.40 17 Beckish, Kate M 9 ASC-SC NT 9:53.28 51.40 1:52.51 2:55.51 3:59.22 5:01.80 6:01.88 7:00.63 8:01.52 8:58.23 9:53.28 Girls 10 & Under 1000 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Prendes, Mariah A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 13:36.50 12:32.05 33.03 1:09.52 1:47.37 2:24.68 3:02.53 3:40.27 4:18.76 4:56.98 5:34.16 6:12.69 6:51.16 7:29.37 8:07.72 8:46.26 9:24.60 10:02.84 10:41.23 11:19.22 11:57.03 12:32.05 2 Taylor, Sophie J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 13:04.10 32.51 1:09.80 1:48.38 2:27.48 3:06.71 3:46.53 4:26.34 5:06.76 5:47.34 6:27.68 7:07.51 7:48.06 8:28.64 9:08.74 9:48.26 10:27.97 11:07.83 11:47.91 12:26.66 13:04.10 3 Walpole, Alvena R 10 UNHUR-GA NT 13:06.91 34.66 1:13.88 1:53.88 2:33.81 3:13.83 3:53.95 4:33.97 5:13.86 5:53.95 6:35.02 7:14.95 7:56.57 8:35.08 9:14.08 9:54.59 10:33.71 11:13.29 11:52.41 12:31.13 13:06.91 Girls 10 & Under 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 32.79 10&U AAAA 34.59 10&U AAA 36.39 10&U AA 38.09 10&U A 43.49 10&U BB 48.79 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Joassaint, Britheny 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 31.17 30.50 AAAA 2 Prendes, Mariah A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 35.70 35.33 AA 3 Pokorny, Maggie M 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 37.48 35.45 AA 4 Willette, Delaney J 10 Rockdale-GA 37.26 36.39 AA 5 Matton, Caroline L 10 Barracudas-GA 37.96 36.80 A 6 Walpole, Alvena R 10 UNHUR-GA 36.84 37.09 A 7 Beckish, Lauren M 10 ASC-SC 38.51 37.74 A 8 Mattson, Hannah M 9 Hurricanes-GA 38.63 38.32 BB 9 Bashir, Ariah S 9 UNAT-GA 39.42 38.97 BB 10 McPike, Jade 10 Rockdale-GA 39.95 39.01 BB 11 Massey, Kate R 10 ABSC-GA 39.14 39.05 BB 12 Tophia, Chardonay A 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 40.09 40.27 BB 13 Ash, Anna P 10 ABSC-GA 40.75 40.51 BB 14 Hicks, Deborah K 10 WAVE-GA 41.55 40.66 BB 15 Powell, Kelsey L 9 ABSC-GA 40.77 40.74 BB 16 Marchman, Sara A 10 Rockdale-GA 41.61 40.97 BB 17 Shafer, Brittney 10 NGA-GA 46.36 41.36 BB 18 Norton, Laney E 10 Rockdale-GA 42.32 41.58 BB 19 Hollingsworth, Caroline 9 Hurricanes-GA 42.93 41.70 BB 20 Morris, Kensley 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 42.78 41.81 BB 21 Thompson, Kiara K 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 42.06 41.94 BB 22 Garmon, Anna Marie M 10 ABSC-GA 41.86 42.06 BB 23 Walpole, Sarah E 9 UNHUR-GA 42.67 42.16 BB 24 Cowles, Kate K 9 ABSC-GA 43.31 42.31 BB 25 Brossett, Emilie I 10 Hurricanes-GA 43.77 42.80 BB 26 Frank, Mattison C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 50.73 42.87 BB 27 Olshanskaya, Elizabeth G 10 NGA-GA 45.91 43.28 BB 28 Yund, Grace 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 47.18 43.36 BB 29 Keys, Tylah T 10 GwinAq-GA 41.82 43.45 BB 30 Swain, Clarke A 10 GwinAq-GA 43.53 43.77 B 31 Gibson, Skye E 9 NGA-GA 51.68 44.42 B 32 Taylor, Lilliana M 8 ASC-SC 44.15 44.68 B 33 Manderson, Frances H 10 Hurricanes-GA 43.34 44.78 B 34 Middleton, Lauren E 10 Hurricanes-GA 47.65 44.91 B 35 Jones, Mallory E 10 Hurricanes-GA 44.89 45.06 B 36 Grand'Pierre, Emilie F 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 43.00 45.30 B 37 Mattison, Kate E 10 ABSC-GA 45.02 45.38 B 38 Rothschild, Elizabeth S 9 Barracudas-GA 46.79 45.58 B 39 Jahns, Sarah G 10 GwinAq-GA 44.53 45.86 B 40 Patterson, Skyler R 9 Rockdale-GA 50.74 46.30 B 41 Spruiell, Riley K 10 GwinAq-GA 52.03 46.54 B 42 Klausen, Ida D 9 ASA-GA NT 46.72 B 43 Abeyta, Victoria P 10 Hurricanes-GA 47.01 47.32 B 44 Feger, Kaleigh G 9 Hurricanes-GA 53.22 48.70 B 45 Elliot, Emily L 9 Hurricanes-GA 52.26 49.16 46 Tilson, Mallory R 10 WAVE-GA 50.12 49.20 47 Beckish, Kate M 9 ASC-SC 50.30 49.41 48 Mosley, Sophie 9 Rockdale-GA 53.51 49.48 48 Bradley, Emily M 10 Rockdale-GA 47.55 49.48 50 Arasin, Ali M 10 ASA-GA 52.69 49.56 51 Ramsay, Shelby H 10 Hurricanes-GA 51.89 50.02 52 Grantham, Shelby D 10 Rockdale-GA 50.94 51.15 53 Foreman, Maria L 9 NGA-GA 55.71 51.63 54 Hussin, Allison P 9 Hurricanes-GA 55.86 52.04 55 Bakun, Sigal V 9 ASA-GA 59.87 53.09 56 Dietz, Madison H 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 53.46 57 Hunter, Lea A 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 58.90 54.04 58 Rogers, Ava M 9 ASA-GA NT 55.28 59 Pugh, Emma A 9 GwinAq-GA 54.06 55.35 60 Carey, Juliana L 9 GwinAq-GA NT 58.02 61 Figg, Nika M 10 ASA-GA NT 59.02 62 Semler, Katie T 9 NGA-GA NT 59.28 63 Milon, Zion B 9 Rockdale-GA 1:05.02 1:01.35 64 Adams, Analise E 9 ABSC-GA 1:01.32 1:02.31 65 Bahls, Sammy A 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:10.24 1:03.42 66 Connelly, Erin 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:04.87 Girls 10 & Under 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 1:10.49 10&U AAAA 1:14.39 10&U AAA 1:18.29 10&U AA 1:22.19 10&U A 1:33.99 10&U BB 1:45.69 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Joassaint, Britheny 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:07.80 1:05.02 AAAA 31.90 1:05.02 2 Prendes, Mariah A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:19.79 1:16.12 AA 37.18 1:16.12 3 Walpole, Alvena R 10 UNHUR-GA 1:22.16 1:18.27 AA 37.77 1:18.27 4 Taylor, Sophie J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:17.02 1:19.11 A 37.51 1:19.11 5 Pokorny, Maggie M 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:26.65 1:19.59 A 40.15 1:19.59 6 Willette, Delaney J 10 Rockdale-GA 1:20.39 1:20.24 A 39.45 1:20.24 7 Beckish, Lauren M 10 ASC-SC 1:21.10 1:20.78 A 39.83 1:20.78 8 Carlson, Amanda F 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:24.58 1:20.98 A 39.22 1:20.98 9 Ash, Anna P 10 ABSC-GA 1:29.98 1:22.06 A 41.19 1:22.06 10 Tophia, Chardonay A 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:27.82 1:25.03 BB 41.63 1:25.03 11 Bashir, Ariah S 9 UNAT-GA 1:29.77 1:26.23 BB 42.22 1:26.23 12 Garmon, Anna Marie M 10 ABSC-GA 1:33.66 1:28.50 BB 13 Marchman, Sara A 10 Rockdale-GA 1:27.18 1:28.92 BB 42.89 1:28.92 14 Walpole, Sarah E 9 UNHUR-GA 1:30.05 1:29.63 BB 15 Shafer, Brittney 10 NGA-GA NT 1:31.92 BB 44.08 1:31.92 16 McPike, Jade 10 Rockdale-GA 1:27.47 1:32.15 BB 44.32 1:32.15 17 Morris, Kensley 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:33.53 1:32.59 BB 43.96 1:32.59 18 Hollingsworth, Caroline 9 Hurricanes-GA 2:12.28 1:32.85 BB 45.20 1:32.85 19 Grand'Pierre, Emilie F 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:33.42 1:33.99 BB 46.12 1:33.99 20 Frank, Mattison C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:34.81 B 45.94 1:34.81 21 Cowles, Kate K 9 ABSC-GA 1:38.96 1:35.55 B 45.64 1:35.55 22 Olshanskaya, Elizabeth G 10 NGA-GA NT 1:36.28 B 46.75 1:36.28 23 Yund, Grace 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:49.36 1:36.57 B 47.09 1:36.57 24 Keys, Tylah T 10 GwinAq-GA 1:34.30 1:37.68 B 47.64 1:37.68 25 Jahns, Sarah G 10 GwinAq-GA 1:49.70 1:38.55 B 46.97 1:38.55 26 Mattison, Kate E 10 ABSC-GA 1:37.56 1:40.41 B 27 Manderson, Frances H 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:41.09 1:42.44 B 28 Toomey, Meghan E 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:56.99 1:44.61 B 51.37 1:44.61 29 Spruiell, Riley K 10 GwinAq-GA NT 1:44.70 B 30 Mosley, Sophie 9 Rockdale-GA 1:54.41 1:46.61 53.09 1:46.61 31 Middleton, Lauren E 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:53.83 1:47.75 32 Beckish, Kate M 9 ASC-SC 2:06.90 1:48.22 53.15 1:48.22 33 Blanchard, Evans M 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:43.71 1:49.82 34 Foreman, Maria L 9 NGA-GA NT 1:55.35 57.13 1:55.35 35 Ramsay, Shelby H 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:02.79 1:58.58 56.84 1:58.58 36 Elliot, Emily L 9 Hurricanes-GA NT 1:59.73 56.69 1:59.73 37 Dietz, Madison H 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:01.22 1:00.40 2:01.22 38 Pugh, Emma A 9 GwinAq-GA NT 2:03.52 58.17 2:03.52 39 Brooks, Skyla M 9 Hurricanes-GA NT 2:04.61 55.30 2:04.61 40 Hunter, Lea A 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:09.02 1:00.72 2:09.02 41 Theriault, Braeden 9 Hurricanes-GA NT 2:13.77 1:01.46 2:13.77 42 Connelly, Erin 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:24.02 1:10.44 2:24.02 43 Bahls, Sammy A 10 Hurricanes-GA NT 2:25.03 1:09.38 2:25.03 Girls 10 & Under 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 36.29 10&U AAAA 38.19 10&U AAA 40.09 10&U AA 41.99 10&U A 47.79 10&U BB 53.59 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Joassaint, Britheny 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 36.79 35.57 AAAA 2 Taylor, Sophie J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 40.73 39.96 AA 3 Bashir, Ariah S 9 UNAT-GA 42.96 41.02 A 4 Beckish, Lauren M 10 ASC-SC 44.09 41.12 A 5 Willette, Delaney J 10 Rockdale-GA 41.05 42.02 BB 6 Prendes, Mariah A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 43.90 42.14 BB 7 Mattison, Kate E 10 ABSC-GA 46.17 43.37 BB 8 Walpole, Alvena R 10 UNHUR-GA 44.05 43.70 BB 9 Garmon, Anna Marie M 10 ABSC-GA 44.09 44.41 BB 10 McPike, Jade 10 Rockdale-GA 45.22 45.25 BB 11 Grand'Pierre, Emilie F 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 45.64 46.03 BB 12 Tophia, Chardonay A 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 45.27 46.67 BB 13 Pokorny, Maggie M 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 47.63 46.84 BB 14 Rothschild, Elizabeth S 9 Barracudas-GA 52.76 47.40 BB 15 Morris, Kensley 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 47.56 47.63 BB 16 Shafer, Brittney 10 NGA-GA 50.56 47.64 BB 17 Ash, Anna P 10 ABSC-GA 51.22 47.94 B 18 Walpole, Sarah E 9 UNHUR-GA 50.78 48.02 B 19 Yund, Grace 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 50.46 48.53 B 20 Hollingsworth, Caroline 9 Hurricanes-GA 48.31 48.83 B 21 Carlson, Amanda F 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 54.34 49.36 B 22 Keys, Tylah T 10 GwinAq-GA 47.10 49.37 B 23 Mosley, Sophie 9 Rockdale-GA 49.84 49.45 B 24 Bradley, Emily M 10 Rockdale-GA 48.42 49.65 B 25 Marchman, Sara A 10 Rockdale-GA 47.60 49.66 B 26 Olshanskaya, Elizabeth G 10 NGA-GA 50.89 51.36 B 27 Frank, Mattison C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:15.27 51.40 B 28 Shah, Megha N 10 Barracudas-GA 52.65 52.14 B 29 Manderson, Frances H 10 Hurricanes-GA 50.69 53.58 B 30 Jahns, Sarah G 10 GwinAq-GA 54.12 53.86 31 Beckish, Kate M 9 ASC-SC 1:00.24 54.46 32 Rogers, Ava M 9 ASA-GA 57.36 56.67 33 Hunter, Lea A 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:09.25 57.43 34 Blanchard, Evans M 10 Hurricanes-GA 58.76 57.95 35 Toomey, Meghan E 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 59.26 59.55 36 Klausen, Ida D 9 ASA-GA NT 59.64 37 Spruiell, Riley K 10 GwinAq-GA 1:11.69 1:00.17 38 Elliot, Emily L 9 Hurricanes-GA 1:01.33 1:00.21 39 Foreman, Maria L 9 NGA-GA 1:05.25 1:00.63 40 Carey, Juliana L 9 GwinAq-GA NT 1:00.67 41 Pugh, Emma A 9 GwinAq-GA 1:03.70 1:00.83 42 Middleton, Lauren E 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:01.60 1:03.02 43 Brooks, Skyla M 9 Hurricanes-GA 58.45 1:03.53 44 Dullabh, Bianca J 10 ASA-GA 1:02.31 1:04.16 45 Adams, Analise E 9 ABSC-GA 1:07.72 1:06.53 46 Ramsay, Shelby H 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:06.52 1:08.52 47 Connelly, Erin 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:15.49 -- Semler, Katie T 9 NGA-GA NT DQ Downward butterfly kick -- Dietz, Madison H 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ One hand touch Girls 10 & Under 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:19.99 10&U AAAA 1:24.49 10&U AAA 1:28.89 10&U AA 1:33.39 10&U A 1:46.69 10&U BB 1:59.99 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Joassaint, Britheny 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:19.94 1:16.03 AAAA 36.82 1:16.03 2 Taylor, Sophie J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:28.01 1:23.96 AAA 40.20 1:23.96 3 Prendes, Mariah A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:35.55 1:28.13 AA 42.34 1:28.13 4 Matton, Caroline L 10 Barracudas-GA 1:31.53 1:28.14 AA 41.28 1:28.14 5 Beckish, Lauren M 10 ASC-SC 1:35.75 1:31.16 A 44.42 1:31.16 6 Willette, Delaney J 10 Rockdale-GA 1:32.01 1:33.27 A 43.16 1:33.27 7 Mattison, Kate E 10 ABSC-GA 1:39.82 1:33.44 BB 43.70 1:33.44 8 Bashir, Ariah S 9 UNAT-GA 1:34.78 1:34.30 BB 43.73 1:34.30 9 Walpole, Alvena R 10 UNHUR-GA 1:34.49 1:34.94 BB 45.13 1:34.94 10 Garmon, Anna Marie M 10 ABSC-GA 1:37.24 1:35.46 BB 44.55 1:35.46 11 McPike, Jade 10 Rockdale-GA 1:38.83 1:37.35 BB 46.36 1:37.35 12 Pokorny, Maggie M 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:45.01 1:40.12 BB 47.43 1:40.12 13 Tophia, Chardonay A 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:40.51 1:40.21 BB 48.74 1:40.21 14 Massey, Kate R 10 ABSC-GA 1:42.58 1:40.65 BB 48.15 1:40.65 15 Walpole, Sarah E 9 UNHUR-GA 1:42.36 1:40.88 BB 47.97 1:40.88 16 Morris, Kensley 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:46.02 1:42.75 BB 47.76 1:42.75 17 Yund, Grace 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:47.67 1:43.44 BB 48.93 1:43.44 18 Keys, Tylah T 10 GwinAq-GA 1:42.77 1:44.12 BB 49.88 1:44.12 19 Mattson, Hannah M 9 Hurricanes-GA 1:46.19 1:44.50 BB 48.89 1:44.50 20 Rothschild, Elizabeth S 9 Barracudas-GA 1:52.24 1:45.25 BB 49.18 1:45.25 21 Taylor, Lilliana M 8 ASC-SC 1:52.10 1:45.39 BB 51.29 1:45.39 22 Hollingsworth, Caroline 9 Hurricanes-GA 1:47.61 1:46.05 BB 49.88 1:46.05 23 Brossett, Emilie I 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:47.80 1:46.06 BB 49.61 1:46.06 24 Abeyta, Victoria P 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:06.56 1:46.79 B 48.91 1:46.79 25 Mosley, Sophie 9 Rockdale-GA 1:48.04 1:47.23 B 51.00 1:47.23 26 Shafer, Brittney 10 NGA-GA NT 1:48.33 B 50.73 1:48.33 27 Ash, Anna P 10 ABSC-GA 1:49.24 1:48.40 B 52.49 1:48.40 28 Bradley, Emily M 10 Rockdale-GA 1:46.22 1:48.92 B 51.79 1:48.92 29 Powell, Kelsey L 9 ABSC-GA 1:53.24 1:49.01 B 52.18 1:49.01 30 Moore, Christa Lynn L 9 ABSC-GA 1:48.42 1:50.52 B 53.45 1:50.52 31 Norton, Laney E 10 Rockdale-GA 1:52.98 1:51.12 B 51.01 1:51.12 32 Hicks, Deborah K 10 WAVE-GA 1:51.26 1:52.33 B 52.80 1:52.33 32 Frank, Mattison C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:52.33 B 52.55 1:52.33 34 Manderson, Frances H 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:53.08 1:53.73 B 51.22 1:53.73 35 Jones, Mallory E 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:51.92 1:54.22 B 51.40 1:54.22 36 Tilson, Mallory R 10 WAVE-GA NT 1:55.26 B 53.79 1:55.26 37 Jahns, Sarah G 10 GwinAq-GA 2:00.13 1:57.91 B 54.54 1:57.91 38 Olshanskaya, Elizabeth G 10 NGA-GA NT 1:58.36 B 55.80 1:58.36 39 Thompson, Kiara K 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:47.93 1:59.99 B 58.14 1:59.99 40 Elliot, Emily L 9 Hurricanes-GA 2:11.02 2:05.14 1:00.87 2:05.14 41 Middleton, Lauren E 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:16.33 2:06.27 1:00.00 2:06.27 42 Foreman, Maria L 9 NGA-GA NT 2:07.11 1:00.02 2:07.11 43 Patterson, Skyler R 9 Rockdale-GA 2:16.07 2:08.20 1:01.26 2:08.20 44 Hussin, Allison P 9 Hurricanes-GA 2:21.59 2:08.28 59.05 2:08.28 45 Bakun, Sigal V 9 ASA-GA 2:09.63 2:08.54 1:00.08 2:08.54 46 Beckish, Kate M 9 ASC-SC NT 2:14.24 1:04.97 2:14.24 47 Ramsay, Shelby H 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:38.31 2:29.84 1:11.06 2:29.84 48 Milon, Zion B 9 Rockdale-GA NT 2:34.80 1:13.19 2:34.80 49 Feger, Kaleigh G 9 Hurricanes-GA NT 2:36.60 1:14.55 2:36.60 -- Grand'Pierre, Emilie F 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:38.46 DQ One hand touch 46.96 DQ -- Connelly, Erin 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ One hand touch 1:14.91 DQ -- Dietz, Madison H 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ One hand touch 1:08.47 DQ Girls 10 & Under 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 31.49 10&U AAAA 33.39 10&U AAA 35.29 10&U AA 37.29 10&U A 42.99 10&U BB 48.79 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Joassaint, Britheny 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 29.72 28.90 AAAA 2 Taylor, Sophie J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 31.46 31.87 AAA 3 Walpole, Alvena R 10 UNHUR-GA 32.83 32.99 AAA 4 Prendes, Mariah A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 36.81 34.07 AA 5 Beckish, Lauren M 10 ASC-SC 35.65 35.34 A 6 Pokorny, Maggie M 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 37.52 36.63 A 7 Massey, Kate R 10 ABSC-GA 36.83 37.96 BB 8 Tophia, Chardonay A 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 36.43 37.98 BB 9 Walpole, Sarah E 9 UNHUR-GA 39.51 38.65 BB 10 Taylor, Lilliana M 8 ASC-SC 40.13 38.68 BB 11 Hicks, Deborah K 10 WAVE-GA 38.10 39.13 BB 12 Mattson, Hannah M 9 Hurricanes-GA 39.55 39.26 BB 13 Morris, Kensley 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 41.70 39.75 BB 14 Cowles, Kate K 9 ABSC-GA 41.07 40.18 BB 15 McPike, Jade 10 Rockdale-GA 38.17 40.49 BB 16 Norton, Laney E 10 Rockdale-GA 41.50 40.84 BB 17 Brossett, Emilie I 10 Hurricanes-GA 41.28 40.91 BB 18 Bashir, Ariah S 9 UNAT-GA 42.38 41.38 BB 19 Shafer, Brittney 10 NGA-GA 40.67 41.53 BB 20 Thompson, Kiara K 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 40.25 42.24 BB 21 Frank, Mattison C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 51.08 42.95 BB 22 Mattison, Kate E 10 ABSC-GA 41.62 43.00 B 23 Hollingsworth, Caroline 9 Hurricanes-GA 45.94 43.33 B 24 Jones, Mallory E 10 Hurricanes-GA 47.62 43.52 B 25 Swain, Clarke A 10 GwinAq-GA 44.20 43.69 B 26 Moore, Christa Lynn L 9 ABSC-GA 43.64 43.97 B 27 Ash, Anna P 10 ABSC-GA 44.97 44.25 B 28 Powell, Kelsey L 9 ABSC-GA 44.59 45.04 B 29 Manderson, Frances H 10 Hurricanes-GA 45.23 46.11 B 30 Spruiell, Riley K 10 GwinAq-GA 52.91 47.15 B 31 Grand'Pierre, Emilie F 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 47.28 47.89 B 32 Beckish, Kate M 9 ASC-SC 47.32 47.93 B 33 Yund, Grace 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 50.58 49.15 34 Carey, Juliana L 9 GwinAq-GA NT 50.14 35 Abeyta, Victoria P 10 Hurricanes-GA 52.77 50.70 36 Tilson, Mallory R 10 WAVE-GA 53.01 51.54 37 Mosley, Sophie 9 Rockdale-GA 52.49 52.16 38 Hussin, Allison P 9 Hurricanes-GA 54.31 52.68 39 Pugh, Emma A 9 GwinAq-GA 55.26 53.61 40 Gibson, Skye E 9 NGA-GA NT 53.72 41 Olshanskaya, Elizabeth G 10 NGA-GA 55.49 54.27 42 Patterson, Skyler R 9 Rockdale-GA 52.18 54.92 43 Hunter, Lea A 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 55.20 44 Foreman, Maria L 9 NGA-GA 57.79 55.70 45 Bakun, Sigal V 9 ASA-GA NT 59.28 46 Grantham, Shelby D 10 Rockdale-GA 1:01.86 59.90 47 Middleton, Lauren E 10 Hurricanes-GA 56.80 59.96 48 Ramsay, Shelby H 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:06.88 1:02.89 49 Elliot, Emily L 9 Hurricanes-GA NT 1:04.15 50 Dietz, Madison H 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:04.39 No touch 51 Feger, Kaleigh G 9 Hurricanes-GA 1:07.51 1:06.77 52 Connelly, Erin 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:07.02 53 Theriault, Braeden 9 Hurricanes-GA 1:10.89 1:09.88 54 Adams, Analise E 9 ABSC-GA 1:16.49 1:12.73 -- Semler, Katie T 9 NGA-GA NT DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Bahls, Sammy A 10 Hurricanes-GA NT DQ Arms underwater recovery Girls 10 & Under 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 1:11.29 10&U AAAA 1:16.49 10&U AAA 1:21.59 10&U AA 1:26.69 10&U A 1:42.09 10&U BB 1:57.49 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Joassaint, Britheny 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:09.19 1:06.72 AAAA 31.89 1:06.72 2 Taylor, Sophie J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:13.59 1:13.94 AAA 33.21 1:13.94 3 Walpole, Alvena R 10 UNHUR-GA 1:15.20 1:15.60 AAA 34.26 1:15.60 4 Prendes, Mariah A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:22.16 1:17.66 AA 36.56 1:17.66 5 Carlson, Amanda F 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:23.57 1:26.54 A 39.43 1:26.54 6 Beckish, Lauren M 10 ASC-SC 1:23.49 1:26.56 A 39.39 1:26.56 7 Tophia, Chardonay A 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:24.50 1:29.40 BB 41.88 1:29.40 8 Walpole, Sarah E 9 UNHUR-GA 1:33.29 1:29.80 BB 40.93 1:29.80 9 Pokorny, Maggie M 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:38.61 1:30.32 BB 42.37 1:30.32 10 Ash, Anna P 10 ABSC-GA 1:44.60 1:34.41 BB 45.61 1:34.41 11 Mattison, Kate E 10 ABSC-GA 1:33.58 1:38.83 BB 43.95 1:38.83 12 Frank, Mattison C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:39.01 BB 44.84 1:39.01 13 Morris, Kensley 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:43.14 1:39.26 BB 45.16 1:39.26 14 Shafer, Brittney 10 NGA-GA NT 1:42.35 B 45.09 1:42.35 15 Manderson, Frances H 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:44.36 1:47.94 B 48.23 1:47.94 16 Garmon, Anna Marie M 10 ABSC-GA 1:39.58 1:50.02 B 48.10 1:50.02 17 Cowles, Kate K 9 ABSC-GA NT 1:51.22 B 44.31 1:51.22 18 Toomey, Meghan E 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:53.18 2:00.65 55.47 2:00.65 19 Yund, Grace 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:01.34 2:08.25 57.49 2:08.25 20 Beckish, Kate M 9 ASC-SC NT 2:09.53 1:00.48 2:09.53 21 Blanchard, Evans M 10 Hurricanes-GA NT 2:12.97 1:00.12 2:12.97 22 Dietz, Madison H 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:26.20 Alternating Kick 1:11.67 2:26.20 23 Ramsay, Shelby H 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:28.59 2:29.97 1:06.29 2:29.97 24 Middleton, Lauren E 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:57.17 2:31.76 1:05.78 2:31.76 25 Brooks, Skyla M 9 Hurricanes-GA NT 2:36.15 Arms underwater recovery 1:09.49 2:36.15 26 Connelly, Erin 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:44.44 1:07.68 2:44.44 27 Theriault, Braeden 9 Hurricanes-GA NT 2:45.46 Alternating Kick 1:12.67 2:45.46 Girls 10 & Under 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== 1:11.49 10&U AAAA 1:15.19 10&U AAA 1:18.89 10&U AA 1:22.59 10&U A 1:33.79 10&U BB 1:44.99 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Joassaint, Britheny 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:08.66 1:06.74 AAAA 30.68 1:06.74 2 Taylor, Sophie J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:15.81 1:12.68 AAA 33.80 1:12.68 3 Prendes, Mariah A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:18.13 1:16.75 AA 35.76 1:16.75 4 Walpole, Alvena R 10 UNHUR-GA 1:18.84 1:17.01 AA 36.71 1:17.01 5 Willette, Delaney J 10 Rockdale-GA 1:21.40 1:19.10 A 36.74 1:19.10 6 Carlson, Amanda F 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:22.83 1:19.92 A 36.53 1:19.92 7 Pokorny, Maggie M 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:24.34 1:20.41 A 34.92 1:20.41 8 Beckish, Lauren M 10 ASC-SC 1:20.17 1:20.88 A 37.40 1:20.88 9 Tophia, Chardonay A 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:25.73 1:23.84 BB 38.71 1:23.84 10 Walpole, Sarah E 9 UNHUR-GA 1:29.29 1:25.03 BB 39.59 1:25.03 11 Bashir, Ariah S 9 UNAT-GA 1:28.80 1:25.14 BB 39.61 1:25.14 12 Garmon, Anna Marie M 10 ABSC-GA 1:28.26 1:27.25 BB 40.39 1:27.25 13 McPike, Jade 10 Rockdale-GA 1:25.72 1:27.44 BB 41.01 1:27.44 14 Marchman, Sara A 10 Rockdale-GA 1:27.73 1:28.55 BB 41.75 1:28.55 15 Morris, Kensley 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:30.58 1:28.92 BB 41.68 1:28.92 16 Shafer, Brittney 10 NGA-GA 1:32.65 1:30.14 BB 41.24 1:30.14 17 Hollingsworth, Caroline 9 Hurricanes-GA 1:36.88 1:30.30 BB 42.42 1:30.30 18 Grand'Pierre, Emilie F 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:31.76 1:31.29 BB 43.51 1:31.29 19 Mattison, Kate E 10 ABSC-GA 1:32.77 1:31.41 BB 42.47 1:31.41 20 Swain, Clarke A 10 GwinAq-GA 1:31.44 1:31.64 BB 42.42 1:31.64 21 Cowles, Kate K 9 ABSC-GA 1:33.76 1:32.21 BB 22 Frank, Mattison C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:51.57 1:34.06 B 43.46 1:34.06 23 Rothschild, Elizabeth S 9 Barracudas-GA 1:43.55 1:36.70 B 45.03 1:36.70 24 Keys, Tylah T 10 GwinAq-GA 1:36.28 1:37.27 B 47.64 1:37.27 25 Manderson, Frances H 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:34.51 1:38.66 B 45.02 1:38.66 26 Yund, Grace 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:42.03 1:38.94 B 49.39 1:38.94 27 Olshanskaya, Elizabeth G 10 NGA-GA 1:41.80 1:40.17 B 46.64 1:40.17 28 Mosley, Sophie 9 Rockdale-GA 1:47.84 1:40.42 B 49.08 1:40.42 29 Bradley, Emily M 10 Rockdale-GA 1:42.61 1:40.65 B 49.64 1:40.65 30 Shah, Megha N 10 Barracudas-GA 1:46.72 1:43.80 B 51.23 1:43.80 31 Jahns, Sarah G 10 GwinAq-GA 1:39.07 1:44.05 B 48.56 1:44.05 32 Spruiell, Riley K 10 GwinAq-GA 2:00.63 1:44.62 B 46.77 1:44.62 33 Blanchard, Evans M 10 Hurricanes-GA NT 1:45.37 48.08 1:45.37 34 Beckish, Kate M 9 ASC-SC 2:06.35 1:47.52 49.76 1:47.52 35 Klausen, Ida D 9 ASA-GA NT 1:47.71 46.31 1:47.71 36 Arasin, Ali M 10 ASA-GA 1:52.40 1:48.54 51.42 1:48.54 37 Middleton, Lauren E 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:48.37 1:49.00 50.48 1:49.00 38 Hunter, Lea A 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:11.65 1:51.32 51.55 1:51.32 39 Toomey, Meghan E 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:49.46 1:52.36 52.05 1:52.36 40 Pugh, Emma A 9 GwinAq-GA 1:58.84 1:53.74 54.76 1:53.74 41 Gibson, Skye E 9 NGA-GA 2:15.00 1:54.24 48.80 1:54.24 42 Foreman, Maria L 9 NGA-GA 1:58.64 1:55.50 55.93 1:55.50 43 Brooks, Skyla M 9 Hurricanes-GA 2:03.56 1:57.49 56.78 1:57.49 44 Ramsay, Shelby H 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:05.44 2:04.75 56.52 2:04.75 45 Semler, Katie T 9 NGA-GA NT 2:10.63 59.53 2:10.63 -- Dietz, Madison H 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ One hand touch - breast 54.61 DQ -- Connelly, Erin 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Strokes out of sequence - IM 1:04.07 DQ -- Theriault, Braeden 9 Hurricanes-GA 2:15.47 DQ 59.69 DQ -- Carey, Juliana L 9 GwinAq-GA NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast - back 56.80 DQ -- Ash, Anna P 10 ABSC-GA 1:32.21 DQ Strokes out of sequence - IM 40.23 DQ -- Dullabh, Bianca J 10 ASA-GA 2:45.90 DQ Non-simultaneous arms - fly 1:09.85 DQ -- Adams, Analise E 9 ABSC-GA 2:20.98 DQ One hand touch - breast 1:04.76 DQ Girls 10 & Under 400 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Taylor, Sophie J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 5:33.38 -- Prendes, Mariah A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 5:52.50 DQ Girls 10 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 1:56.43 1:55.74 1) Joassaint, Britheny 10 2) Pokorny, Maggie M 9 3) Prendes, Mariah A 10 4) Taylor, Sophie J 10 27.01 58.63 1:27.72 1:55.74 2 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' 2:25.27 2:13.89 1) Morris, Kensley 10 2) Frank, Mattison C 10 3) Yund, Grace 10 4) Carlson, Amanda F 10 33.19 1:08.53 2:13.89 2:13.89 3 Rockdale County Riptides-GA 'A' 2:17.65 2:15.28 1) Willette, Delaney J 10 2) Bradley, Emily M 10 3) McPike, Jade 10 4) Marchman, Sara A 10 31.43 1:09.39 1:42.73 2:15.28 4 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 2:20.74 2:19.44 1) Garmon, Anna Marie M 10 2) Cowles, Kate K 9 3) Ash, Anna P 10 4) Mattison, Kate E 10 35.24 1:10.24 1:44.62 2:19.44 5 Columbus Aquatic Club-GA 'A' 2:32.14 2:26.05 1) Blanchard, Evans M 10 2) Middleton, Lauren E 10 3) Manderson, Frances H 10 4) Hollingsworth, Caroline F 9 35.30 1:13.55 1:50.99 2:26.05 6 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 2:33.76 2:26.79 1) Swain, Clarke A 10 2) Spruiell, Riley K 10 3) Jahns, Sarah G 10 4) Keys, Tylah T 10 34.75 1:13.34 1:51.30 2:26.79 7 North Georgia Aquatics-GA 'A' 2:32.42 2:29.06 1) Gibson, Skye E 9 2) Shafer, Brittney 10 3) Olshanskaya, Elizabeth G 10 4) Foreman, Maria L 9 33.19 1:07.65 1:49.20 2:29.06 8 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'C' NT x2:56.55 1) Toomey, Meghan E 10 2) Dietz, Madison H 10 3) Connelly, Erin 9 4) Hunter, Lea A 9 41.91 1:27.70 2:14.90 2:56.55 9 Asa-GA 'A' 2:46.01 3:01.60 1) Arasin, Ali M 10 2) Figg, Nika M 10 3) Dullabh, Bianca J 10 4) Klausen, Ida D 9 40.29 1:29.13 2:23.04 3:01.60 10 Columbus Aquatic Club-GA 'B' 3:03.61 3:01.62 1) Brooks, Skyla M 9 2) Theriault, Braeden 9 3) Elliot, Emily L 9 4) Ramsay, Shelby H 10 45.50 1:35.46 2:19.73 3:01.62 Girls 10 & Under 200 Yard Medley Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 2:14.97 2:13.67 1) Prendes, Mariah A 10 2) Joassaint, Britheny 10 3) Taylor, Sophie J 10 4) Pokorny, Maggie M 9 36.56 1:12.91 2:13.67 2:13.67 2 Rockdale County Riptides-GA 'A' 2:35.69 2:38.48 1) Norton, Laney E 10 2) Willette, Delaney J 10 3) McPike, Jade 10 4) Marchman, Sara A 10 43.90 1:27.23 2:05.90 2:38.48 3 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 2:35.57 2:40.28 1) Ash, Anna P 10 2) Garmon, Anna Marie M 10 3) Massey, Kate R 10 4) Powell, Kelsey L 9 41.57 1:27.99 2:05.18 2:40.28 4 Columbus Aquatic Club-GA 'A' 2:42.81 2:50.46 1) Mattson, Hannah M 9 2) Abeyta, Victoria P 10 3) Brossett, Emilie I 10 4) Hollingsworth, Caroline F 9 40.13 1:29.68 2:15.15 2:50.46 5 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 2:58.79 2:58.52 1) Swain, Evan W 8 2) Keys, Tylah T 10 3) Swain, Clarke A 10 4) Jahns, Sarah G 10 49.35 1:06.15 2:20.81 2:58.52 6 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' 2:51.14 2:58.98 1) Dietz, Madison H 10 2) Frank, Mattison C 10 3) Morris, Kensley 10 4) Yund, Grace 10 53.63 1:47.08 2:25.49 2:58.98 7 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'B' 2:49.57 3:05.61 1) Adams, Analise E 9 2) Mattison, Kate E 10 3) Cowles, Kate K 9 4) Moore, Christa Lynn L 9 1:05.87 1:46.94 2:29.75 3:05.61 8 North Georgia Aquatics-GA 'A' 2:51.45 3:17.31 1) 2) Olshanskaya, Elizabeth G 10 3) Shafer, Brittney 10 4) Foreman, Maria L 9 57.35 1:49.15 2:32.45 3:17.31 9 Rockdale County Riptides-GA 'B' 3:11.52 3:21.97 1) Grantham, Shelby D 10 2) Mosley, Sophie 9 3) Patterson, Skyler R 9 4) Bradley, Emily M 10 54.89 1:14.82 2:41.08 3:21.97 10 Asa-GA 'A' NT 3:28.16 1) Rogers, Ava M 9 2) Bakun, Sigal V 9 3) Klausen, Ida D 9 4) Arasin, Ali M 10 11 Asa-GA 'B' NT 3:34.62 1) Figg, Nika M 10 2) Harris, Sophie H 10 3) Watkins, Juliette I 8 4) Allaway, Robyn E 8 12 Columbus Aquatic Club-GA 'C' 3:48.40 3:43.44 1) Ramsay, Shelby H 10 2) Elliot, Emily L 9 3) Feger, Kaleigh G 9 4) Theriault, Braeden 9 Girls 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 25.99 11-12 AAAA 27.09 11-12 AAA 28.29 11-12 AA 29.49 11-12 A 31.89 11-12 BB 34.29 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Allen, Caroline F 12 ABSC-GA 28.03 27.40 AA 2 DellaTorre, Danielle G 11 ABSC-GA 27.44 27.46 AA 3 Porter, Camille C 12 ABSC-GA 28.46 27.72 AA 4 Heilman, Katie C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 27.88 28.64 A 5 Carter, Kamryn T 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 28.55 28.96 A 6 OH, Caitlin E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 28.10 28.97 A 7 Lane, Sara Jean J 12 UNAT-GA 29.50 29.16 A 8 Nekrasas, Grace A 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 29.56 29.34 A 9 Layde, Molly C 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 30.27 29.41 A 10 Shirley, Alexis J 11 ABSC-GA 29.49 29.72 BB 11 McDonald, Nia E 12 Rockdale-GA 29.51 29.73 BB 12 Hammett, Bailee M 12 GwinAq-GA 29.50 29.96 BB 13 Lewis, Billye D 11 Rockdale-GA 30.35 30.24 BB 14 Mauldin, Gracie E 11 ABSC-GA 30.49 30.33 BB 15 Rogan, Skylar M 12 ABSC-GA 29.54 30.48 BB 16 Grand'Pierre, Audree E 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 30.47 30.63 BB 17 Moon, Kendell R 12 ABSC-GA 31.46 30.97 BB 18 Hicks, Martha C 11 WAVE-GA 30.96 31.00 BB 19 Licciardello, Nicole E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 30.68 31.15 BB 20 Tilson, Bethany C 12 WAVE-GA 31.15 31.22 BB 21 Williamson, Grace C 11 ABSC-GA 30.30 31.32 BB 22 Blackstock, Lilli P 11 ABSC-GA 30.58 31.36 BB 23 Blankenship, Kai E 11 Orcas-GA 30.95 31.43 BB 24 Cooper, Corrine 12 Rockdale-GA 31.20 31.44 BB 25 Tischendorf, Taylor J 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 32.32 31.48 BB 26 Perry, Heather E 12 ABSC-GA 30.26 31.57 BB 27 Lenhart, Jaclyn J 11 Barracudas-GA 31.63 31.75 BB 28 Barrett, Abbey G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 32.21 31.76 BB 29 Armstrong, Amanda K 11 Rockdale-GA 31.43 31.95 B 30 Goodridge, Imani 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 32.91 32.00 B 31 LaFlamme, Chantal C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 32.52 32.16 B 32 West, Sophia L 11 Barracudas-GA 33.31 32.62 B 33 Sheng, Rachel 12 NGA-GA 34.31 32.78 B 34 Vogel, Avery E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 32.79 B 35 Mitchell, Caroline E 11 ABSC-GA 33.03 32.87 B 36 Culbertson, Abby E 11 GwinAq-GA 33.93 33.06 B 37 Arnold, Carmen m 11 Swordfish-GA 33.51 33.10 B 38 Rhee, Amy 11 NGA-GA 32.54 33.51 B 39 Ramos, Daniela A 11 Swordfish-GA 34.47 33.81 B 40 Rogers, Sophie M 11 ASA-GA 35.74 33.84 B 41 DiMuzio, Luci J 11 ASC-SC 38.51 33.91 B 42 Wilmoth, Jordan D 12 UNAT-GA 34.70 33.92 B 43 Cecil, Emory B 12 NGA-GA 35.26 34.20 B 44 Pickens, Charlie A 11 ASC-SC 33.78 34.26 B 45 Bashir, Khymorah E 11 Swordfish-GA 36.59 35.04 46 Hilliard, Allie N 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 34.71 35.05 47 Shepard, Hayley N 11 GwinAq-GA 33.07 35.22 48 Koschella, Alice A 12 GwinAq-GA 37.14 35.28 49 Skalko, Hannah S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 35.55 50 Goodridge, Nia 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 36.86 36.42 51 Brown, Brianna D 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 32.08 37.34 52 Vogt, Christina A 11 ABSC-GA 40.08 37.36 53 Ainsworth, Grace L 11 NGA-GA 36.71 37.55 54 Matta, Sara f 11 ASC-SC NT 38.83 55 Paredes, Isabella 11 ASA-GA NT 39.05 56 Van Hosen, Julia R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 37.30 39.22 57 Royer, Sabourah C 12 Rockdale-GA 39.91 39.28 58 Winbush, Skylar V 11 GwinAq-GA 39.12 40.35 59 Johnson, Gabby E 11 Rockdale-GA 39.88 40.45 60 Haidari, Sarah E 11 ASA-GA 43.92 40.77 61 Hunter, Imani L 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 40.88 62 Moore, Allison L 12 ASA-GA NT 42.23 63 Arasin, Katie E 11 ASA-GA 41.40 42.38 64 Belanger-Giguere, Kelly 11 Orcas-GA 42.04 43.46 65 Hawkins, Julia R 11 WAVE-GA 39.61 43.48 66 Goodroe, Nyssa V 11 Hurricanes-GA 41.77 45.32 67 Porter, Karis R 11 Hurricanes-GA NT 46.41 68 Moore, Caitlin J 12 ASA-GA NT 48.07 Girls 11-12 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 55.19 11-12 AAAA 57.79 11-12 AAA 1:00.49 11-12 AA 1:03.09 11-12 A 1:08.29 11-12 BB 1:13.59 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Carter, Kamryn T 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:02.01 1:00.95 A 29.86 1:00.95 2 DellaTorre, Danielle G 11 ABSC-GA 1:02.35 1:01.64 A 29.99 1:01.64 3 Heilman, Katie C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:02.17 1:01.74 A 29.47 1:01.74 4 Nekrasas, Grace A 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:04.22 1:02.75 A 29.91 1:02.75 5 OH, Caitlin E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:02.34 1:02.96 A 30.59 1:02.96 6 Porter, Camille C 12 ABSC-GA 1:03.20 1:03.31 BB 30.61 1:03.31 7 Hammett, Bailee M 12 GwinAq-GA 1:06.36 1:04.55 BB 31.67 1:04.55 8 Lane, Sara Jean J 12 UNAT-GA 1:04.23 1:04.67 BB 31.05 1:04.67 9 Rogan, Skylar M 12 ABSC-GA 1:05.08 1:05.83 BB 32.21 1:05.83 10 Shirley, Alexis J 11 ABSC-GA 1:06.10 1:06.07 BB 31.94 1:06.07 11 Lewis, Billye D 11 Rockdale-GA 1:06.06 1:06.26 BB 31.03 1:06.26 12 Layde, Molly C 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:06.53 1:06.34 BB 32.16 1:06.34 13 Mauldin, Gracie E 11 ABSC-GA 1:07.59 1:06.57 BB 31.81 1:06.57 14 Rogan, Madison M 12 ABSC-GA 1:05.46 1:06.78 BB 32.41 1:06.78 15 McDonald, Nia E 12 Rockdale-GA 1:08.21 1:07.37 BB 32.80 1:07.37 16 Barrett, Abbey G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:08.94 1:07.96 BB 32.84 1:07.96 17 Tischendorf, Taylor J 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:09.76 1:08.41 B 33.29 1:08.41 18 Moon, Kendell R 12 ABSC-GA 1:10.36 1:08.56 B 19 Blackstock, Lilli P 11 ABSC-GA 1:09.50 1:08.57 B 32.98 1:08.57 20 LaFlamme, Chantal C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:12.62 1:09.27 B 33.28 1:09.27 21 Licciardello, Nicole E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:10.19 1:10.16 B 33.07 1:10.16 22 Lenhart, Jaclyn J 11 Barracudas-GA 1:11.22 1:10.19 B 33.29 1:10.19 23 Grand'Pierre, Audree E 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:08.92 1:10.69 B 32.96 1:10.69 24 Williamson, Grace C 11 ABSC-GA 1:09.31 1:11.46 B 34.44 1:11.46 25 Goodridge, Imani 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:11.78 1:12.05 B 33.73 1:12.05 26 Vogel, Avery E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:13.25 B 34.69 1:13.25 27 Culbertson, Abby E 11 GwinAq-GA 1:15.78 1:13.85 34.61 1:13.85 28 Arnold, Carmen m 11 Swordfish-GA 1:14.96 1:14.08 35.39 1:14.08 29 West, Sophia L 11 Barracudas-GA 1:13.61 1:14.26 35.71 1:14.26 30 Rhee, Amy 11 NGA-GA 1:20.94 1:15.31 36.80 1:15.31 31 Sheng, Rachel 12 NGA-GA 1:14.69 1:15.60 36.50 1:15.60 32 Armstrong, Amanda K 11 Rockdale-GA 1:12.65 1:16.12 35.43 1:16.12 33 Mitchell, Caroline E 11 ABSC-GA 1:17.05 1:17.11 34 Ramos, Daniela A 11 Swordfish-GA 1:17.15 1:18.00 35 Cecil, Emory B 12 NGA-GA 1:20.07 1:18.23 38.18 1:18.23 36 Wilmoth, Jordan D 12 UNAT-GA NT 1:18.27 37 Hilliard, Allie N 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:14.72 1:18.48 36.88 1:18.48 38 DiMuzio, Luci J 11 ASC-SC NT 1:19.06 35.80 1:19.06 39 Koschella, Alice A 12 GwinAq-GA NT 1:19.41 37.84 1:19.41 40 Bashir, Khymorah E 11 Swordfish-GA 1:23.91 1:22.08 38.65 1:22.08 41 Goodridge, Nia 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:25.44 1:22.28 42 Shepard, Hayley N 11 GwinAq-GA 1:20.56 1:22.93 40.09 1:22.93 43 Rogers, Sophie M 11 ASA-GA 1:29.36 1:23.01 37.55 1:23.01 44 Ainsworth, Grace L 11 NGA-GA 1:20.49 1:25.10 40.94 1:25.10 45 Vogt, Christina A 11 ABSC-GA NT 1:25.61 40.41 1:25.61 46 Matta, Sara f 11 ASC-SC NT 1:26.03 42.63 1:26.03 47 Skalko, Hannah S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:27.54 40.01 1:27.54 48 Barron, Jennifer M 11 Hurricanes-GA 1:27.49 1:28.54 40.30 1:28.54 49 Winbush, Skylar V 11 GwinAq-GA 1:40.25 1:28.99 41.99 1:28.99 50 Royer, Sabourah C 12 Rockdale-GA 1:37.12 1:29.65 41.18 1:29.65 51 Hunter, Imani L 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:39.10 1:44.74 48.51 1:44.74 -- Johnson, Gabby E 11 Rockdale-GA NT DQ No touch on turn 40.84 DQ Girls 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 2:02.39 11-12 AAAA 2:08.19 11-12 AAA 2:14.09 11-12 AA 2:19.89 11-12 A 2:31.49 11-12 BB 2:43.19 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Carter, Kamryn T 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:14.04 2:10.64 AA 29.91 1:02.63 1:37.17 2:10.64 2 Allen, Caroline F 12 ABSC-GA 2:11.02 2:10.92 AA 29.67 1:02.53 1:37.12 2:10.92 3 OH, Caitlin E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:15.91 2:14.78 A 30.34 1:03.94 1:39.30 2:14.78 4 DellaTorre, Danielle G 11 ABSC-GA 2:17.83 2:15.13 A 31.39 1:06.38 1:41.64 2:15.13 5 Heilman, Katie C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:20.02 2:16.39 A 31.01 1:05.51 1:41.74 2:16.39 6 Rogan, Skylar M 12 ABSC-GA 2:20.13 2:19.00 A 32.56 1:07.13 1:43.63 2:19.00 7 Hammett, Bailee M 12 GwinAq-GA 2:25.36 2:21.00 BB 32.49 1:09.16 1:46.52 2:21.00 8 Layde, Molly C 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:24.11 2:21.27 BB 32.66 1:08.27 1:44.82 2:21.27 9 Porter, Camille C 12 ABSC-GA 2:22.11 2:21.69 BB 32.44 1:08.74 1:46.44 2:21.69 10 Nekrasas, Grace A 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:23.16 2:23.28 BB 31.89 1:08.39 1:46.65 2:23.28 11 Rogan, Madison M 12 ABSC-GA 2:22.13 2:23.43 BB 33.14 1:09.45 1:46.79 2:23.43 12 Shirley, Alexis J 11 ABSC-GA 2:37.52 2:23.98 BB 1:09.42 1:46.89 2:23.98 13 Adams, Alexis A 11 ABSC-GA 2:24.92 2:26.46 BB 33.62 1:12.03 1:50.29 2:26.46 14 Mauldin, Gracie E 11 ABSC-GA 2:26.45 2:26.51 BB 33.55 1:11.88 1:50.06 2:26.51 15 Lewis, Billye D 11 Rockdale-GA 2:24.43 2:26.85 BB 32.23 1:09.43 1:48.85 2:26.85 16 Barrett, Abbey G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:33.26 2:27.49 BB 33.24 1:10.66 1:49.08 2:27.49 17 Tischendorf, Taylor J 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:29.76 2:29.62 BB 33.98 1:12.22 1:51.21 2:29.62 18 Blackstock, Lilli P 11 ABSC-GA 2:36.97 2:30.49 BB 34.50 1:12.83 1:52.32 2:30.49 19 Williamson, Grace C 11 ABSC-GA 2:32.46 2:30.67 BB 34.02 1:11.58 1:52.40 2:30.67 20 Moon, Kendell R 12 ABSC-GA 2:36.94 2:32.78 B 34.92 1:14.12 1:54.06 2:32.78 21 Licciardello, Nicole E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:34.03 2:33.48 B 34.53 1:14.38 1:56.03 2:33.48 22 LaFlamme, Chantal C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:35.76 2:33.70 B 34.84 1:14.94 1:56.98 2:33.70 23 Grand'Pierre, Audree E 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:36.67 2:38.08 B 33.87 1:14.62 1:57.50 2:38.08 24 Culbertson, Abby E 11 GwinAq-GA 2:57.15 2:38.68 B 35.41 1:16.44 1:59.26 2:38.68 25 Vogel, Avery E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:39.16 B 34.69 1:14.32 1:57.11 2:39.16 26 West, Sophia L 11 Barracudas-GA 2:54.71 2:43.54 36.19 1:16.81 2:00.39 2:43.54 27 Rhee, Amy 11 NGA-GA 2:56.93 2:44.93 35.93 1:17.18 2:01.31 2:44.93 28 Wilmoth, Jordan D 12 UNAT-GA 3:06.11 2:46.24 36.46 2:46.24 29 Mitchell, Caroline E 11 ABSC-GA 2:53.31 2:47.91 35.48 1:19.03 2:04.27 2:47.91 30 Sheng, Rachel 12 NGA-GA 2:59.47 2:48.11 36.70 1:19.06 2:03.96 2:48.11 31 Pickens, Charlie A 11 ASC-SC 2:43.52 2:50.08 38.11 1:21.73 2:06.62 2:50.08 32 Tilson, Bethany C 12 WAVE-GA NT 2:52.06 36.38 1:17.76 2:00.32 2:52.06 33 Koschella, Alice A 12 GwinAq-GA 3:05.76 2:52.54 38.08 1:22.58 2:09.54 2:52.54 34 Goodridge, Imani 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:51.08 2:52.66 36.29 1:20.14 2:06.31 2:52.66 35 Cecil, Emory B 12 NGA-GA 2:55.84 2:54.72 37.67 1:22.02 2:09.61 2:54.72 36 Hilliard, Allie N 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:49.80 2:55.46 38.66 1:24.82 2:11.67 2:55.46 37 Ainsworth, Grace L 11 NGA-GA 2:53.98 2:57.59 40.09 1:26.51 2:12.93 2:57.59 38 Goodridge, Nia 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 3:02.43 2:58.53 38.31 1:23.76 2:13.09 2:58.53 39 Shepard, Hayley N 11 GwinAq-GA 3:09.65 3:00.30 39.86 1:26.12 2:13.61 3:00.30 40 Vogt, Christina A 11 ABSC-GA NT 3:04.30 42.63 1:30.36 3:13.14 3:04.30 41 Murphy, Allie J 11 Hurricanes-GA 3:45.91 3:07.38 1:31.20 3:40.17 3:07.38 42 Winbush, Skylar V 11 GwinAq-GA NT 3:09.82 44.77 1:34.76 2:27.24 3:09.82 43 Van Hosen, Julia R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:15.09 3:12.17 40.04 1:28.03 2:22.74 3:12.17 44 Haidari, Sarah E 11 ASA-GA 4:35.23 3:26.98 42.78 1:35.78 2:33.02 3:26.98 45 Hawkins, Julia R 11 WAVE-GA 3:18.79 3:33.88 44.56 1:39.78 2:37.58 3:33.88 46 Skalko, Hannah S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 3:35.51 38.60 1:30.28 2:32.27 3:35.51 47 Goodroe, Nyssa V 11 Hurricanes-GA NT 3:48.26 43.69 1:46.17 2:51.54 3:48.26 48 Porter, Karis R 11 Hurricanes-GA 3:32.55 3:52.35 47.90 1:47.40 2:49.01 3:52.35 -- Johnson, Gabby E 11 Rockdale-GA NT DQ No touch on turn 43.98 DQ Girls 11-12 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 5:23.09 11-12 AAAA 5:38.49 11-12 AAA 5:53.89 11-12 AA 6:09.29 11-12 A 6:40.09 11-12 BB 7:10.79 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Lane, Sara Jean J 12 UNAT-GA 6:15.20 6:09.22 A 31.53 1:07.50 1:45.04 2:23.45 3:02.23 3:40.71 4:18.66 4:56.93 5:35.02 6:09.22 2 DellaTorre, Danielle G 11 ABSC-GA 6:18.99 6:09.26 A 33.09 1:10.26 1:47.85 2:24.97 3:02.66 3:41.34 4:18.63 4:56.92 5:34.08 6:09.26 3 Porter, Camille C 12 ABSC-GA 6:25.06 6:18.27 BB 33.45 1:10.61 1:49.03 2:27.36 3:06.15 3:45.21 4:24.51 5:03.11 5:42.02 6:18.27 4 Adams, Alexis A 11 ABSC-GA 6:29.09 6:23.86 BB 33.30 1:11.19 1:49.80 2:28.22 3:07.96 3:47.84 4:27.94 5:08.27 5:48.13 6:23.86 5 Perry, Heather E 12 ABSC-GA 6:31.05 6:24.32 BB 33.77 1:12.06 1:51.51 2:31.15 3:10.84 3:50.79 4:30.43 5:10.15 5:48.72 6:24.32 6 Heilman, Katie C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 6:30.82 BB 33.45 1:12.15 1:52.35 2:32.17 3:12.38 3:52.66 4:33.55 5:13.62 5:53.70 6:30.82 7 Licciardello, Nicole E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 6:45.12 B 34.89 1:15.81 1:57.20 2:39.26 3:22.47 4:04.86 4:46.97 5:29.17 6:08.77 6:45.12 8 Vogel, Avery E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 7:00.45 B 35.95 1:16.44 1:58.80 2:41.80 3:24.54 4:08.26 4:51.62 5:35.35 6:18.25 7:00.45 9 Lewis, Billye D 11 Rockdale-GA 6:38.63 7:02.93 B 34.83 1:15.87 1:58.85 2:44.45 3:27.38 4:11.25 4:55.50 5:38.85 6:21.85 7:02.93 10 LaFlamme, Chantal C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 7:19.63 7:07.53 B 35.20 1:18.09 2:00.41 2:44.54 3:28.61 4:12.49 4:58.11 5:41.93 6:24.96 7:07.53 11 Pickens, Charlie A 11 ASC-SC 7:09.07 7:27.66 37.16 1:21.78 2:07.35 2:53.88 3:40.81 4:27.17 5:13.04 5:59.66 6:44.82 7:27.66 12 Armstrong, Amanda K 11 Rockdale-GA NT 7:41.77 36.55 1:21.74 2:08.97 3:44.81 4:33.06 5:21.41 6:10.23 7:41.77 13 Hilliard, Allie N 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 7:36.08 7:47.55 40.25 1:27.93 2:17.21 3:04.37 3:52.39 4:40.33 5:28.94 6:16.10 7:03.07 7:47.55 14 Murphy, Allie J 11 Hurricanes-GA 8:44.65 8:22.70 1:51.54 2:29.72 8:22.70 Girls 11-12 1000 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 11:15.19 11-12 AAAA 11:47.39 11-12 AAA 12:19.49 11-12 AA 12:51.69 11-12 A 13:55.99 11-12 BB 15:00.29 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Allen, Caroline F 12 ABSC-GA 11:45.00 11:54.49 AA 31.49 1:06.37 1:42.05 2:17.37 2:52.36 3:27.49 4:03.83 4:40.29 5:16.65 5:52.89 6:28.84 7:05.11 7:42.36 8:18.32 8:54.88 9:30.70 10:07.89 10:44.38 11:19.71 11:54.49 2 Carter, Kamryn T 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 12:20.46 A 33.54 1:09.49 1:46.37 2:23.86 3:00.91 3:38.76 4:16.25 4:53.74 5:32.10 6:09.51 6:47.39 7:25.22 8:03.34 9:19.16 9:56.92 10:34.35 11:11.17 11:47.71 12:20.46 12:20.46 3 Nekrasas, Grace A 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 13:29.56 BB 35.04 1:14.17 1:54.63 2:35.15 3:15.35 3:56.24 4:37.23 5:18.63 5:59.82 6:41.58 7:22.96 8:04.31 8:45.93 9:27.15 10:08.26 10:49.42 11:30.44 12:11.42 12:51.47 13:29.56 4 Layde, Molly C 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 13:31.03 BB 34.80 1:12.78 1:52.47 2:32.83 3:13.27 3:53.89 4:34.75 5:15.51 5:56.04 6:36.59 7:17.30 7:57.83 8:38.44 9:19.96 10:01.60 10:44.09 11:27.16 12:09.22 12:50.58 13:31.03 5 Hicks, Martha C 11 WAVE-GA NT 13:41.86 BB 35.34 1:15.21 1:56.53 2:39.89 3:21.67 4:04.62 4:47.94 5:30.43 6:12.67 6:54.10 7:36.68 8:18.21 8:59.97 9:42.80 10:22.67 11:03.83 11:44.28 12:26.33 13:04.51 13:41.86 6 Tischendorf, Taylor J 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 14:07.91 13:56.54 B 36.22 1:15.75 1:56.42 2:37.82 3:19.99 4:01.89 4:44.47 5:26.16 6:08.79 6:52.20 7:34.79 8:17.48 9:00.55 9:43.65 10:26.52 11:08.91 11:51.12 12:34.01 13:15.95 13:56.54 Girls 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 29.69 11-12 AAAA 31.09 11-12 AAA 32.49 11-12 AA 33.89 11-12 A 36.79 11-12 BB 39.59 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Allen, Caroline F 12 ABSC-GA 31.13 31.33 AA 2 Porter, Camille C 12 ABSC-GA 32.41 32.10 AA 3 DellaTorre, Danielle G 11 ABSC-GA 34.07 32.35 AA 4 OH, Caitlin E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 32.45 32.98 A 5 Lane, Sara Jean J 12 UNAT-GA 33.99 33.08 A 6 Heilman, Katie C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 34.60 33.61 A 7 Nekrasas, Grace A 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 34.94 33.71 A 8 Carter, Kamryn T 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 33.92 34.10 BB 9 Blackstock, Lilli P 11 ABSC-GA 35.26 34.26 BB 10 Barrett, Abbey G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 35.38 34.56 BB 11 Layde, Molly C 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 35.08 34.58 BB 12 Grand'Pierre, Audree E 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 34.34 34.68 BB 13 Mauldin, Gracie E 11 ABSC-GA 34.98 34.98 BB 14 Tischendorf, Taylor J 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 35.75 35.22 BB 15 Pickens, Charlie A 11 ASC-SC 37.46 35.57 BB 16 Perry, Heather E 12 ABSC-GA 37.28 35.90 BB 17 Armstrong, Amanda K 11 Rockdale-GA 35.86 36.01 BB 18 Lewis, Billye D 11 Rockdale-GA 36.04 36.10 BB 19 Tilson, Bethany C 12 WAVE-GA 36.90 36.60 BB 20 Moon, Kendell R 12 ABSC-GA 38.13 36.69 BB 21 Shirley, Alexis J 11 ABSC-GA 36.81 36.77 BB 22 Adams, Alexis A 11 ABSC-GA 38.47 36.85 B 23 Culbertson, Abby E 11 GwinAq-GA 38.53 36.93 B 24 Williamson, Grace C 11 ABSC-GA 36.51 36.96 B 25 Hicks, Martha C 11 WAVE-GA 38.10 37.32 B 26 Mitchell, Caroline E 11 ABSC-GA 39.30 37.67 B 27 Licciardello, Nicole E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 37.82 37.74 B 28 Rogan, Madison M 12 ABSC-GA 37.20 38.35 B 29 Vogel, Avery E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 38.43 B 30 Blankenship, Kai E 11 Orcas-GA 39.76 38.44 B 31 Arnold, Carmen m 11 Swordfish-GA 39.96 38.56 B 32 Cooper, Corrine 12 Rockdale-GA 37.59 38.65 B 33 LaFlamme, Chantal C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 40.47 39.19 B 34 Ramos, Daniela A 11 Swordfish-GA 39.83 40.06 35 Goodridge, Imani 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 39.53 40.62 36 Cecil, Emory B 12 NGA-GA 43.04 40.89 37 Wilmoth, Jordan D 12 UNAT-GA 43.12 41.14 38 Sheng, Rachel 12 NGA-GA 43.21 41.17 39 Hilliard, Allie N 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 40.86 41.61 40 DiMuzio, Luci J 11 ASC-SC 43.74 41.72 41 Bashir, Khymorah E 11 Swordfish-GA 44.52 42.16 42 Rhee, Amy 11 NGA-GA 46.55 42.60 43 Goodridge, Nia 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 41.31 43.63 44 Murphy, Allie J 11 Hurricanes-GA NT 45.19 45 Van Hosen, Julia R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 49.23 46.74 46 Porter, Karis R 11 Hurricanes-GA 49.81 46.94 47 Rogers, Sophie M 11 ASA-GA 45.30 47.06 48 Hawkins, Julia R 11 WAVE-GA 47.62 47.15 49 Skalko, Hannah S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 47.72 50 Matta, Sara f 11 ASC-SC NT 48.57 51 Belanger-Giguere, Kelly 11 Orcas-GA 51.09 48.71 52 Haidari, Sarah E 11 ASA-GA 52.92 49.46 53 Vogt, Christina A 11 ABSC-GA 53.98 49.86 54 Johnson, Gabby E 11 Rockdale-GA 48.02 49.95 55 Royer, Sabourah C 12 Rockdale-GA 53.83 51.75 56 Hunter, Imani L 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 54.32 51.80 57 Arasin, Katie E 11 ASA-GA 57.45 52.23 58 Goodroe, Nyssa V 11 Hurricanes-GA 58.39 52.70 59 Ainsworth, Grace L 11 NGA-GA 45.75 52.71 Girls 11-12 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 1:03.79 11-12 AAAA 1:07.29 11-12 AAA 1:10.69 11-12 AA 1:14.19 11-12 A 1:21.09 11-12 BB 1:27.99 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Allen, Caroline F 12 ABSC-GA 1:05.51 1:04.77 AAA 31.34 1:04.77 2 OH, Caitlin E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:09.17 1:08.22 AA 33.96 1:08.22 3 Porter, Camille C 12 ABSC-GA 1:11.79 1:10.71 A 34.43 1:10.71 4 DellaTorre, Danielle G 11 ABSC-GA 1:15.50 1:10.86 A 35.26 1:10.86 5 Lane, Sara Jean J 12 UNAT-GA 1:12.41 1:11.21 A 34.88 1:11.21 6 Nekrasas, Grace A 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:14.05 1:11.47 A 34.99 1:11.47 7 Carter, Kamryn T 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:13.48 1:12.11 A 35.64 1:12.11 8 Heilman, Katie C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:18.23 1:13.06 A 34.85 1:13.06 9 Barrett, Abbey G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:15.43 1:14.20 BB 36.61 1:14.20 10 Layde, Molly C 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:16.07 1:14.96 BB 36.75 1:14.96 11 Grand'Pierre, Audree E 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:15.17 1:15.33 BB 36.45 1:15.33 12 Blackstock, Lilli P 11 ABSC-GA 1:18.82 1:15.41 BB 36.36 1:15.41 13 Mauldin, Gracie E 11 ABSC-GA 1:19.92 1:15.50 BB 36.82 1:15.50 14 Tischendorf, Taylor J 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:18.65 1:16.11 BB 37.34 1:16.11 15 Rogan, Madison M 12 ABSC-GA 1:18.93 1:17.22 BB 37.89 1:17.22 16 Shirley, Alexis J 11 ABSC-GA 1:19.05 1:17.24 BB 37.37 1:17.24 17 Moon, Kendell R 12 ABSC-GA 1:38.18 1:18.58 BB 37.40 1:18.58 18 Hammett, Bailee M 12 GwinAq-GA 1:19.21 1:19.21 BB 38.90 1:19.21 19 Adams, Alexis A 11 ABSC-GA 1:20.25 1:19.58 BB 38.60 1:19.58 20 Vogel, Avery E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:20.85 BB 39.13 1:20.85 21 Lewis, Billye D 11 Rockdale-GA 1:18.51 1:21.95 B 38.55 1:21.95 22 Culbertson, Abby E 11 GwinAq-GA 1:32.60 1:22.06 B 39.98 1:22.06 23 Rogan, Skylar M 12 ABSC-GA 1:22.38 1:22.13 B 40.90 1:22.13 24 Hilliard, Allie N 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:29.14 1:23.71 B 40.79 1:23.71 25 LaFlamme, Chantal C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:25.93 1:23.92 B 41.18 1:23.92 26 Williamson, Grace C 11 ABSC-GA 1:18.50 1:24.10 B 40.86 1:24.10 27 Licciardello, Nicole E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:24.41 1:24.31 B 41.25 1:24.31 28 Mitchell, Caroline E 11 ABSC-GA 1:26.66 1:25.66 B 41.50 1:25.66 29 Armstrong, Amanda K 11 Rockdale-GA 1:21.15 1:26.06 B 41.04 1:26.06 30 Goodridge, Imani 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:25.80 1:26.20 B 41.58 1:26.20 31 Ramos, Daniela A 11 Swordfish-GA 1:29.46 1:27.57 B 41.06 1:27.57 32 Sheng, Rachel 12 NGA-GA NT 1:27.62 B 42.80 1:27.62 33 Koschella, Alice A 12 GwinAq-GA NT 1:30.10 45.09 1:30.10 34 Cecil, Emory B 12 NGA-GA NT 1:30.39 42.58 1:30.39 35 Rhee, Amy 11 NGA-GA NT 1:30.54 43.72 1:30.54 36 Wilmoth, Jordan D 12 UNAT-GA NT 1:30.92 1:30.92 1:30.92 37 Barron, Jennifer M 11 Hurricanes-GA 1:38.88 1:34.52 43.87 1:34.52 38 Goodridge, Nia 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:31.38 1:35.65 39 Shepard, Hayley N 11 GwinAq-GA NT 1:38.60 40 Skalko, Hannah S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:45.70 50.61 1:45.70 41 Winbush, Skylar V 11 GwinAq-GA NT 1:46.88 50.38 1:46.88 42 Ainsworth, Grace L 11 NGA-GA 1:43.38 1:48.01 52.94 1:48.01 43 Hunter, Imani L 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:05.62 57.24 2:05.62 Girls 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 33.09 11-12 AAAA 34.59 11-12 AAA 36.19 11-12 AA 37.79 11-12 A 40.89 11-12 BB 44.09 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 OH, Caitlin E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 35.10 35.69 AA 2 Nekrasas, Grace A 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 37.51 36.56 A 3 Adams, Alexis A 11 ABSC-GA 37.10 36.64 A 4 Carter, Kamryn T 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 36.96 37.03 A 5 McDonald, Nia E 12 Rockdale-GA 38.13 38.34 BB 6 Allen, Caroline F 12 ABSC-GA 38.39 38.60 BB 7 Lenhart, Jaclyn J 11 Barracudas-GA 38.71 38.63 BB 8 Lane, Sara Jean J 12 UNAT-GA 38.20 39.08 BB 9 Layde, Molly C 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 38.89 39.32 BB 10 Moon, Kendell R 12 ABSC-GA 39.89 39.51 BB 11 Heilman, Katie C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 39.42 39.91 BB 12 Grand'Pierre, Audree E 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 38.54 39.98 BB 13 Barrett, Abbey G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 38.54 40.17 BB 14 Van Hosen, Julia R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 43.08 40.20 BB 14 Porter, Camille C 12 ABSC-GA 41.47 40.20 BB 16 LaFlamme, Chantal C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 42.44 40.41 BB 17 Shirley, Alexis J 11 ABSC-GA 40.26 41.28 B 18 Williamson, Grace C 11 ABSC-GA 39.92 41.39 B 19 Culbertson, Abby E 11 GwinAq-GA 44.32 41.52 B 20 Lewis, Billye D 11 Rockdale-GA 41.00 41.55 B 21 Sheng, Rachel 12 NGA-GA 44.92 42.51 B 22 Arnold, Carmen m 11 Swordfish-GA 44.15 42.61 B 23 Koschella, Alice A 12 GwinAq-GA 44.43 42.69 B 24 Tischendorf, Taylor J 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 43.40 42.84 B 25 Licciardello, Nicole E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 43.34 42.86 B 26 Blackstock, Lilli P 11 ABSC-GA 46.10 43.18 B 27 Rogan, Madison M 12 ABSC-GA 42.55 43.61 B 28 Armstrong, Amanda K 11 Rockdale-GA 44.11 43.62 B 29 Mauldin, Gracie E 11 ABSC-GA 43.60 43.81 B 30 Rhee, Amy 11 NGA-GA 45.50 43.83 B 31 Shepard, Hayley N 11 GwinAq-GA 46.84 44.38 32 Vogel, Avery E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 44.56 33 Goodridge, Imani 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 45.93 45.58 34 Rogers, Sophie M 11 ASA-GA 48.41 45.86 35 Bashir, Khymorah E 11 Swordfish-GA 46.39 45.90 36 Ainsworth, Grace L 11 NGA-GA 46.19 46.34 37 Hilliard, Allie N 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 44.33 46.82 38 Ramos, Daniela A 11 Swordfish-GA 47.49 47.57 39 Wilmoth, Jordan D 12 UNAT-GA NT 47.74 40 Matta, Sara f 11 ASC-SC NT 47.89 41 Goodridge, Nia 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 43.82 47.90 42 DiMuzio, Luci J 11 ASC-SC 55.66 49.35 43 Winbush, Skylar V 11 GwinAq-GA 55.87 49.46 44 Mitchell, Caroline E 11 ABSC-GA 52.78 51.05 45 Cecil, Emory B 12 NGA-GA 51.36 51.89 46 Hunter, Imani L 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 55.38 52.50 47 Royer, Sabourah C 12 Rockdale-GA 1:05.83 54.36 48 Vogt, Christina A 11 ABSC-GA 57.84 54.69 49 Barron, Jennifer M 11 Hurricanes-GA 57.21 56.87 Girls 11-12 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:11.49 11-12 AAAA 1:15.09 11-12 AAA 1:18.59 11-12 AA 1:22.19 11-12 A 1:29.29 11-12 BB 1:36.39 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 OH, Caitlin E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:16.84 1:16.82 AA 36.74 1:16.82 2 Hicks, Martha C 11 WAVE-GA 1:24.06 1:18.70 A 36.93 1:18.70 3 Carter, Kamryn T 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:19.37 1:19.05 A 38.38 1:19.05 4 Nekrasas, Grace A 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:19.31 1:20.18 A 37.66 1:20.18 5 Lane, Sara Jean J 12 UNAT-GA 1:22.87 1:20.24 A 37.86 1:20.24 6 Adams, Alexis A 11 ABSC-GA 1:24.70 1:23.34 BB 37.95 1:23.34 7 Barrett, Abbey G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:22.77 1:23.44 BB 39.95 1:23.44 8 Cooper, Corrine 12 Rockdale-GA 1:24.39 1:23.47 BB 39.60 1:23.47 9 Lenhart, Jaclyn J 11 Barracudas-GA 1:25.36 1:23.89 BB 39.66 1:23.89 10 Layde, Molly C 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:26.34 1:24.84 BB 40.37 1:24.84 11 McDonald, Nia E 12 Rockdale-GA 1:26.62 1:27.03 BB 41.20 1:27.03 12 LaFlamme, Chantal C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:31.13 1:27.29 BB 41.88 1:27.29 13 Heilman, Katie C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:25.67 1:27.64 BB 40.72 1:27.64 14 Hammett, Bailee M 12 GwinAq-GA 1:25.94 1:27.70 BB 41.91 1:27.70 15 Shirley, Alexis J 11 ABSC-GA 1:30.84 1:27.91 BB 42.20 1:27.91 16 Moon, Kendell R 12 ABSC-GA 1:26.45 1:28.07 BB 41.63 1:28.07 17 Culbertson, Abby E 11 GwinAq-GA 1:38.17 1:29.03 BB 42.16 1:29.03 18 Grand'Pierre, Audree E 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:25.54 1:29.39 B 42.42 1:29.39 19 Van Hosen, Julia R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:36.58 1:29.84 B 41.74 1:29.84 20 Lewis, Billye D 11 Rockdale-GA 1:29.71 1:29.89 B 42.96 1:29.89 21 Perry, Heather E 12 ABSC-GA 1:27.68 1:29.95 B 42.64 1:29.95 22 Licciardello, Nicole E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:33.73 1:30.59 B 43.35 1:30.59 23 Sheng, Rachel 12 NGA-GA NT 1:30.74 B 43.26 1:30.74 24 Tischendorf, Taylor J 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:38.72 1:31.47 B 44.13 1:31.47 25 Williamson, Grace C 11 ABSC-GA 1:29.43 1:31.50 B 43.31 1:31.50 26 Tilson, Bethany C 12 WAVE-GA NT 1:32.09 B 44.61 1:32.09 27 Koschella, Alice A 12 GwinAq-GA NT 1:32.34 B 43.01 1:32.34 28 Rogan, Skylar M 12 ABSC-GA 1:32.07 1:33.27 B 44.37 1:33.27 29 Vogel, Avery E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:33.29 B 44.08 1:33.29 30 Mauldin, Gracie E 11 ABSC-GA 1:35.52 1:33.47 B 44.67 1:33.47 31 Rogan, Madison M 12 ABSC-GA 1:32.87 1:33.84 B 44.55 1:33.84 32 Brown, Brianna D 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:44.13 1:34.55 B 44.09 1:34.55 33 Pickens, Charlie A 11 ASC-SC 1:42.54 1:36.39 B 46.49 1:36.39 34 Blankenship, Kai E 11 Orcas-GA NT 1:37.15 45.29 1:37.15 35 Armstrong, Amanda K 11 Rockdale-GA 1:38.29 1:37.39 46.33 1:37.39 36 Rhee, Amy 11 NGA-GA NT 1:38.33 48.64 1:38.33 37 Ainsworth, Grace L 11 NGA-GA 1:51.18 1:38.85 48.98 1:38.85 38 Goodridge, Nia 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:34.72 1:40.07 47.15 1:40.07 39 Wilmoth, Jordan D 12 UNAT-GA 1:42.21 1:41.05 47.97 1:41.05 40 Shepard, Hayley N 11 GwinAq-GA 1:41.16 1:41.11 47.41 1:41.11 41 Hilliard, Allie N 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:36.55 1:42.89 47.83 1:42.89 42 Winbush, Skylar V 11 GwinAq-GA NT 1:44.58 50.12 1:44.58 43 Arasin, Katie E 11 ASA-GA 1:54.23 1:47.56 50.18 1:47.56 44 Goodridge, Imani 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:46.04 1:47.81 49.80 1:47.81 45 Matta, Sara f 11 ASC-SC NT 1:47.98 50.78 1:47.98 46 Mitchell, Caroline E 11 ABSC-GA 1:55.16 1:50.75 53.07 1:50.75 47 Paredes, Isabella 11 ASA-GA NT 1:53.55 54.04 1:53.55 48 Murphy, Allie J 11 Hurricanes-GA 2:00.21 1:53.67 53.83 1:53.67 49 Porter, Karis R 11 Hurricanes-GA NT 1:55.76 54.20 1:55.76 50 Hunter, Imani L 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:00.53 55.10 2:00.53 51 Hawkins, Julia R 11 WAVE-GA 1:57.65 2:00.95 57.26 2:00.95 52 Goodroe, Nyssa V 11 Hurricanes-GA 2:07.98 2:02.23 55.45 2:02.23 53 Haidari, Sarah E 11 ASA-GA 2:48.61 2:07.29 58.14 2:07.29 -- Cecil, Emory B 12 NGA-GA NT DQ False start 50.86 DQ Girls 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 28.39 11-12 AAAA 29.69 11-12 AAA 31.09 11-12 AA 32.39 11-12 A 35.09 11-12 BB 37.79 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Allen, Caroline F 12 ABSC-GA 30.19 29.92 AA 2 Heilman, Katie C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 30.35 29.99 AA 3 OH, Caitlin E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 30.47 30.65 AA 4 DellaTorre, Danielle G 11 ABSC-GA 31.47 31.26 A 5 Shirley, Alexis J 11 ABSC-GA 32.21 32.10 A 6 Hammett, Bailee M 12 GwinAq-GA 31.57 32.40 BB 7 Lane, Sara Jean J 12 UNAT-GA 32.93 32.43 BB 8 Carter, Kamryn T 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 31.96 32.61 BB 9 Nekrasas, Grace A 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 33.15 32.99 BB 10 Porter, Camille C 12 ABSC-GA 36.35 33.45 BB 11 Perry, Heather E 12 ABSC-GA 33.54 33.79 BB 12 Rogan, Skylar M 12 ABSC-GA 35.03 33.80 BB 13 Blackstock, Lilli P 11 ABSC-GA 35.22 34.19 BB 14 Rogan, Madison M 12 ABSC-GA 34.34 34.29 BB 15 Layde, Molly C 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 35.34 34.40 BB 16 Williamson, Grace C 11 ABSC-GA 33.11 34.49 BB 17 West, Sophia L 11 Barracudas-GA 35.05 34.53 BB 18 Lenhart, Jaclyn J 11 Barracudas-GA 36.29 34.65 BB 19 Hicks, Martha C 11 WAVE-GA 35.90 35.20 B 20 Tilson, Bethany C 12 WAVE-GA 38.96 35.30 B 21 Armstrong, Amanda K 11 Rockdale-GA 35.39 35.38 B 22 Tischendorf, Taylor J 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 40.03 35.82 B 23 Mauldin, Gracie E 11 ABSC-GA 36.84 36.50 B 24 Grand'Pierre, Audree E 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 36.21 36.64 B 25 Lewis, Billye D 11 Rockdale-GA 33.87 36.78 B 26 Barrett, Abbey G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 35.96 36.84 B 27 LaFlamme, Chantal C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 39.13 36.91 B 28 Adams, Alexis A 11 ABSC-GA 36.13 36.96 B 29 Moon, Kendell R 12 ABSC-GA 36.59 37.07 B 30 Mitchell, Caroline E 11 ABSC-GA 37.04 37.15 B 31 Licciardello, Nicole E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 38.10 37.95 32 Arnold, Carmen m 11 Swordfish-GA 38.31 38.00 33 Wilmoth, Jordan D 12 UNAT-GA 42.35 38.90 34 Goodridge, Imani 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 39.47 39.28 35 Rhee, Amy 11 NGA-GA 43.46 40.44 36 Bashir, Khymorah E 11 Swordfish-GA 39.96 40.68 37 Sheng, Rachel 12 NGA-GA 45.49 40.73 38 Van Hosen, Julia R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 43.88 40.75 39 Ramos, Daniela A 11 Swordfish-GA 39.55 41.40 40 Hilliard, Allie N 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 40.01 41.54 41 Goodridge, Nia 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 41.16 42.15 42 Koschella, Alice A 12 GwinAq-GA 44.25 42.51 43 Cecil, Emory B 12 NGA-GA 41.92 42.84 44 Pickens, Charlie A 11 ASC-SC 42.41 43.44 45 Vogel, Avery E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 44.67 46 Shepard, Hayley N 11 GwinAq-GA 43.21 45.13 47 Winbush, Skylar V 11 GwinAq-GA 51.19 45.68 48 Hawkins, Julia R 11 WAVE-GA 46.86 46.01 49 Vogt, Christina A 11 ABSC-GA 47.07 47.42 50 Ainsworth, Grace L 11 NGA-GA 49.17 49.70 51 Brown, Brianna D 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 52.69 50.58 52 DiMuzio, Luci J 11 ASC-SC 1:29.86 51.30 53 Belanger-Giguere, Kelly 11 Orcas-GA 53.02 52.94 54 Porter, Karis R 11 Hurricanes-GA 1:01.62 54.47 55 Johnson, Gabby E 11 Rockdale-GA 56.24 55.22 56 Haidari, Sarah E 11 ASA-GA 1:04.37 58.13 57 Moore, Allison L 12 ASA-GA NT 1:00.49 Arms underwater recovery 58 Goodroe, Nyssa V 11 Hurricanes-GA NT 1:00.94 59 Hunter, Imani L 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:04.61 60 Moore, Caitlin J 12 ASA-GA NT 1:19.51 Girls 11-12 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 1:02.79 11-12 AAAA 1:06.29 11-12 AAA 1:09.79 11-12 AA 1:13.19 11-12 A 1:20.19 11-12 BB 1:27.19 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Allen, Caroline F 12 ABSC-GA 1:06.05 1:08.45 AA 31.93 1:08.45 2 OH, Caitlin E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:07.89 1:08.55 AA 32.34 1:08.55 3 Hammett, Bailee M 12 GwinAq-GA 1:13.16 1:09.83 A 32.35 1:09.83 4 Rogan, Madison M 12 ABSC-GA 1:16.09 1:11.61 A 33.50 1:11.61 5 Heilman, Katie C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:12.51 1:11.96 A 32.95 1:11.96 6 Shirley, Alexis J 11 ABSC-GA 1:14.46 1:12.74 A 33.44 1:12.74 7 Carter, Kamryn T 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:10.71 1:12.78 A 34.28 1:12.78 8 DellaTorre, Danielle G 11 ABSC-GA 1:20.92 1:13.61 BB 35.20 1:13.61 9 Nekrasas, Grace A 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:19.56 1:16.16 BB 34.42 1:16.16 10 Rogan, Skylar M 12 ABSC-GA 1:22.24 1:17.43 BB 36.00 1:17.43 11 Barrett, Abbey G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:18.44 1:18.01 BB 36.37 1:18.01 12 Williamson, Grace C 11 ABSC-GA 1:19.62 1:19.23 BB 36.79 1:19.23 13 Lane, Sara Jean J 12 UNAT-GA 1:18.78 1:19.59 BB 36.65 1:19.59 14 Layde, Molly C 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:19.58 1:20.17 BB 37.49 1:20.17 15 West, Sophia L 11 Barracudas-GA 1:23.97 1:21.70 B 37.87 1:21.70 16 Tischendorf, Taylor J 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:26.60 1:22.18 B 37.64 1:22.18 17 Porter, Camille C 12 ABSC-GA 1:23.04 1:22.47 B 37.23 1:22.47 18 Mauldin, Gracie E 11 ABSC-GA 1:25.28 1:24.89 B 39.42 1:24.89 19 Adams, Alexis A 11 ABSC-GA 1:24.92 1:25.53 B 38.48 1:25.53 20 Grand'Pierre, Audree E 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:21.86 1:26.41 B 38.97 1:26.41 21 LaFlamme, Chantal C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:29.16 1:26.81 B 40.67 1:26.81 22 Armstrong, Amanda K 11 Rockdale-GA 1:26.70 1:27.05 B 38.49 1:27.05 23 Wilmoth, Jordan D 12 UNAT-GA 1:29.14 1:28.06 40.95 1:28.06 24 Licciardello, Nicole E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:28.92 1:29.30 40.71 1:29.30 25 Goodridge, Imani 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA NT 1:30.39 Alternating Kick 41.04 1:30.39 26 Moon, Kendell R 12 ABSC-GA 1:30.63 1:31.77 41.32 1:31.77 27 Mitchell, Caroline E 11 ABSC-GA 1:31.57 1:32.82 41.03 1:32.82 28 Goodridge, Nia 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA NT 1:35.66 44.91 1:35.66 29 Vogt, Christina A 11 ABSC-GA NT 1:46.21 47.22 1:46.21 30 Cecil, Emory B 12 NGA-GA NT 1:47.13 46.80 1:47.13 31 Vogel, Avery E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:49.36 49.92 1:49.36 32 Ainsworth, Grace L 11 NGA-GA NT 1:56.27 52.82 1:56.27 33 Barron, Jennifer M 11 Hurricanes-GA 2:06.58 2:03.30 54.89 2:03.30 Girls 11-12 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== 1:04.69 11-12 AAAA 1:07.79 11-12 AAA 1:10.89 11-12 AA 1:13.99 11-12 A 1:20.09 11-12 BB 1:26.29 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 OH, Caitlin E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:08.39 1:08.99 AA 31.90 1:08.99 2 Allen, Caroline F 12 ABSC-GA 1:09.41 1:09.55 AA 31.37 1:09.55 3 DellaTorre, Danielle G 11 ABSC-GA 1:12.83 1:10.48 AA 33.45 1:10.48 4 Carter, Kamryn T 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:12.07 1:11.02 A 33.78 1:11.02 5 Nekrasas, Grace A 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:13.72 1:11.95 A 33.32 1:11.95 6 Lane, Sara Jean J 12 UNAT-GA 1:13.31 1:12.23 A 34.05 1:12.23 7 Heilman, Katie C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:14.18 1:12.60 A 32.45 1:12.60 8 Shirley, Alexis J 11 ABSC-GA 1:16.69 1:14.37 BB 35.00 1:14.37 9 Hammett, Bailee M 12 GwinAq-GA 1:15.28 1:15.45 BB 35.87 1:15.45 10 Mauldin, Gracie E 11 ABSC-GA 1:20.64 1:15.64 BB 34.47 1:15.64 11 Layde, Molly C 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:15.02 1:15.79 BB 35.76 1:15.79 12 Lewis, Billye D 11 Rockdale-GA 1:14.78 1:16.80 BB 35.17 1:16.80 13 Adams, Alexis A 11 ABSC-GA 1:17.51 1:16.93 BB 36.77 1:16.93 14 McDonald, Nia E 12 Rockdale-GA 1:20.28 1:17.00 BB 36.60 1:17.00 15 Williamson, Grace C 11 ABSC-GA 1:16.69 1:17.23 BB 34.89 1:17.23 16 Grand'Pierre, Audree E 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:15.36 1:17.58 BB 35.88 1:17.58 17 Barrett, Abbey G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:17.87 1:17.63 BB 36.51 1:17.63 18 Rogan, Skylar M 12 ABSC-GA 1:20.29 1:17.84 BB 36.84 1:17.84 19 Blackstock, Lilli P 11 ABSC-GA 1:18.06 1:17.85 BB 34.50 1:17.85 20 Tischendorf, Taylor J 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:20.08 1:19.01 BB 35.88 1:19.01 21 Moon, Kendell R 12 ABSC-GA 1:18.82 1:19.09 BB 37.58 1:19.09 22 Culbertson, Abby E 11 GwinAq-GA 1:24.97 1:20.17 B 36.46 1:20.17 23 Lenhart, Jaclyn J 11 Barracudas-GA 1:19.50 1:20.23 B 38.56 1:20.23 24 LaFlamme, Chantal C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:24.02 1:20.25 B 38.16 1:20.25 25 Licciardello, Nicole E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:23.67 1:20.47 B 37.08 1:20.47 26 Armstrong, Amanda K 11 Rockdale-GA 1:21.61 1:20.95 B 36.93 1:20.95 27 Arnold, Carmen m 11 Swordfish-GA 1:28.50 1:23.01 B 39.74 1:23.01 28 Sheng, Rachel 12 NGA-GA 1:30.02 1:23.33 B 40.54 1:23.33 29 West, Sophia L 11 Barracudas-GA 1:26.23 1:26.19 B 38.70 1:26.19 30 Vogel, Avery E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:26.66 42.78 1:26.66 31 Rhee, Amy 11 NGA-GA 1:31.91 1:27.27 40.54 1:27.27 32 Wilmoth, Jordan D 12 UNAT-GA NT 1:27.50 40.76 1:27.50 33 Koschella, Alice A 12 GwinAq-GA 1:29.29 1:27.66 41.71 1:27.66 34 Goodridge, Imani 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA NT 1:28.49 37.86 1:28.49 35 Goodridge, Nia 11 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:26.74 1:29.45 43.06 1:29.45 36 Bashir, Khymorah E 11 Swordfish-GA 1:36.49 1:29.60 43.10 1:29.60 37 Mitchell, Caroline E 11 ABSC-GA 1:29.28 1:29.67 39.52 1:29.67 38 Hilliard, Allie N 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:26.30 1:30.55 41.59 1:30.55 39 Cecil, Emory B 12 NGA-GA 1:34.14 1:31.75 40.73 1:31.75 40 Rogers, Sophie M 11 ASA-GA 1:36.47 1:32.89 42.06 1:32.89 41 Shepard, Hayley N 11 GwinAq-GA 1:29.22 1:33.56 44.32 1:33.56 42 Winbush, Skylar V 11 GwinAq-GA 1:49.13 1:35.00 45.39 1:35.00 43 Vogt, Christina A 11 ABSC-GA 1:43.46 1:37.26 45.77 1:37.26 44 Matta, Sara f 11 ASC-SC NT 1:37.47 46.83 1:37.47 45 Ainsworth, Grace L 11 NGA-GA 1:31.02 1:38.28 51.47 1:38.28 46 Barron, Jennifer M 11 Hurricanes-GA 1:43.06 1:41.16 43.98 1:41.16 47 Royer, Sabourah C 12 Rockdale-GA NT 1:48.56 52.19 1:48.56 48 Hunter, Imani L 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:03.51 1:55.88 53.05 1:55.88 -- Skalko, Hannah S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ One hand touch - breast 53.25 DQ Girls 11-12 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:17.89 11-12 AAAA 2:24.39 11-12 AAA 2:30.99 11-12 AA 2:37.59 11-12 A 2:50.69 11-12 BB 3:03.79 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Allen, Caroline F 12 ABSC-GA 2:31.54 2:30.30 AA 2 DellaTorre, Danielle G 11 ABSC-GA 2:39.60 2:33.82 A 3 Lane, Sara Jean J 12 UNAT-GA NT 2:34.27 A 4 Heilman, Katie C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:40.52 BB 5 Porter, Camille C 12 ABSC-GA 2:46.05 2:41.77 BB 6 Adams, Alexis A 11 ABSC-GA 2:42.21 2:42.06 BB 7 Perry, Heather E 12 ABSC-GA 2:45.53 2:47.11 BB 8 Lewis, Billye D 11 Rockdale-GA 2:47.25 2:49.72 BB 9 Licciardello, Nicole E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:52.25 B 10 LaFlamme, Chantal C 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:01.31 2:55.21 B 11 West, Sophia L 11 Barracudas-GA 3:10.55 3:05.93 12 Vogel, Avery E 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 3:07.85 13 Armstrong, Amanda K 11 Rockdale-GA NT 3:07.86 14 Pickens, Charlie A 11 ASC-SC 3:07.37 3:09.55 15 Hilliard, Allie N 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:03.66 3:14.30 16 Murphy, Allie J 11 Hurricanes-GA 3:39.93 3:39.03 Girls 11-12 400 Yard IM =============================================================================== 4:54.09 11-12 AAAA 5:08.09 11-12 AAA 5:22.09 11-12 AA 5:36.09 11-12 A 6:04.19 11-12 BB 6:32.19 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Carter, Kamryn T 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 5:20.99 AA 2 Nekrasas, Grace A 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 6:00.68 5:32.09 A 3 Layde, Molly C 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 5:35.67 A 4 Rogan, Madison M 12 ABSC-GA 6:20.00 5:39.85 BB 5 Rogan, Skylar M 12 ABSC-GA 6:20.00 5:40.48 BB 6 Tischendorf, Taylor J 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 5:47.28 BB 7 Hicks, Martha C 11 WAVE-GA 6:11.58 5:52.79 BB Girls 12 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 1:51.17 1:51.63 1) Heilman, Katie C 12 2) Carter, Kamryn T 11 3) OH, Caitlin E 12 4) Nekrasas, Grace A 11 28.70 57.01 1:24.46 1:51.63 2 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 1:52.55 1:52.04 1) Allen, Caroline F 12 2) Porter, Camille C 12 3) Shirley, Alexis J 11 4) DellaTorre, Danielle G 11 28.18 56.36 1:25.80 1:52.04 3 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'C' 2:01.83 2:00.23 1) Rogan, Madison M 12 2) Mauldin, Gracie E 11 3) Adams, Alexis A 11 4) Williamson, Grace C 11 31.01 1:01.42 1:30.48 2:00.23 4 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' 1:55.68 2:00.26 1) Tischendorf, Taylor J 11 2) Layde, Molly C 11 3) Barrett, Abbey G 12 4) Licciardello, Nicole E 11 30.96 1:00.90 1:32.05 2:00.26 5 Asa-GA 'A' NT 2:02.13 1) Arasin, Katie E 11 2) Ferguson, Rose C 8 3) Watkins, Juliette I 8 4) Rogers, Sophie M 11 42.17 1:23.40 1:40.71 2:02.13 6 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'D' NT x2:05.96 1) Vogel, Avery E 11 2) Skalko, Hannah S 11 3) Joassaint, Britheny 10 4) LaFlamme, Chantal C 12 28.00 1:04.23 1:36.21 2:05.96 7 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 2:11.76 2:12.18 1) Shepard, Hayley N 11 2) Koschella, Alice A 12 3) Culbertson, Abby E 11 4) Hammett, Bailee M 12 35.34 1:09.50 1:43.04 2:12.18 8 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'D' 2:13.04 x2:12.49 1) Mitchell, Caroline E 11 2) Vogt, Christina A 11 3) Blackstock, Lilli P 11 4) Moon, Kendell R 12 33.90 1:11.21 1:41.73 2:12.49 9 North Georgia Aquatics-GA 'A' NT 2:13.99 1) Rhee, Amy 11 2) Ainsworth, Grace L 11 3) Sheng, Rachel 12 4) Cecil, Emory B 12 33.10 1:05.17 1:38.41 2:13.99 10 Rockdale County Riptides-GA 'A' 2:21.57 2:18.10 1) Lewis, Billye D 11 2) Armstrong, Amanda K 11 3) Johnson, Gabby E 11 4) Royer, Sabourah C 12 29.32 1:00.56 1:39.77 2:18.10 11 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'C' NT x2:25.74 1) Hilliard, Allie N 11 2) Pokorny, Maggie M 9 3) Hunter, Imani L 11 4) Van Hosen, Julia R 11 34.70 1:06.74 1:48.12 2:25.74 Girls 12 & Under 200 Yard Medley Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 2:04.89 2:06.31 1) Carter, Kamryn T 11 2) OH, Caitlin E 12 3) Heilman, Katie C 12 4) Layde, Molly C 11 33.72 1:08.30 1:37.92 2:06.31 2 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 2:04.96 2:09.26 1) Allen, Caroline F 12 2) Measel, Megan L 12 3) Hanson, Bree B 12 4) DellaTorre, Danielle G 11 31.43 1:09.10 1:41.88 2:09.26 3 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'B' 2:11.26 2:19.28 1) Porter, Camille C 12 2) Moon, Kendell R 12 3) Williamson, Grace C 11 4) Rogan, Skylar M 12 32.86 1:13.96 1:48.29 2:19.28 4 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' 2:10.36 2:22.36 1) Tischendorf, Taylor J 11 2) Nekrasas, Grace A 11 3) Barrett, Abbey G 12 4) Hilliard, Allie N 11 35.76 1:12.67 1:47.43 2:22.36 5 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'C' 2:17.14 x2:22.91 1) Mauldin, Gracie E 11 2) Perry, Heather E 12 3) Rogan, Madison M 12 4) Blackstock, Lilli P 11 35.67 1:18.13 2:22.91 6 Rockdale County Riptides-GA 'A' 2:20.49 2:26.20 1) Armstrong, Amanda K 11 2) Cooper, Corrine 12 3) Lewis, Billye D 11 4) McDonald, Nia E 12 37.43 1:18.07 1:55.07 2:26.20 7 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 2:27.60 2:26.53 1) Culbertson, Abby E 11 2) Koschella, Alice A 12 3) Hammett, Bailee M 12 4) Shepard, Hayley N 11 39.02 1:21.20 1:52.15 2:26.53 8 Macon Waves-GA 'A' 2:31.60 2:36.28 1) Tilson, Bethany C 12 2) Hicks, Martha C 11 3) Hicks, Deborah K 10 4) Hawkins, Julia R 11 37.94 1:15.05 1:55.18 2:36.28 9 North Georgia Aquatics-GA 'A' NT 2:46.98 1) Ainsworth, Grace L 11 2) Sheng, Rachel 12 3) Rhee, Amy 11 4) Cecil, Emory B 12 50.25 1:32.20 2:12.56 2:46.98 10 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'C' NT x2:55.12 1) Licciardello, Nicole E 11 2) LaFlamme, Chantal C 12 3) Hunter, Imani L 11 4) Van Hosen, Julia R 11 11 Asa-GA 'A' NT 3:07.37 1) Rogers, Sophie M 11 2) Arasin, Katie E 11 3) Holmes, Caroline M 11 4) Paredes, Isabella 11 Girls 13-14 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 25.09 AAAA 26.29 AAA 27.49 AA 28.69 A 30.99 BB 33.39 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Wilks, Taylor J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 26.27 26.22 AAA 2 Layde, Maggie C 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 26.18 26.46 AA 3 Longley, Joy A 13 Barracudas-GA 26.97 26.57 AA 4 Grand'Pierre, Naomy H 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 26.25 26.68 AA 5 Moore, Anna Rose R 13 ABSC-GA 27.48 26.84 AA 6 Watts, Jane L 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 26.73 27.28 AA 7 Levorse, Julianna P 13 Barracudas-GA 27.27 27.37 AA 8 Powell, Kara G 13 ABSC-GA 26.71 27.50 A 9 Zachensky, Kristy M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 27.53 27.56 A 10 Park, Heana H 14 GwinAq-GA 27.17 27.58 A 11 Lowring, Emma K 13 ABSC-GA 27.88 27.67 A 12 Jahns, Anna E 13 GwinAq-GA 27.92 28.01 A 13 Bernard, Justina M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 27.84 28.06 A 14 Pett, Lia M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 27.52 28.14 A 15 Tendean, Audrey F 13 GwinAq-GA 28.17 28.64 A 16 Levorse, Alyssa H 13 Barracudas-GA 27.89 28.79 BB 17 Murphey, Madeline L 13 ABSC-GA 29.11 28.80 BB 18 Williamson, Ashley M 13 GwinAq-GA 28.88 28.85 BB 19 Tucker, Maya 13 Rockdale-GA 28.28 28.92 BB 20 McFARLAND, Leah M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 29.29 29.00 BB 21 Tillis, Chloe A 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 28.43 29.05 BB 22 Visser, Lena N 14 ABSC-GA 29.00 29.20 BB 23 Weissert, Rachel E 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 28.37 29.45 BB 24 Dunaway, Blair K 13 WAVE-GA 29.86 30.06 BB 24 Edjidjimo, Nyota N 13 GwinAq-GA 30.64 30.06 BB 26 Campbell, Cassidy G 14 ABSC-GA 30.12 30.44 BB 27 Jacobs, Chelsea D 13 WAVE-GA 30.79 30.51 BB 28 Brown, Ariel S 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 30.50 31.03 B 29 Ballow, Colleen E 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 30.41 31.27 B 30 Williams, Kali 13 Swordfish-GA 32.22 31.33 B 31 Frank, Lee Ann C 13 WAVE-GA 31.17 31.99 B 32 Norton, Sydney N 13 Rockdale-GA 33.71 33.00 B 33 Sanderford, Samantha J 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 33.32 33.01 B 34 Davis, Eboni 14 Rockdale-GA 36.45 36.94 35 Hawkins, Kate A 14 WAVE-GA NT 47.55 Girls 13-14 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 54.39 AAAA 56.99 AAA 59.59 AA 1:02.19 A 1:07.39 BB 1:12.49 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Layde, Maggie C 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 56.76 56.93 AAA 27.57 56.93 2 Grand'Pierre, Naomy H 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 56.87 57.58 AA 27.88 57.58 3 Wilks, Taylor J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 56.29 58.02 AA 28.24 58.02 4 Moore, Anna Rose R 13 ABSC-GA 59.81 58.26 AA 28.26 58.26 5 McElhannon, Caroline A 14 ABSC-GA 1:00.37 59.15 AA 28.70 59.15 6 Jahns, Anna E 13 GwinAq-GA 59.54 59.58 AA 29.13 59.58 7 Longley, Joy A 13 Barracudas-GA 59.29 59.90 A 29.09 59.90 8 Levorse, Julianna P 13 Barracudas-GA 58.48 59.92 A 28.82 59.92 9 Pett, Lia M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 58.29 59.94 A 28.89 59.94 10 McWhorter, Mae E 14 ABSC-GA 59.72 1:00.21 A 28.84 1:00.21 11 Zachensky, Kristy M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 58.38 1:00.57 A 29.11 1:00.57 12 Bernard, Justina M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:00.55 1:01.34 A 29.09 1:01.34 13 Powell, Kara G 13 ABSC-GA 59.32 1:01.52 A 29.76 1:01.52 14 Measel, Emily G 14 ABSC-GA 1:01.76 1:02.49 BB 29.90 1:02.49 15 Tendean, Audrey F 13 GwinAq-GA 1:01.72 1:02.66 BB 30.50 1:02.66 16 Filipov, Gabbie N 13 ABSC-GA 1:02.31 1:02.67 BB 30.11 1:02.67 17 Park, Heana H 14 GwinAq-GA 1:01.14 1:03.17 BB 30.31 1:03.17 18 Williamson, Ashley M 13 GwinAq-GA 1:03.26 1:03.77 BB 30.49 1:03.77 19 Campbell, Cassidy G 14 ABSC-GA 1:04.05 1:04.50 BB 31.19 1:04.50 20 Weissert, Rachel E 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:01.50 1:04.55 BB 30.35 1:04.55 21 Tucker, Maya 13 Rockdale-GA 1:03.40 1:04.64 BB 30.79 1:04.64 22 Visser, Lena N 14 ABSC-GA 1:05.15 1:04.79 BB 31.13 1:04.79 23 Edjidjimo, Nyota N 13 GwinAq-GA 1:08.29 1:06.40 BB 32.00 1:06.40 24 Levorse, Alyssa H 13 Barracudas-GA 1:02.25 1:07.26 BB 31.77 1:07.26 25 Dunaway, Blair K 13 WAVE-GA 1:05.77 1:07.38 BB 31.60 1:07.38 26 Greatrex, Cami S 13 Barracudas-GA 1:05.63 1:08.41 B 32.35 1:08.41 27 Tillis, Chloe A 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:07.69 1:10.48 B 32.66 1:10.48 28 Frank, Lee Ann C 13 WAVE-GA 1:11.13 1:11.59 B 33.72 1:11.59 29 Williams, Kali 13 Swordfish-GA 1:12.86 1:11.81 B 33.95 1:11.81 30 Sanderford, Samantha J 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:09.95 1:11.89 B 33.77 1:11.89 31 Brown, Ariel S 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:13.10 1:12.68 34.02 1:12.68 32 Lager, Emma M 13 ASA-GA 1:36.10 1:26.78 37.89 1:26.78 Girls 13-14 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:57.09 AAAA 2:02.69 AAA 2:08.19 AA 2:13.79 A 2:24.99 BB 2:36.09 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Wilks, Taylor J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:02.54 1:59.54 AAA 28.41 58.61 1:29.29 1:59.54 2 Layde, Maggie C 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:03.03 1:59.79 AAA 28.21 58.51 1:29.28 1:59.79 3 Jahns, Anna E 13 GwinAq-GA 2:06.33 2:04.28 AA 28.90 1:00.54 1:32.57 2:04.28 4 Watts, Jane L 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:06.63 2:05.88 AA 29.40 1:01.11 1:33.55 2:05.88 5 Moore, Anna Rose R 13 ABSC-GA 2:06.85 2:06.76 AA 29.93 1:02.01 1:34.70 2:06.76 6 Zachensky, Kristy M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:06.55 2:08.22 A 29.91 1:02.44 1:35.83 2:08.22 7 Grand'Pierre, Naomy H 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:04.99 2:08.42 A 28.96 1:01.13 1:34.64 2:08.42 8 Pett, Lia M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:06.55 2:08.84 A 30.21 1:02.48 1:35.52 2:08.84 9 Longley, Joy A 13 Barracudas-GA 2:11.90 2:10.70 A 29.79 1:02.95 1:37.69 2:10.70 10 Lowring, Emma K 13 ABSC-GA 2:09.67 2:11.41 A 30.23 1:03.87 1:38.13 2:11.41 11 Powell, Kara G 13 ABSC-GA 2:13.63 2:11.86 A 30.58 1:03.61 1:39.39 2:11.86 12 Bernard, Justina M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:11.99 2:12.08 A 29.99 1:02.90 1:37.25 2:12.08 13 Levorse, Julianna P 13 Barracudas-GA 2:11.35 2:14.28 BB 28.92 1:01.97 1:36.82 2:14.28 14 Campbell, Cassidy G 14 ABSC-GA 2:18.03 2:15.29 BB 31.74 1:05.85 1:41.20 2:15.29 15 McFARLAND, Leah M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:17.89 2:15.37 BB 31.60 1:05.83 1:40.81 2:15.37 16 Weissert, Rachel E 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:13.03 2:17.27 BB 31.00 1:05.89 1:42.43 2:17.27 17 Murphey, Madeline L 13 ABSC-GA 2:16.42 2:17.39 BB 32.38 1:07.06 1:42.85 2:17.39 18 Tendean, Audrey F 13 GwinAq-GA 2:19.06 2:17.78 BB 31.97 1:06.65 2:17.78 2:17.78 19 Williamson, Ashley M 13 GwinAq-GA 2:16.35 2:19.35 BB 32.85 1:09.18 1:45.35 2:19.35 20 Visser, Lena N 14 ABSC-GA 2:24.02 2:20.40 BB 32.41 1:08.42 1:44.61 2:20.40 21 Ballow, Colleen E 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:16.87 2:20.86 BB 33.03 1:08.46 1:44.80 2:20.86 22 Park, Heana H 14 GwinAq-GA 2:23.83 2:26.54 B 32.92 1:09.73 1:48.14 2:26.54 23 Jacobs, Chelsea D 13 WAVE-GA 2:26.15 2:27.52 B 34.50 1:12.51 1:50.99 2:27.52 24 Dunaway, Blair K 13 WAVE-GA 2:31.75 2:27.80 B 33.07 1:11.46 1:50.50 2:27.80 25 Sanderford, Samantha J 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:40.73 2:32.41 B 33.43 1:11.68 1:52.02 2:32.41 26 Tucker, Maya 13 Rockdale-GA 2:26.55 2:32.45 B 32.55 1:11.95 1:54.52 2:32.45 27 Tillis, Chloe A 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:40.49 2:34.40 B 32.70 1:11.36 1:53.09 2:34.40 28 Frank, Lee Ann C 13 WAVE-GA 2:48.26 2:35.88 B 34.91 1:15.18 1:56.44 2:35.88 29 Brown, Ariel S 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:43.43 2:45.42 36.46 1:18.56 2:02.97 2:45.42 30 Norton, Sydney N 13 Rockdale-GA 2:46.81 2:49.53 35.85 1:17.62 2:03.78 2:49.53 31 Davis, Eboni 14 Rockdale-GA 3:08.33 3:04.61 41.78 1:29.89 2:18.26 3:04.61 32 Hawkins, Kate A 14 WAVE-GA NT 4:00.86 47.50 2:55.62 4:00.86 -- Edjidjimo, Nyota N 13 GwinAq-GA 2:35.00 DQ No touch on turn 34.50 1:12.48 1:52.30 DQ Girls 13-14 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 5:08.79 13-14 AAAA 5:23.49 13-14 AAA 5:38.29 13-14 AA 5:52.99 13-14 A 6:22.39 13-14 BB 6:51.79 13-14 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Jahns, Anna E 13 GwinAq-GA 5:35.00 5:22.09 AAA 29.44 1:01.70 1:34.65 2:07.35 2:40.10 3:13.16 3:45.67 4:18.09 4:50.50 5:22.09 2 Layde, Maggie C 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 5:27.41 5:28.18 AA 29.81 1:01.98 1:34.70 2:07.63 2:40.50 3:13.88 3:47.44 4:21.20 4:54.97 5:28.18 3 Moore, Anna Rose R 13 ABSC-GA 5:44.00 5:36.82 AA 30.96 1:04.13 1:38.06 2:12.11 2:46.53 3:21.68 3:55.91 4:29.79 5:03.79 5:36.82 4 Levorse, Julianna P 13 Barracudas-GA 6:11.85 6:05.46 BB 30.79 1:05.52 1:41.50 2:18.91 2:56.92 3:34.60 4:13.24 4:50.95 5:29.21 6:05.46 5 Tendean, Audrey F 13 GwinAq-GA 6:16.37 6:15.67 BB 33.78 1:10.96 1:49.06 2:27.09 3:05.83 3:43.69 4:22.34 5:00.93 5:39.06 6:15.67 6 Ballow, Colleen E 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 6:06.35 6:19.11 BB 33.49 1:09.78 1:47.39 3:05.15 4:22.87 5:01.77 6:19.11 7 Tucker, Maya 13 Rockdale-GA 6:56.64 6:47.71 B 34.74 1:15.00 1:56.89 2:39.99 3:21.65 4:03.96 4:46.19 5:28.44 6:09.07 6:47.71 8 Brown, Ariel S 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 7:27.80 7:33.79 37.70 1:21.49 2:07.38 2:53.52 3:40.31 4:28.15 5:15.94 6:04.65 6:52.79 7:33.79 Girls 13-14 1000 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 10:36.69 13-14 AAAA 11:06.99 13-14 AAA 11:37.29 13-14 AA 12:07.59 13-14 A 13:08.29 13-14 BB 14:08.89 13-14 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Watts, Jane L 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 12:31.18 11:28.87 AA 31.88 1:06.12 1:40.17 2:14.70 2:49.12 3:23.85 3:58.50 4:33.39 5:08.10 5:42.83 6:17.70 6:52.56 7:27.50 8:02.54 8:37.83 9:12.67 9:47.95 10:22.92 10:56.88 11:28.87 2 Petersen, Eliza M 13 ABSC-GA 12:11.59 12:00.74 A 30.72 1:04.96 1:40.22 2:16.61 2:52.36 3:28.66 4:05.42 4:41.85 5:18.76 5:55.20 6:31.91 7:09.00 7:45.89 8:23.01 9:00.15 9:36.70 10:13.83 10:50.39 11:26.49 12:00.74 3 Weissert, Rachel E 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 12:28.20 12:19.45 BB 31.66 1:07.27 1:43.86 2:20.78 2:58.36 3:35.72 4:12.91 4:50.98 5:28.31 6:06.48 6:44.37 7:21.83 7:59.35 8:36.57 9:14.29 9:52.12 10:29.59 11:06.57 11:44.02 12:19.45 4 Ballow, Colleen E 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 12:18.41 12:45.96 BB 33.59 1:10.01 1:47.23 2:25.25 3:04.15 3:43.09 4:22.50 5:01.93 5:41.24 6:20.20 7:38.57 8:17.64 8:56.65 9:35.35 10:14.22 10:53.00 11:30.78 12:08.52 12:45.96 5 Sanderford, Samantha J 13 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 14:01.93 B 34.86 1:14.33 1:55.24 2:36.09 3:17.28 3:59.97 4:43.33 5:26.74 6:10.20 6:53.33 7:36.14 8:19.98 9:02.81 9:46.19 10:30.22 11:13.07 11:56.21 12:39.04 13:21.31 14:01.93 Girls 13-14 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 59.89 AAAA 1:02.79 AAA 1:05.59 AA 1:08.49 A 1:14.19 BB 1:19.89 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Watts, Jane L 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:02.52 1:04.83 AA 32.01 1:04.83 2 Zachensky, Kristy M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:06.24 1:06.71 A 32.66 1:06.71 3 Wilks, Taylor J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:06.92 1:07.77 A 33.51 1:07.77 4 Powell, Kara G 13 ABSC-GA 1:09.88 1:07.82 A 33.88 1:07.82 5 Layde, Maggie C 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:07.30 1:08.03 A 33.38 1:08.03 6 Moore, Anna Rose R 13 ABSC-GA 1:07.37 1:08.64 BB 33.32 1:08.64 7 Weissert, Rachel E 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:07.50 1:08.91 BB 33.64 1:08.91 8 Visser, Lena N 14 ABSC-GA 1:12.85 1:08.95 BB 34.33 1:08.95 9 McFARLAND, Leah M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:11.85 1:09.77 BB 33.99 1:09.77 10 Bernard, Justina M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:11.17 1:10.17 BB 34.18 1:10.17 11 Levorse, Alyssa H 13 Barracudas-GA 1:07.33 1:10.25 BB 34.39 1:10.25 12 Lowring, Emma K 13 ABSC-GA 1:08.29 1:10.57 BB 34.46 1:10.57 13 Pett, Lia M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:11.16 1:11.64 BB 35.15 1:11.64 14 Grand'Pierre, Naomy H 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:09.63 1:11.85 BB 35.34 1:11.85 15 Park, Heana H 14 GwinAq-GA 1:12.29 1:13.23 BB 35.80 1:13.23 16 Campbell, Cassidy G 14 ABSC-GA 1:14.16 1:14.89 B 36.75 1:14.89 17 Williamson, Ashley M 13 GwinAq-GA 1:15.66 1:15.86 B 36.70 1:15.86 18 Ballow, Colleen E 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:16.82 1:16.35 B 37.84 1:16.35 19 Dunaway, Blair K 13 WAVE-GA 1:19.02 1:18.72 B 37.61 1:18.72 20 Tendean, Audrey F 13 GwinAq-GA 1:18.76 1:18.75 B 38.05 1:18.75 21 Frank, Lee Ann C 13 WAVE-GA 1:19.30 1:19.51 B 38.57 1:19.51 22 Jacobs, Chelsea D 13 WAVE-GA 1:21.11 1:20.78 39.37 1:20.78 23 Tillis, Chloe A 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:22.09 1:21.24 38.43 1:21.24 24 Brown, Ariel S 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:25.61 1:26.56 41.31 1:26.56 25 Norton, Sydney N 13 Rockdale-GA 1:27.46 1:26.93 42.59 1:26.93 26 Williams, Kali 13 Swordfish-GA 1:32.51 1:29.99 42.21 1:29.99 27 Sanderford, Samantha J 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:37.44 1:31.67 44.50 1:31.67 -- Hawkins, Kate A 14 WAVE-GA NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast 1:04.07 DQ -- Davis, Eboni 14 Rockdale-GA 1:33.03 DQ Non-continuous turning action Girls 13-14 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 2:08.89 AAAA 2:14.99 AAA 2:21.19 AA 2:27.29 A 2:39.59 BB 2:51.79 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Zachensky, Kristy M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:20.99 2:23.41 A 33.84 1:10.33 1:46.92 2:23.41 2 McElhannon, Caroline A 14 ABSC-GA 2:26.04 2:24.55 A 33.93 1:10.78 1:48.50 2:24.55 3 Layde, Maggie C 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:26.29 2:24.67 A 34.90 1:11.76 1:48.50 2:24.67 4 Weissert, Rachel E 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:23.83 2:24.89 A 34.03 1:10.35 1:48.09 2:24.89 5 Wilks, Taylor J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:23.91 2:25.35 A 35.17 1:12.18 1:49.18 2:25.35 6 Moore, Anna Rose R 13 ABSC-GA 2:25.74 2:26.65 A 34.92 1:12.09 1:49.85 2:26.65 7 McWhorter, Mae E 14 ABSC-GA 2:20.09 2:26.71 A 34.63 1:12.12 1:50.04 2:26.71 8 Bernard, Justina M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:26.56 2:29.67 BB 35.64 1:13.10 1:52.09 2:29.67 9 Pett, Lia M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:30.22 2:30.49 BB 10 Filipov, Gabbie N 13 ABSC-GA 2:30.25 2:31.86 BB 37.16 1:15.72 1:54.20 2:31.86 11 Measel, Emily G 14 ABSC-GA 2:31.36 2:33.02 BB 36.10 1:14.36 1:53.72 2:33.02 12 Powell, Kara G 13 ABSC-GA 2:26.56 2:33.15 BB 37.42 1:16.51 1:55.49 2:33.15 13 Visser, Lena N 14 ABSC-GA 2:33.41 2:35.16 BB 38.20 1:18.39 1:57.29 2:35.16 14 Ballow, Colleen E 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:42.58 2:38.52 BB 38.06 1:18.03 1:58.34 2:38.52 15 Williamson, Ashley M 13 GwinAq-GA 2:41.88 2:42.68 B 38.44 1:20.25 2:02.53 2:42.68 16 Dunaway, Blair K 13 WAVE-GA NT 2:50.54 B 39.20 1:22.91 2:08.02 2:50.54 17 Frank, Lee Ann C 13 WAVE-GA 2:59.54 2:55.61 39.41 1:24.49 2:10.81 2:55.61 18 Tillis, Chloe A 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 3:09.35 3:07.20 42.81 1:30.80 2:19.14 3:07.20 19 Brown, Ariel S 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:21.85 3:10.81 1:31.16 3:10.81 20 Sanderford, Samantha J 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:13.01 3:10.88 45.94 1:34.26 2:22.92 3:10.88 -- Levorse, Alyssa H 13 Barracudas-GA 2:30.17 DQ Non-continuous turning action 37.55 1:17.15 1:58.42 DQ -- Campbell, Cassidy G 14 ABSC-GA 2:39.03 DQ Non-continuous turning action 37.86 1:17.63 1:59.36 DQ Girls 13-14 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:07.89 AAAA 1:11.19 AAA 1:14.39 AA 1:17.59 A 1:24.09 BB 1:30.59 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Wilks, Taylor J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:09.41 1:11.61 AA 34.48 1:11.61 2 McElhannon, Caroline A 14 ABSC-GA 1:12.89 1:12.96 AA 35.08 1:12.96 3 Grand'Pierre, Naomy H 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:13.12 1:15.46 A 35.99 1:15.46 4 Zachensky, Kristy M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:16.16 1:17.64 BB 36.80 1:17.64 5 Longley, Joy A 13 Barracudas-GA 1:19.74 1:19.22 BB 37.09 1:19.22 5 Pett, Lia M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:19.09 1:19.22 BB 37.43 1:19.22 7 Layde, Maggie C 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:21.39 1:19.33 BB 37.60 1:19.33 8 Tillis, Chloe A 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:21.27 1:20.16 BB 36.47 1:20.16 9 Moore, Anna Rose R 13 ABSC-GA 1:23.34 1:21.46 BB 39.30 1:21.46 10 McWhorter, Mae E 14 ABSC-GA 1:21.71 1:23.37 BB 39.43 1:23.37 11 Weissert, Rachel E 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:21.48 1:23.49 BB 39.73 1:23.49 12 Ballow, Colleen E 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:22.05 1:24.74 B 40.18 1:24.74 13 Campbell, Cassidy G 14 ABSC-GA 1:25.02 1:25.10 B 40.54 1:25.10 14 Visser, Lena N 14 ABSC-GA 1:23.44 1:25.31 B 40.31 1:25.31 15 Bernard, Justina M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:23.27 1:25.40 B 40.45 1:25.40 15 Filipov, Gabbie N 13 ABSC-GA 1:30.06 1:25.40 B 39.79 1:25.40 17 Levorse, Alyssa H 13 Barracudas-GA 1:22.91 1:25.63 B 40.46 1:25.63 18 Dunaway, Blair K 13 WAVE-GA 1:23.88 1:25.82 B 40.02 1:25.82 19 Edjidjimo, Nyota N 13 GwinAq-GA 1:26.32 1:26.22 B 40.54 1:26.22 20 Powell, Kara G 13 ABSC-GA 1:21.60 1:26.31 B 40.90 1:26.31 21 Greatrex, Cami S 13 Barracudas-GA 1:24.73 1:26.42 B 40.42 1:26.42 22 Tendean, Audrey F 13 GwinAq-GA 1:25.69 1:26.47 B 41.31 1:26.47 23 Tucker, Maya 13 Rockdale-GA 1:26.41 1:29.52 B 42.46 1:29.52 24 Sanderford, Samantha J 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:32.83 1:31.97 43.20 1:31.97 25 Williams, Kali 13 Swordfish-GA 1:39.80 1:36.22 45.72 1:36.22 26 Lager, Emma M 13 ASA-GA NT 1:38.55 45.01 1:38.55 27 Brown, Ariel S 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:40.61 1:40.18 47.50 1:40.18 28 Frank, Lee Ann C 13 WAVE-GA 1:34.20 1:41.06 47.03 1:41.06 Girls 13-14 200 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 2:25.89 AAAA 2:32.89 AAA 2:39.79 AA 2:46.79 A 3:00.69 BB 3:14.59 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Wilks, Taylor J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:31.53 2:27.07 AAA 34.37 1:11.43 1:49.33 2:27.07 2 Watts, Jane L 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:32.73 2:38.12 AA 36.41 1:16.46 1:57.26 2:38.12 3 Grand'Pierre, Naomy H 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:36.74 2:41.95 A 36.47 1:17.53 2:00.04 2:41.95 4 Jahns, Anna E 13 GwinAq-GA 2:53.59 2:46.84 BB 38.44 1:21.75 2:04.93 2:46.84 5 Pett, Lia M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:49.96 2:47.96 BB 38.32 1:20.38 2:03.95 2:47.96 6 Layde, Maggie C 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:52.82 2:48.35 BB 38.96 1:21.58 2:04.77 2:48.35 7 Lowring, Emma K 13 ABSC-GA 2:52.00 2:51.97 BB 39.96 1:23.13 2:07.38 2:51.97 8 Moore, Anna Rose R 13 ABSC-GA 2:59.16 2:52.35 BB 40.62 1:24.61 2:08.55 2:52.35 9 Longley, Joy A 13 Barracudas-GA 2:53.00 2:53.48 BB 38.42 1:22.22 2:07.67 2:53.48 10 Ballow, Colleen E 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:56.13 2:57.15 BB 40.84 1:25.84 2:11.67 2:57.15 11 Weissert, Rachel E 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:52.27 2:58.16 BB 39.81 1:26.03 2:12.28 2:58.16 12 Powell, Kara G 13 ABSC-GA 2:57.71 2:58.70 BB 40.46 1:26.02 2:12.88 2:58.70 13 Campbell, Cassidy G 14 ABSC-GA 2:58.93 2:59.78 BB 41.06 1:25.73 2:12.72 2:59.78 14 Visser, Lena N 14 ABSC-GA 3:01.17 3:00.68 BB 42.51 1:29.45 2:15.24 3:00.68 15 McFARLAND, Leah M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:00.42 3:01.41 B 42.31 1:28.35 2:15.39 3:01.41 16 Jacobs, Chelsea D 13 WAVE-GA 3:00.80 3:01.78 B 40.58 1:27.63 2:15.44 3:01.78 17 Dunaway, Blair K 13 WAVE-GA 3:05.00 3:03.25 B 41.37 1:29.69 2:16.45 3:03.25 18 Edjidjimo, Nyota N 13 GwinAq-GA 3:12.03 3:03.83 B 40.65 1:27.52 2:16.31 3:03.83 19 Murphey, Madeline L 13 ABSC-GA 3:09.07 3:05.37 B 44.50 1:32.16 2:18.93 3:05.37 20 Tillis, Chloe A 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 3:05.67 3:08.64 B 39.32 1:26.33 2:17.01 3:08.64 21 Levorse, Alyssa H 13 Barracudas-GA 3:05.24 3:10.35 B 44.14 1:32.15 2:21.72 3:10.35 22 Sanderford, Samantha J 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:43.23 3:16.64 43.84 1:34.59 2:25.76 3:16.64 23 Tucker, Maya 13 Rockdale-GA 3:15.69 3:18.50 45.01 1:37.25 2:29.73 3:18.50 24 Frank, Lee Ann C 13 WAVE-GA 3:26.87 3:26.88 46.51 1:40.26 2:34.16 3:26.88 25 Davis, Eboni 14 Rockdale-GA 3:30.10 3:30.78 48.49 1:42.56 2:37.03 3:30.78 26 Brown, Ariel S 13 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 3:47.20 50.64 1:48.72 2:48.74 3:47.20 27 Hawkins, Kate A 14 WAVE-GA NT 4:04.73 53.99 1:57.68 3:02.21 4:04.73 -- Zachensky, Kristy M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:40.19 DQ False start 36.30 1:17.26 1:58.90 DQ Girls 13-14 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 59.39 AAAA 1:02.19 AAA 1:04.99 AA 1:07.79 A 1:13.49 BB 1:19.09 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Layde, Maggie C 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:02.75 1:01.23 AAA 29.00 1:01.23 2 Wilks, Taylor J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:03.26 1:02.14 AAA 29.81 1:02.14 3 Moore, Anna Rose R 13 ABSC-GA 1:05.07 1:04.84 AA 30.23 1:04.84 4 Jahns, Anna E 13 GwinAq-GA 1:06.43 1:06.75 A 31.03 1:06.75 5 Watts, Jane L 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:06.49 1:07.43 A 31.27 1:07.43 6 Grand'Pierre, Naomy H 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:08.59 1:07.52 A 32.91 1:07.52 7 Pett, Lia M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:09.71 1:07.65 A 32.12 1:07.65 8 Park, Heana H 14 GwinAq-GA 1:08.66 1:08.28 BB 32.54 1:08.28 9 Tendean, Audrey F 13 GwinAq-GA 1:08.83 1:08.29 BB 32.00 1:08.29 10 Longley, Joy A 13 Barracudas-GA 1:08.46 1:09.04 BB 32.02 1:09.04 11 Powell, Kara G 13 ABSC-GA 1:10.68 1:09.73 BB 32.72 1:09.73 12 Lowring, Emma K 13 ABSC-GA 1:08.38 1:10.59 BB 32.92 1:10.59 13 Zachensky, Kristy M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:13.25 1:12.52 BB 34.05 1:12.52 14 Levorse, Julianna P 13 Barracudas-GA 1:11.10 1:13.30 BB 33.55 1:13.30 15 Bernard, Justina M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:10.12 1:13.47 BB 33.31 1:13.47 16 Edjidjimo, Nyota N 13 GwinAq-GA 1:18.69 1:14.20 B 34.04 1:14.20 17 Williamson, Ashley M 13 GwinAq-GA 1:14.57 1:14.27 B 34.96 1:14.27 18 McFARLAND, Leah M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:20.56 1:15.53 B 35.14 1:15.53 19 Weissert, Rachel E 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:14.25 1:17.70 B 36.15 1:17.70 20 Tucker, Maya 13 Rockdale-GA 1:19.16 1:18.00 B 37.33 1:18.00 21 Dunaway, Blair K 13 WAVE-GA 1:17.64 1:18.71 B 34.98 1:18.71 22 Murphey, Madeline L 13 ABSC-GA 1:17.40 1:19.35 36.76 1:19.35 23 Ballow, Colleen E 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:18.23 1:19.96 37.12 1:19.96 24 Visser, Lena N 14 ABSC-GA 1:17.81 1:20.31 37.53 1:20.31 25 Campbell, Cassidy G 14 ABSC-GA 1:26.51 1:25.63 39.25 1:25.63 26 Brown, Ariel S 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:23.82 1:27.52 38.80 1:27.52 27 Frank, Lee Ann C 13 WAVE-GA 1:26.45 1:28.42 40.17 1:28.42 28 Tillis, Chloe A 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA NT 1:29.56 39.21 1:29.56 29 Sanderford, Samantha J 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:43.22 1:37.17 44.54 1:37.17 30 Norton, Sydney N 13 Rockdale-GA 1:52.16 1:56.27 49.68 1:56.27 Girls 13-14 200 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 2:10.09 AAAA 2:16.29 AAA 2:22.39 AA 2:28.59 A 2:40.99 BB 2:53.39 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Layde, Maggie C 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:15.42 2:14.99 AAA 29.85 1:03.65 1:38.80 2:14.99 2 Wilks, Taylor J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:23.72 2:26.34 A 32.03 1:07.87 1:46.45 2:26.34 3 Jahns, Anna E 13 GwinAq-GA NT 2:27.91 A 33.25 1:11.53 1:51.02 2:27.91 4 Moore, Anna Rose R 13 ABSC-GA 2:28.81 2:30.50 BB 33.11 1:11.41 1:52.14 2:30.50 5 Filipov, Gabbie N 13 ABSC-GA 2:32.78 2:34.37 BB 33.33 1:12.68 1:54.46 2:34.37 6 Tendean, Audrey F 13 GwinAq-GA 2:39.00 2:34.52 BB 33.37 1:12.51 1:53.61 2:34.52 7 Park, Heana H 14 GwinAq-GA NT 2:37.88 BB 33.96 1:14.59 1:56.11 2:37.88 8 McElhannon, Caroline A 14 ABSC-GA NT 2:41.93 B 37.30 1:19.58 2:02.43 2:41.93 9 Zachensky, Kristy M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:40.70 2:43.08 B 35.62 1:17.44 2:00.41 2:43.08 10 Longley, Joy A 13 Barracudas-GA NT 2:45.42 B 33.04 1:14.96 2:00.09 2:45.42 11 Powell, Kara G 13 ABSC-GA NT 2:49.22 B 35.81 1:19.59 2:05.53 2:49.22 12 Williamson, Ashley M 13 GwinAq-GA 2:46.69 2:49.63 B 36.54 1:19.62 2:04.54 2:49.63 13 Weissert, Rachel E 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:42.19 2:51.96 B 36.66 1:20.27 2:05.87 2:51.96 14 Measel, Emily G 14 ABSC-GA 2:56.54 2:56.53 36.94 1:22.02 2:09.30 2:56.53 15 Visser, Lena N 14 ABSC-GA NT 2:57.77 39.93 1:25.17 2:11.74 2:57.77 16 Campbell, Cassidy G 14 ABSC-GA NT 3:10.37 40.35 1:29.55 2:20.16 3:10.37 17 Sanderford, Samantha J 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:33.27 3:31.27 45.91 1:40.36 3:31.27 -- Brown, Ariel S 13 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Did not finish 41.31 Girls 13-14 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:11.69 AAAA 2:17.89 AAA 2:24.19 AA 2:30.49 A 2:42.99 BB 2:55.49 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Wilks, Taylor J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:17.72 2:17.50 AAA 30.16 1:06.25 1:45.41 2:17.50 2 Layde, Maggie C 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:20.20 2:19.26 AA 29.58 1:06.20 1:47.84 2:19.26 3 Grand'Pierre, Naomy H 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:21.96 2:22.79 AA 31.44 1:09.38 1:50.33 2:22.79 4 McElhannon, Caroline A 14 ABSC-GA 2:25.18 2:23.07 AA 32.04 1:09.54 1:50.46 2:23.07 5 Zachensky, Kristy M 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:26.72 2:23.43 AA 32.80 1:08.83 1:49.93 2:23.43 6 Moore, Anna Rose R 13 ABSC-GA 2:28.75 2:25.56 A 30.85 1:08.44 1:52.74 2:25.56 7 Pett, Lia M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:27.45 2:25.63 A 31.77 1:08.51 1:51.88 2:25.63 8 Jahns, Anna E 13 GwinAq-GA 2:26.18 2:27.37 A 32.26 1:10.30 1:55.31 2:27.37 9 Longley, Joy A 13 Barracudas-GA 2:28.24 2:27.65 A 31.34 1:09.84 1:54.94 2:27.65 10 McWhorter, Mae E 14 ABSC-GA 2:27.40 2:27.67 A 31.49 1:09.70 1:55.18 2:27.67 11 Filipov, Gabbie N 13 ABSC-GA 2:34.61 2:29.66 A 32.49 1:11.57 1:55.61 2:29.66 12 Bernard, Justina M 14 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:30.96 2:31.31 BB 32.20 1:10.34 1:56.04 2:31.31 13 Powell, Kara G 13 ABSC-GA 2:30.27 2:31.98 BB 32.30 1:10.96 1:58.29 2:31.98 14 Weissert, Rachel E 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:30.10 2:32.66 BB 33.91 1:11.62 1:58.49 2:32.66 15 Levorse, Julianna P 13 Barracudas-GA 2:33.10 2:33.57 BB 33.13 1:12.54 2:00.72 2:33.57 16 Measel, Emily G 14 ABSC-GA 2:35.33 2:34.57 BB 35.30 1:13.86 1:59.79 2:34.57 17 Williamson, Ashley M 13 GwinAq-GA 2:37.27 2:35.05 BB 33.59 1:12.59 2:00.78 2:35.05 18 Tendean, Audrey F 13 GwinAq-GA 2:37.61 2:35.43 BB 33.27 1:13.75 2:01.15 2:35.43 19 Ballow, Colleen E 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:36.24 2:37.94 BB 35.29 1:15.04 2:00.15 2:37.94 20 Visser, Lena N 14 ABSC-GA 2:40.46 2:39.51 BB 35.62 1:15.68 2:03.87 2:39.51 21 Campbell, Cassidy G 14 ABSC-GA 2:41.49 2:40.47 BB 37.60 1:17.05 2:05.88 2:40.47 22 Park, Heana H 14 GwinAq-GA 2:39.81 2:41.31 BB 32.21 1:12.23 2:03.88 2:41.31 23 Edjidjimo, Nyota N 13 GwinAq-GA 2:46.12 2:46.29 B 33.51 1:17.86 2:07.63 2:46.29 24 Dunaway, Blair K 13 WAVE-GA 2:46.43 2:46.53 B 35.82 1:18.88 2:07.88 2:46.53 25 Tillis, Chloe A 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:55.29 2:51.26 B 36.55 1:21.95 2:12.60 2:51.26 26 Tucker, Maya 13 Rockdale-GA 2:52.44 2:51.86 B 39.36 1:25.47 2:17.29 2:51.86 27 Greatrex, Cami S 13 Barracudas-GA 2:46.75 2:57.30 40.29 1:24.31 2:18.64 2:57.30 28 Frank, Lee Ann C 13 WAVE-GA 3:18.18 2:57.58 39.02 1:23.39 2:16.88 2:57.58 29 Sanderford, Samantha J 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:08.24 3:01.49 42.81 1:32.43 2:23.03 3:01.49 30 Brown, Ariel S 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:08.72 3:11.79 36.78 1:27.72 2:30.47 3:11.79 Girls 13-14 400 Yard IM =============================================================================== 4:38.09 13-14 AAAA 4:51.29 13-14 AAA 5:04.59 13-14 AA 5:17.79 13-14 A 5:44.29 13-14 BB 6:10.79 13-14 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Watts, Jane L 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 4:55.24 4:51.74 AA 2 Layde, Maggie C 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 4:51.20 4:55.88 AA 3 Jahns, Anna E 13 GwinAq-GA 5:06.28 5:00.69 AA 4 Moore, Anna Rose R 13 ABSC-GA 5:17.84 5:11.85 A 5 Weissert, Rachel E 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 5:13.71 5:21.55 BB 6 Ballow, Colleen E 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 5:34.60 5:31.38 BB 7 Tendean, Audrey F 13 GwinAq-GA 5:45.34 5:31.90 BB 8 Sanderford, Samantha J 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 6:31.97 6:20.72 Girls 13-14 200 Yard Medley Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 2:05.87 1:59.23 1) Watts, Jane L 14 2) Wilks, Taylor J 14 3) Layde, Maggie C 14 4) Zachensky, Kristy M 14 30.97 1:03.69 1:32.28 1:59.23 2 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 2:07.49 2:08.66 1) Visser, Lena N 14 2) Lowring, Emma K 13 3) Moore, Anna Rose R 13 4) Powell, Kara G 13 32.27 1:10.32 1:40.97 2:08.66 3 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 2:07.13 2:09.39 1) Park, Heana H 14 2) Jahns, Anna E 13 3) Tendean, Audrey F 13 4) Williamson, Ashley M 13 32.71 1:13.61 1:40.70 2:09.39 4 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' 2:16.12 2:18.34 1) Weissert, Rachel E 14 2) Tikhonovsky, Natalie G 13 3) McFARLAND, Leah M 14 4) Ballow, Colleen E 13 32.61 1:15.76 1:47.76 2:18.34 Girls 14 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 1:46.10 1:46.79 1) Wilks, Taylor J 14 2) Zachensky, Kristy M 14 3) Weissert, Rachel E 14 4) Layde, Maggie C 14 26.33 53.75 1:21.22 1:46.79 2 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 1:47.00 1:47.78 1) Moore, Anna Rose R 13 2) Powell, Kara G 13 3) McElhannon, Caroline A 14 4) McWhorter, Mae E 14 27.33 54.67 1:21.28 1:47.78 3 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 1:52.14 1:52.95 1) Jahns, Anna E 13 2) Williamson, Ashley M 13 3) Tendean, Audrey F 13 4) Park, Heana H 14 28.28 56.79 1:25.95 1:52.95 -- Buckhead Barracudas-GA 'A' NT X1:51.92 1) Levorse, Julianna P 13 2) Greatrex, Cami S 13 3) Levorse, Alyssa H 13 4) Longley, Joy A 13 27.52 57.08 1:24.91 1:51.92 Girls 15 & Over 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 5:03.99 15&O AAAA 5:18.49 15&O AAA 5:32.89 15&O AA 5:47.39 15&O A 6:16.29 15&O BB 6:45.29 15&O B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Campbell, Amelia A 15 GwinAq-GA 5:40.37 5:56.13 BB 30.16 1:04.17 1:39.31 2:14.64 2:50.77 3:28.03 4:05.05 4:42.31 5:19.71 5:56.13 Girls 15 & Over 1000 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 10:26.39 15&O AAAA 10:56.19 15&O AAA 11:25.99 15&O AA 11:55.89 15&O A 12:55.49 15&O BB 13:55.19 15&O B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Taylor, Corinne M 16 ASC-SC 11:19.13 11:10.60 AA 30.75 1:03.94 1:37.33 2:10.56 2:44.23 3:18.22 3:51.99 4:25.50 4:59.65 5:33.51 6:07.32 6:41.10 7:15.53 7:49.51 8:23.50 8:57.38 9:30.77 10:04.26 10:38.11 11:10.60 2 Janco, Micaela L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 11:22.40 11:12.60 AA 30.14 1:03.02 1:36.57 2:09.97 2:43.93 3:17.98 3:52.02 4:25.67 4:59.72 5:34.00 6:07.96 6:41.99 7:16.22 7:50.38 8:24.46 8:58.34 9:32.22 10:06.20 10:40.30 11:12.60 3 Hicks, Helen M 15 WAVE-GA 12:50.36 12:29.20 BB 32.87 1:10.84 1:49.28 2:28.02 3:06.27 3:44.59 4:23.36 5:01.85 5:39.58 6:17.42 6:54.73 7:31.61 8:07.98 8:46.43 9:24.28 10:02.09 10:40.19 11:17.12 11:53.87 12:29.20 4 Ghali, Ada 16 GwinAq-GA 13:31.54 12:56.32 B 33.49 1:10.24 1:48.54 2:27.25 3:05.78 3:44.77 4:23.99 5:02.93 5:41.50 6:21.26 7:01.34 7:41.25 8:20.93 9:00.70 9:40.60 10:19.81 10:59.90 11:39.38 12:18.90 12:56.32 5 Braid, Maddie G 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 13:47.17 13:49.33 B 33.06 1:10.92 1:50.98 2:31.67 3:13.10 3:54.03 4:35.55 5:17.68 6:00.45 6:43.83 7:26.65 8:09.41 8:52.54 9:35.90 10:18.34 11:01.14 11:43.96 12:27.16 13:09.33 13:49.33 Girls 15 & Over 400 Yard IM =============================================================================== 4:31.19 15&O AAAA 4:44.09 15&O AAA 4:56.99 15&O AA 5:09.89 15&O A 5:35.69 15&O BB 6:01.49 15&O B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Taylor, Corinne M 16 ASC-SC 4:53.84 4:50.16 AA 2 Janco, Micaela L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 4:53.56 4:51.19 AA 3 Hicks, Helen M 15 WAVE-GA 5:43.26 5:35.20 BB 4 Braid, Maddie G 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 5:44.47 5:49.69 B Girls 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 24.49 AAAA 25.69 AAA 26.89 AA 27.99 A 30.39 BB 32.69 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Janco, Micaela L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 24.92 25.97 AA 2 Taylor, Corinne M 16 ASC-SC 26.35 26.11 AA 3 Levorse, Maddie A 16 Barracudas-GA 26.79 26.97 A 4 Prendes, Nicole F 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 26.07 27.02 A 5 Barney, Zephinah M 15 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 27.24 27.05 A 6 Jacobi, Olivia, OP P 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 28.09 27.46 A 7 Williams, Aisha M 16 Swordfish-GA 24.28 27.48 A 8 Campbell, Amelia A 15 GwinAq-GA 26.85 27.67 A 9 Harrison, Kayla L 15 GwinAq-GA 28.00 28.00 BB 10 Hicks, Helen M 15 WAVE-GA 29.25 28.46 BB 11 Mosley, Erin M 16 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 28.50 28.89 BB 12 Williams, Imani R 15 Swordfish-GA 30.47 29.37 BB 13 Cooper, Carrie 16 Rockdale-GA 29.90 29.49 BB 14 Tilson, Shelby E 17 WAVE-GA NT 29.86 BB 15 Jacobs, Chelsea D 13 WAVE-GA 30.79 30.22 BB 16 Braid, Maddie G 15 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 30.55 B 17 Ghali, Ada 16 GwinAq-GA 30.59 30.97 B 18 Pinkowski, Brooke A 16 Hurricanes-GA 33.32 32.71 Girls 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 53.19 AAAA 55.69 AAA 58.19 AA 1:00.79 A 1:05.79 BB 1:10.89 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Taylor, Corinne M 16 ASC-SC 56.62 56.70 AA 27.77 56.70 2 Joassaint, Larissa V 17 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 57.41 AA 27.56 57.41 3 Janco, Micaela L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 53.01 57.45 AA 28.31 57.45 4 Prendes, Nicole F 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 55.65 57.66 AA 28.20 57.66 5 Petersen, Allie L 16 ABSC-GA 58.64 58.72 A 28.23 58.72 6 Lu, Joyce S 16 ABSC-GA 1:00.72 58.75 A 28.33 58.75 7 Levorse, Maddie A 16 Barracudas-GA 58.59 59.27 A 28.05 59.27 8 Barney, Zephinah M 15 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 59.02 59.81 A 28.23 59.81 9 Campbell, Amelia A 15 GwinAq-GA 58.63 59.94 A 29.21 59.94 10 Jacobi, Olivia, OP P 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 58.05 1:01.03 BB 29.84 1:01.03 11 Harrison, Kayla L 15 GwinAq-GA 1:01.24 1:01.06 BB 30.01 1:01.06 12 Mosley, Erin M 16 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:01.16 1:01.52 BB 29.20 1:01.52 13 Potter, Betsy 15 Rockdale-GA 1:02.40 1:03.80 BB 29.83 1:03.80 14 Scarbrough, Hannah F 15 ABSC-GA 1:04.82 1:05.33 BB 31.19 1:05.33 15 Ghali, Ada 16 GwinAq-GA 1:06.61 1:06.91 B 32.04 1:06.91 16 Braid, Maddie G 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:04.25 1:07.04 B 31.74 1:07.04 17 Williams, Imani R 15 Swordfish-GA 1:12.78 1:09.86 B 30.89 1:09.86 18 Williams, Aisha M 16 Swordfish-GA 1:06.48 1:10.39 B 32.49 1:10.39 Girls 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:54.09 AAAA 1:59.49 AAA 2:04.89 AA 2:10.39 A 2:21.19 BB 2:32.09 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Janco, Micaela L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:58.59 2:01.59 AA 28.79 59.61 1:30.88 2:01.59 2 Prendes, Nicole F 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:58.55 2:01.66 AA 28.47 58.96 1:30.57 2:01.66 3 Taylor, Corinne M 16 ASC-SC 2:02.78 2:01.68 AA 28.71 59.92 1:31.20 2:01.68 4 Joassaint, Britheny 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:06.17 A 29.17 1:00.77 1:34.14 2:06.17 5 Jacobi, Olivia, OP P 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:06.32 2:07.73 A 30.07 1:02.50 1:35.52 2:07.73 6 Campbell, Amelia A 15 GwinAq-GA 2:08.04 2:11.96 BB 29.82 1:02.64 1:37.29 2:11.96 7 Levorse, Maddie A 16 Barracudas-GA 2:08.25 2:14.25 BB 30.16 1:04.02 1:39.82 2:14.25 8 Harrison, Kayla L 15 GwinAq-GA 2:17.06 2:14.83 BB 31.12 1:05.08 1:40.61 2:14.83 9 Barney, Zephinah M 15 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:14.79 2:15.58 BB 29.06 1:03.05 2:15.58 10 Hicks, Helen M 15 WAVE-GA 2:20.03 2:16.35 BB 30.31 1:04.31 1:41.09 2:16.35 11 Mosley, Erin M 16 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:15.07 2:22.88 B 32.17 1:07.49 1:44.43 2:22.88 12 Ghali, Ada 16 GwinAq-GA 2:24.38 2:23.52 B 32.13 1:08.44 1:45.99 2:23.52 13 Braid, Maddie G 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:23.57 2:27.03 B 32.78 1:09.67 1:48.24 2:27.03 14 Tilson, Shelby E 17 WAVE-GA NT 2:29.82 B 32.38 1:09.14 1:48.95 2:29.82 15 Ward, Beth 15 Rockdale-GA 2:34.42 2:35.83 35.91 1:16.01 1:57.46 2:35.83 16 Cooper, Carrie 16 Rockdale-GA 2:31.44 2:39.40 36.41 1:16.27 1:57.96 2:39.40 17 Pinkowski, Brooke A 16 Hurricanes-GA 2:55.28 2:51.84 34.85 1:17.17 2:04.54 2:51.84 Girls 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 58.29 AAAA 1:00.99 AAA 1:03.79 AA 1:06.59 A 1:12.09 BB 1:17.69 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Prendes, Nicole F 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 59.34 1:01.75 AA 30.44 1:01.75 2 Janco, Micaela L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:00.15 1:01.93 AA 31.20 1:01.93 3 Taylor, Corinne M 16 ASC-SC 1:04.83 1:04.12 A 31.41 1:04.12 4 Levorse, Maddie A 16 Barracudas-GA 1:03.45 1:07.25 BB 32.36 1:07.25 5 Jacobi, Olivia, OP P 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:11.11 1:10.22 BB 34.54 1:10.22 6 Braid, Maddie G 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:12.09 1:11.15 BB 35.24 1:11.15 7 Barney, Zephinah M 15 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:09.97 1:11.45 BB 34.28 1:11.45 8 Campbell, Amelia A 15 GwinAq-GA 1:10.23 1:11.95 BB 34.73 1:11.95 9 Harrison, Kayla L 15 GwinAq-GA 1:10.31 1:13.18 B 36.54 1:13.18 10 Mosley, Erin M 16 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:13.96 1:15.13 B 36.51 1:15.13 11 Ghali, Ada 16 GwinAq-GA 1:14.59 1:15.34 B 37.37 1:15.34 12 Tilson, Shelby E 17 WAVE-GA 1:17.49 1:15.44 B 36.31 1:15.44 13 Hicks, Helen M 15 WAVE-GA 1:15.42 1:16.32 B 36.55 1:16.32 14 Cooper, Carrie 16 Rockdale-GA 1:13.36 1:17.82 39.06 1:17.82 15 Williams, Aisha M 16 Swordfish-GA 1:23.47 1:20.28 37.35 1:20.28 16 Williams, Imani R 15 Swordfish-GA 1:26.46 1:21.84 38.95 1:21.84 17 Ward, Beth 15 Rockdale-GA 1:20.74 1:22.12 40.82 1:22.12 18 Hicks, Deborah K 10 WAVE-GA 1:34.09 1:31.34 43.93 1:31.34 19 Pinkowski, Brooke A 16 Hurricanes-GA 1:38.16 1:36.02 Girls 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 2:05.89 AAAA 2:11.89 AAA 2:17.89 AA 2:23.89 A 2:35.89 BB 2:47.89 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Prendes, Nicole F 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:06.49 2:12.29 AA 31.32 1:04.60 1:38.53 2:12.29 2 Janco, Micaela L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:08.12 2:15.05 AA 32.42 1:05.82 1:40.34 2:15.05 3 Taylor, Corinne M 16 ASC-SC 2:16.76 2:20.24 A 32.90 1:08.41 1:44.62 2:20.24 4 Jahns, Anna E 13 GwinAq-GA NT 2:29.02 BB 35.75 1:14.01 1:51.86 2:29.02 5 Jacobi, Olivia, OP P 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:28.65 2:29.41 BB 35.71 1:13.89 1:52.81 2:29.41 6 Levorse, Maddie A 16 Barracudas-GA 2:18.10 2:29.71 BB 33.37 1:10.51 2:29.71 7 Campbell, Amelia A 15 GwinAq-GA 2:27.19 2:30.84 BB 34.89 1:12.72 1:52.16 2:30.84 8 Barney, Zephinah M 15 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:28.85 2:32.19 BB 34.61 1:12.82 1:52.56 2:32.19 9 Harrison, Kayla L 15 GwinAq-GA 2:34.70 2:32.72 BB 38.27 1:17.08 1:56.87 2:32.72 10 Petersen, Allie L 16 ABSC-GA 2:29.69 2:33.30 BB 35.59 1:14.35 1:54.31 2:33.30 11 Ghali, Ada 16 GwinAq-GA 2:39.24 2:41.55 B 36.85 1:17.42 1:59.85 2:41.55 12 Mosley, Erin M 16 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:39.36 2:41.77 B 37.26 1:17.83 1:59.72 2:41.77 13 Hand, Sabrina D 15 NGA-GA NT 2:44.22 B 38.44 1:19.66 2:02.53 2:44.22 14 Scarbrough, Hannah F 15 ABSC-GA 2:47.58 2:49.47 40.06 1:22.52 2:06.35 2:49.47 -- Braid, Maddie G 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:42.42 DQ Non-continuous turning action 37.37 1:19.79 2:02.37 DQ Girls 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:06.19 AAAA 1:09.39 AAA 1:12.49 AA 1:15.69 A 1:21.99 BB 1:28.29 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Jacobi, Olivia, OP P 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:10.36 1:13.14 A 34.79 1:13.14 2 Janco, Micaela L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:13.52 1:17.74 BB 38.11 1:17.74 3 Joassaint, Larissa V 17 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:18.74 BB 37.23 1:18.74 4 Potter, Betsy 15 Rockdale-GA 1:20.65 1:19.30 BB 37.43 1:19.30 5 Petersen, Allie L 16 ABSC-GA 1:22.76 1:20.12 BB 38.18 1:20.12 6 Mosley, Erin M 16 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:23.51 1:22.37 B 39.17 1:22.37 7 Lu, Joyce S 16 ABSC-GA 1:25.44 1:22.87 B 39.43 1:22.87 8 Barney, Zephinah M 15 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:24.41 1:24.10 B 39.46 1:24.10 9 Prendes, Nicole F 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:23.15 1:24.22 B 39.76 1:24.22 10 Ingram, Madison E 17 Rockdale-GA 1:18.58 1:25.06 B 40.16 1:25.06 11 Harrison, Kayla L 15 GwinAq-GA 1:27.16 1:27.86 B 42.18 1:27.86 12 Hand, Sabrina D 15 NGA-GA 1:19.53 1:28.54 41.03 1:28.54 13 Williams, Aisha M 16 Swordfish-GA 1:26.62 1:28.86 39.91 1:28.86 14 Williams, Imani R 15 Swordfish-GA 1:30.57 1:30.15 41.87 1:30.15 15 Scarbrough, Hannah F 15 ABSC-GA 1:29.14 1:33.08 44.82 1:33.08 16 Braid, Maddie G 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:35.50 1:37.88 46.46 1:37.88 Girls 200 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 2:22.49 AAAA 2:29.29 AAA 2:35.99 AA 2:42.79 A 2:56.39 BB 3:09.99 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Jacobi, Olivia, OP P 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:29.07 2:35.80 AA 36.86 1:16.44 1:56.59 2:35.80 2 Janco, Micaela L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:39.60 2:42.49 A 37.96 1:18.48 2:00.27 2:42.49 3 Lane, Sara Jean J 12 UNAT-GA 2:59.22 2:52.97 BB 39.40 1:24.75 2:09.19 2:52.97 4 Taylor, Corinne M 16 ASC-SC 2:50.70 2:53.30 BB 39.30 1:24.23 2:09.17 2:53.30 5 Hicks, Martha C 11 WAVE-GA 3:01.43 2:53.41 BB 38.34 1:23.43 2:09.37 2:53.41 6 Prendes, Nicole F 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:51.57 2:56.04 BB 41.46 1:26.31 2:11.11 2:56.04 7 Barney, Zephinah M 15 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 3:00.11 2:57.76 B 40.39 1:25.17 2:12.11 2:57.76 8 Hicks, Helen M 15 WAVE-GA 3:03.15 3:07.56 B 40.53 1:28.07 2:17.43 3:07.56 9 Tilson, Shelby E 17 WAVE-GA NT 3:09.64 B 44.70 1:33.90 2:22.22 3:09.64 10 Ward, Beth 15 Rockdale-GA 3:07.99 3:13.23 45.27 1:34.54 2:24.61 3:13.23 11 Lenhart, Jaclyn J 11 Barracudas-GA 3:08.97 3:16.73 41.25 1:28.09 2:15.69 3:16.73 12 Braid, Maddie G 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:22.37 3:23.30 45.53 1:36.77 2:30.06 3:23.30 -- Cooper, Carrie 16 Rockdale-GA 3:32.50 2:52.53 Did not finish 47.55 1:42.00 2:36.39 2:52.53 -- Pinkowski, Brooke A 16 Hurricanes-GA NT 3:56.46 Did not finish 49.93 1:47.07 2:46.94 3:56.46 Girls 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 57.99 AAAA 1:00.79 AAA 1:03.59 AA 1:06.29 A 1:11.79 BB 1:17.39 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Taylor, Corinne M 16 ASC-SC 57.49 58.83 AAA 27.46 58.83 2 Prendes, Nicole F 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:05.59 1:07.19 BB 32.14 1:07.19 3 Janco, Micaela L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:04.44 1:07.97 BB 31.17 1:07.97 4 Jacobi, Olivia, OP P 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:09.52 1:10.40 BB 33.01 1:10.40 5 Hicks, Helen M 15 WAVE-GA 1:15.21 1:13.25 B 34.00 1:13.25 6 Braid, Maddie G 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:12.91 1:14.31 B 34.45 1:14.31 7 Mosley, Erin M 16 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:12.83 1:15.84 B 34.04 1:15.84 8 Ghali, Ada 16 GwinAq-GA 1:17.24 1:17.08 B 34.99 1:17.08 9 Barney, Zephinah M 15 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:17.62 1:18.78 34.70 1:18.78 10 Tilson, Shelby E 17 WAVE-GA 1:19.05 1:20.46 36.28 1:20.46 11 Ward, Beth 15 Rockdale-GA 1:21.01 1:26.25 40.86 1:26.25 12 Hicks, Deborah K 10 WAVE-GA 1:37.78 1:37.26 43.12 1:37.26 13 Pinkowski, Brooke A 16 Hurricanes-GA 1:38.68 1:40.18 45.26 1:40.18 Girls 200 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 2:06.39 AAAA 2:12.39 AAA 2:18.49 AA 2:24.49 A 2:36.49 BB 2:48.59 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Taylor, Corinne M 16 ASC-SC 2:08.76 2:11.93 AAA 29.80 1:03.78 1:37.86 2:11.93 2 Prendes, Nicole F 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:20.40 2:28.06 BB 32.71 1:10.20 1:48.57 2:28.06 3 Jacobi, Olivia, OP P 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:29.11 2:33.51 BB 34.53 1:13.47 1:53.54 2:33.51 4 Janco, Micaela L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:32.06 2:39.44 B 34.23 1:14.32 1:56.60 2:39.44 5 Petersen, Allie L 16 ABSC-GA 2:49.29 2:49.30 34.57 1:15.88 2:02.64 2:49.30 Girls 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:08.69 AAAA 2:14.79 AAA 2:20.89 AA 2:26.99 A 2:39.29 BB 2:51.49 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Taylor, Corinne M 16 ASC-SC 2:17.02 2:18.32 AA 28.47 1:04.16 1:46.53 2:18.32 2 Prendes, Nicole F 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:19.12 2:20.59 AA 30.98 1:04.77 1:50.24 2:20.59 3 Janco, Micaela L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:13.53 2:20.81 AA 31.85 1:06.54 1:48.16 2:20.81 4 Jacobi, Olivia, OP P 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:16.53 2:21.82 A 32.55 1:10.15 1:49.14 2:21.82 5 Lu, Joyce S 16 ABSC-GA 2:27.55 2:26.27 A 30.92 1:08.25 1:52.99 2:26.27 6 Petersen, Allie L 16 ABSC-GA 2:29.12 2:31.52 BB 32.21 1:10.91 1:56.09 2:31.52 7 Levorse, Maddie A 16 Barracudas-GA NT 2:34.86 BB 32.04 1:08.01 2:00.98 2:34.86 8 Mosley, Erin M 16 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:37.18 2:35.87 BB 32.93 1:13.52 2:01.89 2:35.87 9 Potter, Betsy 15 Rockdale-GA 2:32.89 2:37.24 BB 33.52 1:13.73 1:59.20 2:37.24 10 Harrison, Kayla L 15 GwinAq-GA 2:39.94 2:40.77 B 35.46 1:15.21 2:05.99 2:40.77 11 Scarbrough, Hannah F 15 ABSC-GA 2:40.84 2:42.72 B 35.00 1:17.51 2:07.27 2:42.72 12 Hand, Sabrina D 15 NGA-GA NT 2:44.01 B 35.58 1:16.09 2:03.76 2:44.01 13 Braid, Maddie G 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:49.42 2:44.77 B 32.95 1:14.33 2:05.56 2:44.77 14 Ingram, Madison E 17 Rockdale-GA 2:35.75 2:46.89 B 34.31 1:16.45 2:05.63 2:46.89 Girls 200 Yard Freestyle Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 1:43.44 1:46.40 1) Joassaint, Larissa V 17 2) Prendes, Nicole F 15 3) Jacobi, Olivia, OP P 15 4) Janco, Micaela L 15 25.38 51.91 1:19.36 1:46.40 2 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 1:46.76 1:54.99 1) Campbell, Cassidy G 14 2) Petersen, Allie L 16 3) Scarbrough, Hannah F 15 4) Lu, Joyce S 16 29.93 57.01 1:27.05 1:54.99 Girls 200 Yard Medley Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 1:57.35 2:02.40 1) Prendes, Nicole F 15 2) Jacobi, Olivia, OP P 15 3) Braid, Maddie G 15 4) Janco, Micaela L 15 30.51 1:04.11 1:35.95 2:02.40 2 Macon Waves-GA 'A' 2:12.87 2:16.10 1) Frank, Lee Ann C 13 2) Jacobs, Chelsea D 13 3) Hicks, Helen M 15 4) Tilson, Shelby E 17 37.66 1:15.94 1:46.85 2:16.10 3 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 2:05.10 2:19.68 35.06 1:14.85 1:51.80 2:19.68 4 Rockdale County Riptides-GA 'A' 2:21.44 2:23.50 1) Cooper, Carrie 16 2) Ward, Beth 15 3) Tucker, Maya 13 4) Norton, Sydney N 13 36.08 1:17.98 1:51.69 2:23.50 Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hausdorf, Brendan R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 15.80 15.97 2 Arnold, Darrian k 8 Swordfish-GA 16.21 16.37 3 Watts, Richard P 8 Barracudas-GA 16.91 16.87 4 Benson, Chase M 8 ASC-SC 18.98 17.60 5 Churchwell, Gunnar B 8 ABSC-GA 17.75 17.83 6 Camus, Caleb D 8 ABSC-GA 18.81 18.08 7 Pingel, Joshua T 8 GwinAq-GA 19.10 18.28 8 Foggin, Will H 7 ABSC-GA 23.00 19.05 9 Hamilton, Fredrick A 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 18.62 19.88 10 Gaines, Jonathan M 8 UNAT-GA NT 20.07 11 Bradley, Isaam I 7 GwinAq-GA 20.33 20.45 12 Kennedy, Thomas R 7 ASA-GA 18.87 20.47 13 Cohen, Spencer H 7 GO Swim Team-GA 19.07 20.62 14 Bruckner, Noah S 8 ASA-GA 19.94 20.66 15 Siudut, Lucas G 7 ASC-SC 38.92 21.40 16 Schlicker, George N 7 ABSC-GA 22.94 21.76 17 Mauldin, Sam A 8 GwinAq-GA NT 22.42 18 Mendes, Daniel F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 20.78 22.61 19 Boudnik, Brady R 7 Hurricanes-GA 20.45 22.94 20 Mauldin, Jake P 7 ABSC-GA 23.27 23.37 21 Burgess, Nicholas C 7 GO Swim Team-GA 23.51 23.89 22 Chang, Spencer M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 24.06 23 Thompson, Christopher D 7 GwinAq-GA 24.07 24.12 24 Condie, Eli W 7 GO Swim Team-GA 23.16 24.36 25 Jones, Gavin S 7 GO Swim Team-GA 20.73 24.55 26 Zhao, Zachary 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 24.81 27 Wan, Morris I 8 GwinAq-GA 24.51 25.80 28 Rhee, Brian 8 NGA-GA 28.70 27.78 29 Lim, Alex Z 7 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 28.92 30 Duong, Keifer H 6 Marietta Marlins-GA 28.53 30.70 31 Hahn, Justin D 7 ASA-GA NT 32.36 32 Hudson, Camden Z 6 ASC-SC NT 33.05 33 Cohen, Marshall P 5 GO Swim Team-GA 30.43 33.17 34 Bergstrom, Zachary M 8 NGA-GA 41.07 33.30 35 Eberly, Jack J 5 ASA-GA 40.99 39.26 36 Christ, Riley S 7 ASA-GA 37.45 51.01 Boys 8 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 27.99 AAAA 29.19 AAA 30.39 AA 31.59 A 35.19 BB 38.89 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hausdorf, Brendan R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 35.04 34.68 BB 2 Arnold, Darrian k 8 Swordfish-GA 36.73 35.78 B 3 Duncan, Harry B 8 GwinAq-GA 42.90 41.12 4 Benson, Chase M 8 ASC-SC 40.02 41.19 5 Pingel, Joshua T 8 GwinAq-GA 1:01.56 41.65 6 Camus, Caleb D 8 ABSC-GA 41.06 42.56 7 Shah, Saavan N 7 Barracudas-GA 46.11 43.73 8 Boudnik, Brady R 7 Hurricanes-GA 47.25 44.25 9 Bradley, Isaam I 7 GwinAq-GA 1:05.41 44.63 10 Cohen, Spencer H 7 GO Swim Team-GA 43.37 44.77 11 Mendes, Daniel F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 49.19 46.55 12 Walters, Maxwell * 8 ASA-GA 51.57 47.26 13 Siudut, Lucas G 7 ASC-SC 49.96 48.24 14 Kennedy, Thomas R 7 ASA-GA 47.23 48.62 15 Schlicker, George N 7 ABSC-GA 47.40 51.02 16 Jones, Gavin S 7 GO Swim Team-GA 52.76 52.80 17 Mauldin, Sam A 8 GwinAq-GA NT 52.84 18 Condie, Eli W 7 GO Swim Team-GA 48.30 53.45 19 Chang, Spencer M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 56.14 20 Wan, Morris I 8 GwinAq-GA NT 56.32 21 Zhao, Zachary 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 57.08 22 Mauldin, Jake P 7 ABSC-GA 57.70 57.23 23 Burgess, Nicholas C 7 GO Swim Team-GA 56.64 58.20 24 Thompson, Christopher D 7 GwinAq-GA NT 1:05.09 25 Bergstrom, Zachary M 8 NGA-GA 1:21.02 1:08.71 26 Duong, Keifer H 6 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:29.94 1:14.15 27 Cohen, Marshall P 5 GO Swim Team-GA 1:08.63 1:14.65 28 Lim, Alex Z 7 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:17.38 29 Eberly, Jack J 5 ASA-GA NT 1:44.40 Boys 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:01.49 AAAA 1:04.59 AAA 1:07.69 AA 1:10.79 A 1:19.99 BB 1:29.19 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hausdorf, Brendan R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:18.55 1:17.71 BB 2 Watts, Richard P 8 Barracudas-GA 1:25.26 1:30.69 3 Camus, Caleb D 8 ABSC-GA 1:35.97 1:31.66 4 Pingel, Joshua T 8 GwinAq-GA 2:12.27 1:32.89 5 Foggin, Will H 7 ABSC-GA 1:43.91 1:34.17 6 Benson, Chase M 8 ASC-SC 1:39.46 1:34.94 7 Bradley, Isaam I 7 GwinAq-GA 2:25.94 1:39.14 8 Cohen, Spencer H 7 GO Swim Team-GA 1:47.60 1:39.91 9 Gaines, Jonathan M 8 UNAT-GA NT 1:41.49 10 Mendes, Daniel F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:42.36 1:49.59 11 Condie, Eli W 7 GO Swim Team-GA 2:01.03 1:51.60 12 Schlicker, George N 7 ABSC-GA NT 1:52.68 13 Hamilton, Fredrick A 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:45.02 1:53.20 14 Patrick, Riley C 7 Hurricanes-GA 2:00.62 1:53.23 15 Chang, Spencer M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:55.33 16 Siudut, Lucas G 7 ASC-SC NT 1:56.68 17 Zhao, Zachary 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:59.19 18 Mauldin, Jake P 7 ABSC-GA NT 1:59.47 19 Jones, Gavin S 7 GO Swim Team-GA 2:02.69 2:01.80 20 Burgess, Nicholas C 7 GO Swim Team-GA 2:10.79 2:04.03 21 Thompson, Christopher D 7 GwinAq-GA NT 2:13.61 Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hausdorf, Brendan R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 21.04 19.99 2 Arnold, Darrian k 8 Swordfish-GA 20.61 20.62 3 Benson, Chase M 8 ASC-SC 23.29 20.67 4 Churchwell, Gunnar B 8 ABSC-GA 22.46 21.99 5 Camus, Caleb D 8 ABSC-GA 22.73 22.07 6 Condie, Eli W 7 GO Swim Team-GA 22.60 22.56 7 Pingel, Joshua T 8 GwinAq-GA 24.19 22.74 8 Haidari, Zachary J 8 ASA-GA 22.06 22.78 9 Boudnik, Brady R 7 Hurricanes-GA 23.70 23.13 10 Hamilton, Fredrick A 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 21.27 23.16 11 Siudut, Lucas G 7 ASC-SC 32.19 23.35 12 Mendes, Daniel F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 24.89 23.59 13 Gaines, Jonathan M 8 UNAT-GA NT 23.83 14 Foggin, Will H 7 ABSC-GA 24.42 23.95 15 Schlicker, George N 7 ABSC-GA 27.10 24.94 16 Zhao, Zachary 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 25.11 17 Burgess, Nicholas C 7 GO Swim Team-GA 27.59 25.57 18 Jones, Gavin S 7 GO Swim Team-GA 24.10 25.68 19 Mauldin, Sam A 8 GwinAq-GA NT 25.91 20 Mauldin, Jake P 7 ABSC-GA 28.34 27.59 20 Kennedy, Thomas R 7 ASA-GA 28.59 27.59 22 Bruckner, Noah S 8 ASA-GA 31.75 27.60 23 Patrick, Riley C 7 Hurricanes-GA 38.16 28.40 24 Chang, Spencer M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 28.48 25 Rhee, Brian 8 NGA-GA 32.11 29.02 26 Hahn, Justin D 7 ASA-GA NT 29.21 27 Bergstrom, Zachary M 8 NGA-GA 36.67 29.48 28 Cohen, Marshall P 5 GO Swim Team-GA 38.62 35.58 29 Hudson, Camden Z 6 ASC-SC NT 36.18 30 Thompson, Christopher D 7 GwinAq-GA 44.23 37.56 31 Eberly, Jack J 5 ASA-GA 48.50 51.48 -- Wan, Morris I 8 GwinAq-GA 32.28 X33.62 -- Lim, Alex Z 7 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Boys 8 & Under 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 32.79 AAAA 34.59 AAA 36.49 AA 38.29 A 43.69 BB 49.19 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Arnold, Darrian k 8 Swordfish-GA 45.15 43.84 B 2 Benson, Chase M 8 ASC-SC 46.80 47.15 B 3 Camus, Caleb D 8 ABSC-GA 50.39 48.50 B 4 Pingel, Joshua T 8 GwinAq-GA 54.55 49.27 5 Mendes, Daniel F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 52.78 50.06 6 Cohen, Spencer H 7 GO Swim Team-GA 49.17 51.96 7 Boudnik, Brady R 7 Hurricanes-GA 1:00.24 52.39 8 Duncan, Harry B 8 GwinAq-GA 52.21 53.34 9 Condie, Eli W 7 GO Swim Team-GA 50.79 53.36 10 Siudut, Lucas G 7 ASC-SC 1:00.83 55.38 11 Mauldin, Sam A 8 GwinAq-GA NT 56.63 12 Zhao, Zachary 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 56.70 13 Shah, Saavan N 7 Barracudas-GA 56.10 59.45 14 Burgess, Nicholas C 7 GO Swim Team-GA 59.77 1:00.76 15 Schlicker, George N 7 ABSC-GA 1:04.22 1:00.81 16 Mauldin, Jake P 7 ABSC-GA 1:00.97 1:00.87 17 Duong, Keifer H 6 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:15.96 1:01.52 18 Lim, Alex Z 7 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:05.27 19 Walters, Maxwell * 8 ASA-GA 1:08.54 1:06.06 20 Cohen, Marshall P 5 GO Swim Team-GA 1:16.68 1:08.88 21 Wan, Morris I 8 GwinAq-GA 1:12.08 1:13.80 22 Thompson, Christopher D 7 GwinAq-GA NT 1:14.89 23 Eberly, Jack J 5 ASA-GA NT 1:35.27 -- Hausdorf, Brendan R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 46.36 DQ Not on back off wall -- Chang, Spencer M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Not on back off wall Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Shah, Saavan N 7 Barracudas-GA 24.17 21.70 2 Arnold, Darrian k 8 Swordfish-GA 23.20 22.59 3 Hausdorf, Brendan R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 23.53 23.91 4 Benson, Chase M 8 ASC-SC 27.39 25.13 5 Duncan, Harry B 8 GwinAq-GA 26.47 25.81 6 Kennedy, Thomas R 7 ASA-GA 27.37 26.09 7 Camus, Caleb D 8 ABSC-GA 27.91 26.15 8 Bradley, Isaam I 7 GwinAq-GA 29.55 26.84 9 Siudut, Lucas G 7 ASC-SC 34.82 28.09 10 Jones, Gavin S 7 GO Swim Team-GA 31.06 30.10 11 Walters, Maxwell * 8 ASA-GA NT 31.17 12 Chang, Spencer M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 33.70 13 Mauldin, Jake P 7 ABSC-GA 41.90 34.23 14 Schlicker, George N 7 ABSC-GA NT 34.31 15 Mendes, Daniel F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 34.63 34.86 16 Mauldin, Sam A 8 GwinAq-GA NT 37.30 17 Wan, Morris I 8 GwinAq-GA NT 38.83 18 Bergstrom, Zachary M 8 NGA-GA NT 44.89 -- Cohen, Marshall P 5 GO Swim Team-GA 50.79 DQ Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke -- Thompson, Christopher D 7 GwinAq-GA NT DQ Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke -- Zhao, Zachary 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke -- Boudnik, Brady R 7 Hurricanes-GA 40.81 DQ Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke Boys 8 & Under 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 36.49 AAAA 38.39 AAA 40.29 AA 42.19 A 47.89 BB 53.59 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Watts, Richard P 8 Barracudas-GA 47.90 50.08 B 2 Arnold, Darrian k 8 Swordfish-GA 51.82 50.12 B 3 Hausdorf, Brendan R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 53.63 51.08 B 4 Gaines, Jonathan M 8 UNAT-GA NT 54.00 5 Benson, Chase M 8 ASC-SC 58.14 55.76 6 Churchwell, Gunnar B 8 ABSC-GA 55.76 56.87 7 Cohen, Spencer H 7 GO Swim Team-GA 57.88 58.01 8 Bradley, Isaam I 7 GwinAq-GA NT 58.31 9 Foggin, Will H 7 ABSC-GA 1:18.30 59.01 10 Camus, Caleb D 8 ABSC-GA 59.03 59.37 11 Siudut, Lucas G 7 ASC-SC 1:27.47 1:02.21 12 Kennedy, Thomas R 7 ASA-GA NT 1:02.77 13 Haidari, Zachary J 8 ASA-GA NT 1:08.93 14 Boudnik, Brady R 7 Hurricanes-GA NT 1:10.80 15 Hamilton, Fredrick A 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:12.12 1:11.25 16 Patrick, Riley C 7 Hurricanes-GA NT 1:11.85 17 Schlicker, George N 7 ABSC-GA NT 1:12.88 18 Bruckner, Noah S 8 ASA-GA NT 1:18.52 19 Zhao, Zachary 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:19.55 20 Rhee, Brian 8 NGA-GA NT 1:27.66 21 Mendes, Daniel F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:33.68 Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Arnold, Darrian k 8 Swordfish-GA 17.69 18.31 2 Hausdorf, Brendan R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 19.82 19.98 3 Camus, Caleb D 8 ABSC-GA 22.87 21.18 4 Pingel, Joshua T 8 GwinAq-GA 24.07 21.31 5 Churchwell, Gunnar B 8 ABSC-GA 22.73 21.85 6 Watts, Richard P 8 Barracudas-GA 22.10 22.43 7 Cohen, Spencer H 7 GO Swim Team-GA 23.67 23.64 8 Hamilton, Fredrick A 7 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 21.38 23.77 9 Benson, Chase M 8 ASC-SC 25.58 23.87 10 Patrick, Riley C 7 Hurricanes-GA 29.56 25.77 11 Schlicker, George N 7 ABSC-GA 33.45 26.28 12 Kennedy, Thomas R 7 ASA-GA 25.96 26.75 13 Condie, Eli W 7 GO Swim Team-GA 28.83 26.85 14 Bradley, Isaam I 7 GwinAq-GA 26.57 27.03 15 Bruckner, Noah S 8 ASA-GA NT 28.03 16 Jones, Gavin S 7 GO Swim Team-GA 29.76 28.05 17 Gaines, Jonathan M 8 UNAT-GA NT 28.48 18 Mauldin, Jake P 7 ABSC-GA 29.77 29.75 19 Thompson, Christopher D 7 GwinAq-GA 31.55 29.96 20 Siudut, Lucas G 7 ASC-SC NT 30.04 21 Mauldin, Sam A 8 GwinAq-GA NT 31.02 22 Boudnik, Brady R 7 Hurricanes-GA 35.63 31.07 23 Mendes, Daniel F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 26.59 31.65 24 Haidari, Zachary J 8 ASA-GA 36.64 31.75 25 Wan, Morris I 8 GwinAq-GA 33.01 34.37 26 Cohen, Marshall P 5 GO Swim Team-GA 37.98 44.24 -- Rhee, Brian 8 NGA-GA 43.10 DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Bergstrom, Zachary M 8 NGA-GA NT DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Burgess, Nicholas C 7 GO Swim Team-GA 30.75 DQ Arms underwater recovery Boys 8 & Under 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 31.29 AAAA 33.09 AAA 34.89 AA 36.69 A 41.99 BB 47.29 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Arnold, Darrian k 8 Swordfish-GA 44.64 40.99 BB 2 Hausdorf, Brendan R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 47.69 45.98 B 3 Pingel, Joshua T 8 GwinAq-GA NT 48.84 4 Camus, Caleb D 8 ABSC-GA 58.23 54.81 5 Bradley, Isaam I 7 GwinAq-GA NT 55.65 6 Benson, Chase M 8 ASC-SC 55.03 57.39 7 Cohen, Spencer H 7 GO Swim Team-GA 55.79 58.81 8 Condie, Eli W 7 GO Swim Team-GA 1:00.79 1:03.27 9 Duncan, Harry B 8 GwinAq-GA NT 1:04.75 10 Kennedy, Thomas R 7 ASA-GA NT 1:05.57 11 Schlicker, George N 7 ABSC-GA NT 1:06.71 12 Mauldin, Jake P 7 ABSC-GA NT 1:21.61 -- Jones, Gavin S 7 GO Swim Team-GA 1:05.79 DQ Arms underwater recovery -- Mendes, Daniel F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:02.52 DQ One hand touch -- Boudnik, Brady R 7 Hurricanes-GA NT DQ One hand touch -- Chang, Spencer M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms -- Zhao, Zachary 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Alternating Kick Boys 8 & Under 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== 1:10.89 AAAA 1:14.29 AAA 1:17.69 AA 1:21.09 A 1:31.19 BB 1:41.29 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hausdorf, Brendan R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:36.09 1:35.06 B 43.51 1:35.06 2 Pingel, Joshua T 8 GwinAq-GA 2:01.43 1:47.59 47.87 1:47.59 3 Benson, Chase M 8 ASC-SC 1:45.20 1:48.12 49.34 1:48.12 4 Duncan, Harry B 8 GwinAq-GA 1:49.57 1:48.59 54.70 1:48.59 5 Cohen, Spencer H 7 GO Swim Team-GA 1:49.77 1:52.08 50.69 1:52.08 6 Condie, Eli W 7 GO Swim Team-GA 2:01.75 2:01.97 55.32 2:01.97 7 Boudnik, Brady R 7 Hurricanes-GA 2:36.82 2:04.19 56.80 2:04.19 8 Jones, Gavin S 7 GO Swim Team-GA 2:06.47 2:09.09 59.38 2:09.09 9 Schlicker, George N 7 ABSC-GA NT 2:11.77 1:03.13 2:11.77 10 Burgess, Nicholas C 7 GO Swim Team-GA 2:15.79 2:14.88 1:02.62 2:14.88 11 Wan, Morris I 8 GwinAq-GA 2:28.94 2:26.92 1:11.35 2:26.92 -- Chang, Spencer M 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast - back -- Bradley, Isaam I 7 GwinAq-GA 2:00.78 DQ One hand touch - breast 54.53 DQ -- Kennedy, Thomas R 7 ASA-GA 2:10.01 DQ One hand touch - breast 59.71 DQ -- Camus, Caleb D 8 ABSC-GA 2:18.03 DQ One hand touch - fly 46.98 DQ -- Siudut, Lucas G 7 ASC-SC NT DQ Arms underwater recovery - fly 1:03.66 DQ -- Thompson, Christopher D 7 GwinAq-GA NT DQ Non-simultaneous touch - breast 1:15.50 DQ -- Zhao, Zachary 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms - fly 1:02.50 DQ -- Mendes, Daniel F 7 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Scissors kick - breast 58.69 DQ Boys 8 & Under 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:32.49 8&U AAAA 2:40.09 8&U AAA 2:47.69 8&U AA 2:55.29 8&U A 3:18.09 8&U BB 3:40.89 8&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hausdorf, Brendan R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:24.77 3:17.42 BB -- Foggin, Will H 7 ABSC-GA 4:04.84 DQ Boys 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 1:20.94 1:19.93 1) Pingel, Joshua T 8 2) Mauldin, Sam A 8 3) Bradley, Isaam I 7 4) Duncan, Harry B 8 41.71 1:19.93 2 Greater Oconee Swim Team-GA 'A' 1:26.47 1:30.41 1) Jones, Gavin S 7 2) Burgess, Nicholas C 7 3) Condie, Eli W 7 4) Cohen, Spencer H 7 3 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 1:10.79 1:50.93 1) Duong, Keifer H 6 2) Chang, Spencer M 8 3) Lim, Alex Z 7 4) Zhao, Zachary 8 1:01.15 1:50.93 Boys 8 & Under 100 Yard Medley Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 1:32.71 1:29.07 1) Camus, Caleb D 8 2) Churchwell, Gunnar B 8 3) Foggin, Will H 7 4) Schlicker, George N 7 51.57 1:29.07 2 Greater Oconee Swim Team-GA 'A' 1:40.84 1:44.82 1) Condie, Eli W 7 2) Jones, Gavin S 7 3) Cohen, Spencer H 7 4) Burgess, Nicholas C 7 56.49 1:44.82 3 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 1:43.60 1:48.49 1) Mauldin, Sam A 8 2) Bradley, Isaam I 7 3) Pingel, Joshua T 8 4) Thompson, Christopher D 7 52.47 1:48.49 4 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 1:24.64 1:49.62 1) Lim, Alex Z 7 2) Hausdorf, Brendan R 8 3) Mendes, Daniel F 7 4) Duong, Keifer H 6 52.73 1:49.62 -- Asa-GA 'A' NT DQ Stroke Infraction swimmer #1: Hands brought beyond the hipline during stroke - b 1) Haidari, Zachary J 8 2) Christ, Riley S 7 3) Kennedy, Thomas R 7 4) Bruckner, Noah S 8 1:01.30 DQ Boys 9-10 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:32.49 9-10 AAAA 2:40.09 9-10 AAA 2:47.69 9-10 AA 2:55.29 9-10 A 3:18.09 9-10 BB 3:40.89 9-10 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gamble, Conor J 10 GwinAq-GA 2:49.37 2:47.59 AA 2 Lane, James C 10 UNAT-GA 3:03.51 2:58.18 BB 3 Fountain, Charlie C 9 GwinAq-GA 3:17.09 3:12.12 BB 4 Croker, Riley C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:55.04 3:19.05 B 5 Braid, Sam J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 3:28.97 B 6 Mistry, Geetam K 9 ABSC-GA NT 3:44.90 -- Teverino, Luke A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Non-continuous turning action - back Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 27.99 10&U AAAA 29.19 10&U AAA 30.39 10&U AA 31.59 10&U A 35.19 10&U BB 38.89 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Siudut, Nicholas G 10 ASC-SC 30.96 29.79 AA 2 Fields, Brady G 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 29.34 30.31 AA 3 Gamble, Conor J 10 GwinAq-GA 31.09 30.45 A 4 Churchwell, Owen O 10 ABSC-GA 30.61 31.38 A 5 Bashir, Haleem R 9 Swordfish-GA 32.48 31.84 BB 6 Lim, Ananda C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 31.82 32.47 BB 7 Hinkes, Cole B 9 Barracudas-GA 31.04 32.50 BB 8 Zelikovsky, Alan 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 33.23 32.78 BB 9 Abdul-Salaam, Emanuel I 10 Swordfish-GA NT 33.51 BB 10 Dang, David T 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 34.57 33.55 BB 11 Rosenburg, Dorian J 10 GwinAq-GA 33.02 33.69 BB 12 Churchwell, Caedmon C 9 ABSC-GA 34.74 34.48 BB 13 Lane, James C 10 UNAT-GA 34.50 34.68 BB 14 Shang, Luccas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 36.30 34.85 BB 15 Hammett, Griffin P 9 GwinAq-GA 34.28 35.07 BB 16 Fountain, Charlie C 9 GwinAq-GA 37.56 35.23 B 17 Hinkes, Connor A 9 Barracudas-GA 34.54 35.35 B 18 Yang, Kyle T 10 GwinAq-GA 35.93 35.44 B 19 Croker, Riley C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 38.30 35.57 B 20 Neu, Jerrick F 10 GwinAq-GA 36.38 36.09 B 21 Giglio, Jack R 10 ASA-GA 40.67 37.02 B 22 Willett, Nathan N 10 Hurricanes-GA 38.76 37.10 B 23 Kirby, John D 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 39.68 37.22 B 24 Simon, Miles A 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 38.73 37.67 B 25 Carnegie, Jameson 9 Barracudas-GA 37.91 37.98 B 26 Mauldin, Nick S 9 ABSC-GA 43.30 38.98 27 Ash, Samuel W 10 ABSC-GA 39.49 39.01 28 Womack, Wyatt J 10 ASA-GA NT 39.06 29 Fazylov, Misha V 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 39.63 39.31 30 Braid, Sam J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 39.77 31 Schimleck, Bailey H 10 ABSC-GA 36.70 39.85 32 Ash, Jacob M 10 ABSC-GA 41.50 40.09 33 Hong, Nicholas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 50.64 40.77 34 Teverino, Luke A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 42.11 40.91 35 YE, George 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 46.60 42.44 36 Mistry, Geetam K 9 ABSC-GA 40.53 42.63 37 Lefler, Kai V 9 ASA-GA NT 43.20 38 Bradley, Aatiq A 10 GwinAq-GA 47.15 45.26 39 Buckley, Matthew C 9 GwinAq-GA 46.78 45.84 40 Paredes, Samuel 9 ASA-GA NT 46.30 41 Miller, Noah R 9 UNAT-GA 44.79 46.32 42 Greenbaum, Maxwell H 9 ASA-GA 48.63 47.74 43 Patrick, Jacob C 10 Hurricanes-GA 44.68 47.82 44 Winston, Brandon A 10 Rockdale-GA 57.90 48.32 45 Landry, Jacob A 10 Hurricanes-GA 55.27 51.21 46 Arasin, Avery W 10 ASA-GA 53.84 51.55 47 Gaines, Joseph M 10 UNAT-GA NT 52.52 48 Duong, Kris H 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:09.73 Boys 10 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:01.49 10&U AAAA 1:04.59 10&U AAA 1:07.69 10&U AA 1:10.79 10&U A 1:19.99 10&U BB 1:29.19 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Fields, Brady G 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:04.29 1:04.79 AA 31.98 1:04.79 2 Siudut, Nicholas G 10 ASC-SC 1:06.60 1:06.22 AA 31.91 1:06.22 3 Gamble, Conor J 10 GwinAq-GA 1:09.65 1:07.37 AA 31.97 1:07.37 4 Hinkes, Cole B 9 Barracudas-GA 1:16.25 1:12.36 BB 5 Bashir, Haleem R 9 Swordfish-GA 1:12.04 1:12.60 BB 34.67 1:12.60 6 Zelikovsky, Alan 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:14.07 1:13.46 BB 34.25 1:13.46 7 Lim, Ananda C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:11.55 1:13.96 BB 34.88 1:13.96 8 Dang, David T 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:17.54 1:15.04 BB 35.88 1:15.04 9 Rosenburg, Dorian J 10 GwinAq-GA 1:16.66 1:15.12 BB 35.89 1:15.12 10 Fountain, Charlie C 9 GwinAq-GA 1:20.20 1:16.82 BB 36.99 1:16.82 11 Croker, Riley C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:18.52 1:17.17 BB 36.38 1:17.17 12 McCormick, Nathan P 9 NGA-GA 1:18.41 1:17.38 BB 37.62 1:17.38 13 Shang, Luccas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:20.67 1:17.85 BB 36.98 1:17.85 14 Hinkes, Connor A 9 Barracudas-GA 1:19.14 1:18.17 BB 36.11 1:18.17 15 Lane, James C 10 UNAT-GA 1:19.33 1:18.73 BB 37.79 1:18.73 16 Abdul-Salaam, Emanuel I 10 Swordfish-GA 1:19.48 1:19.29 BB 35.67 1:19.29 17 Yang, Kyle T 10 GwinAq-GA 1:24.49 1:19.74 BB 37.16 1:19.74 18 Mitchell, Donovan G 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:14.71 1:20.20 B 37.90 1:20.20 19 Neu, Jerrick F 10 GwinAq-GA 1:24.39 1:20.81 B 40.45 1:20.81 20 Hammett, Griffin P 9 GwinAq-GA 1:19.19 1:23.28 B 38.03 1:23.28 21 Simon, Miles A 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:26.80 1:23.60 B 22 Schimleck, Bailey H 10 ABSC-GA 1:27.16 1:23.75 B 38.90 1:23.75 23 Mauldin, Nick S 9 ABSC-GA 1:36.53 1:24.85 B 39.69 1:24.85 24 Kirby, John D 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:36.30 1:28.59 B 40.77 1:28.59 25 Ash, Samuel W 10 ABSC-GA 1:29.58 1:29.69 42.43 1:29.69 26 Phillips, Griffin H 9 ASC-SC NT 1:29.91 42.69 1:29.91 27 Ash, Jacob M 10 ABSC-GA 1:36.85 1:31.26 28 Braid, Sam J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:32.47 43.80 1:32.47 29 Willett, Nathan N 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:29.50 1:33.86 42.27 1:33.86 30 Hong, Nicholas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:50.39 1:36.53 46.01 1:36.53 31 Mistry, Geetam K 9 ABSC-GA 1:34.88 1:36.58 45.16 1:36.58 32 Bradley, Aatiq A 10 GwinAq-GA 2:11.28 1:37.19 46.52 1:37.19 33 YE, George 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:43.12 1:38.37 34 Barba, Jesse A 9 ASA-GA 1:49.06 1:52.67 52.48 1:52.67 35 Winston, Brandon A 10 Rockdale-GA 2:04.90 1:56.27 50.90 1:56.27 36 Duong, Kris H 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:39.07 1:10.83 2:39.07 -- Landry, Jacob A 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:12.66 DQ No touch on turn Boys 10 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 2:12.89 10&U AAAA 2:19.29 10&U AAA 2:25.59 10&U AA 2:31.89 10&U A 2:50.89 10&U BB 3:09.89 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Fields, Brady G 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:22.98 2:17.77 AAA 31.67 1:06.85 1:42.87 2:17.77 2 Siudut, Nicholas G 10 ASC-SC 2:28.94 2:23.83 AA 32.71 1:09.53 1:47.55 2:23.83 3 Churchwell, Owen O 10 ABSC-GA 2:33.78 2:27.89 A 33.64 1:11.88 1:50.19 2:27.89 4 Gamble, Conor J 10 GwinAq-GA 2:28.93 2:29.49 A 33.15 1:11.17 1:50.63 2:29.49 5 Lim, Ananda C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:36.83 2:34.64 BB 34.54 1:15.13 1:56.57 2:34.64 6 Fountain, Charlie C 9 GwinAq-GA 2:52.95 2:40.84 BB 37.58 1:21.25 2:02.95 2:40.84 7 Lane, James C 10 UNAT-GA 2:49.06 2:41.09 BB 36.53 1:19.70 2:02.43 2:41.09 8 Zelikovsky, Alan 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:47.28 2:44.44 BB 35.56 1:17.41 2:01.95 2:44.44 9 Shang, Luccas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:57.93 2:46.62 BB 38.37 1:21.10 2:05.02 2:46.62 10 Dang, David T 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:50.21 2:49.33 BB 37.19 1:21.24 2:07.26 2:49.33 11 Rosenburg, Dorian J 10 GwinAq-GA 2:43.68 2:49.84 BB 38.55 1:22.77 2:08.55 2:49.84 12 Hammett, Griffin P 9 GwinAq-GA 2:53.40 2:50.13 BB 37.32 1:22.59 2:09.83 2:50.13 13 Croker, Riley C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:54.41 2:50.58 BB 38.13 1:21.79 2:08.54 2:50.58 14 Yang, Kyle T 10 GwinAq-GA 3:10.89 2:54.39 B 38.35 1:23.14 2:09.44 2:54.39 15 Churchwell, Caedmon C 9 ABSC-GA 3:04.16 2:55.48 B 1:25.41 2:12.04 2:55.48 16 Schimleck, Bailey H 10 ABSC-GA 3:09.00 3:00.92 B 42.52 1:29.48 2:17.72 3:00.92 17 Simon, Miles A 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 3:08.47 3:01.84 B 18 Fazylov, Misha V 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:14.15 3:03.09 B 40.69 1:27.06 2:15.47 3:03.09 19 Ash, Samuel W 10 ABSC-GA 3:20.73 3:03.17 B 40.17 1:26.69 2:16.10 3:03.17 20 Braid, Sam J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 3:04.91 B 39.22 1:25.59 2:15.60 3:04.91 21 Neu, Jerrick F 10 GwinAq-GA 3:08.81 3:08.98 B 41.54 1:31.48 2:21.12 3:08.98 22 Willett, Nathan N 10 Hurricanes-GA 3:32.60 3:12.62 40.77 1:32.17 2:24.24 3:12.62 23 Teverino, Luke A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:21.48 3:15.07 1:33.57 3:15.07 3:15.07 24 Kirby, John D 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:21.59 3:16.18 43.01 1:32.89 2:25.19 3:16.18 25 Churchwell, Gunnar B 8 ABSC-GA NT 3:19.13 44.68 2:29.21 3:19.13 26 Ash, Jacob M 10 ABSC-GA 3:20.44 3:19.29 1:33.73 2:27.42 3:19.29 27 Mistry, Geetam K 9 ABSC-GA NT 3:27.30 47.11 1:39.67 2:34.52 3:27.30 28 YE, George 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 3:38.51 45.80 1:40.79 2:39.72 3:38.51 29 Hong, Nicholas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 3:39.70 42.57 1:37.62 2:40.69 3:39.70 30 Patrick, Jacob C 10 Hurricanes-GA 3:56.39 3:46.44 52.41 1:50.17 2:50.94 3:46.44 31 Landry, Jacob A 10 Hurricanes-GA 4:42.78 4:19.44 55.28 3:13.75 4:19.44 Boys 10 & Under 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 5:54.09 10&U AAAA 6:10.89 10&U AAA 6:27.79 10&U AA 6:44.59 10&U A 7:35.19 10&U BB 8:25.79 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Gamble, Conor J 10 GwinAq-GA 6:46.30 6:43.00 A 33.53 1:12.53 1:53.93 2:34.72 3:16.66 3:58.89 4:41.81 5:23.88 6:04.14 6:43.00 2 Fountain, Charlie C 9 GwinAq-GA 7:20.02 7:28.11 BB 39.85 1:26.36 3:42.05 5:13.01 6:00.03 6:44.91 7:28.11 3 Croker, Riley C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 8:59.75 7:46.09 B 37.40 1:23.35 2:09.98 2:58.21 3:45.34 4:34.18 5:24.61 6:14.17 7:02.00 7:46.09 4 Hausdorf, Brendan R 8 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 7:49.25 B 37.55 1:25.67 2:15.19 3:03.43 3:52.55 4:40.87 5:29.73 6:17.83 7:08.04 7:49.25 5 Braid, Sam J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 8:42.60 41.46 1:29.33 2:21.83 3:15.29 4:10.12 5:03.85 6:55.64 7:49.85 8:42.60 Boys 10 & Under 1000 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Fields, Brady G 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 12:49.89 2 Lim, Ananda C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 14:29.71 3 Lane, James C 10 UNAT-GA NT 14:40.55 Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 32.79 10&U AAAA 34.59 10&U AAA 36.49 10&U AA 38.29 10&U A 43.69 10&U BB 49.19 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Fields, Brady G 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 33.70 33.12 AAA 2 Gamble, Conor J 10 GwinAq-GA 34.92 35.07 AA 3 Lim, Ananda C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 37.67 35.44 AA 4 Siudut, Nicholas G 10 ASC-SC 35.38 35.91 AA 5 Churchwell, Owen O 10 ABSC-GA 37.73 36.45 AA 6 Dang, David T 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 40.73 38.53 BB 7 Rosenburg, Dorian J 10 GwinAq-GA 38.97 38.91 BB 8 Bashir, Haleem R 9 Swordfish-GA 38.93 39.05 BB 9 Zelikovsky, Alan 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 39.35 39.94 BB 10 Abdul-Salaam, Emanuel I 10 Swordfish-GA 40.78 40.09 BB 11 Lane, James C 10 UNAT-GA 40.64 40.74 BB 12 Shang, Luccas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 45.96 41.30 BB 13 Croker, Riley C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 43.22 41.81 BB 14 Hinkes, Connor A 9 Barracudas-GA 42.40 42.44 BB 15 Ash, Samuel W 10 ABSC-GA 44.28 42.69 BB 16 Fountain, Charlie C 9 GwinAq-GA 45.17 42.71 BB 17 Yang, Kyle T 10 GwinAq-GA 42.22 43.45 BB 18 Giglio, Jack R 10 ASA-GA NT 43.70 B 19 Willett, Nathan N 10 Hurricanes-GA 49.64 43.82 B 20 Kirby, John D 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 47.93 44.17 B 21 Braid, Sam J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 44.59 B 22 Churchwell, Caedmon C 9 ABSC-GA 42.83 44.62 B 23 Simon, Miles A 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 33.81 44.83 B 24 Hammett, Griffin P 9 GwinAq-GA 42.82 44.86 B 25 Schimleck, Bailey H 10 ABSC-GA 44.76 45.14 B 26 Mistry, Geetam K 9 ABSC-GA 46.79 46.14 B 27 Mauldin, Nick S 9 ABSC-GA 52.76 46.16 B 28 Neu, Jerrick F 10 GwinAq-GA 47.25 46.58 B 29 Fazylov, Misha V 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 47.83 46.86 B 30 Hong, Nicholas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 54.14 47.43 B 31 Ash, Jacob M 10 ABSC-GA 53.17 48.17 B 32 Teverino, Luke A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 48.89 48.87 B 33 Lefler, Kai V 9 ASA-GA 59.83 50.93 34 YE, George 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 57.75 52.87 35 Miller, Noah R 9 UNAT-GA 55.65 54.60 36 Bradley, Aatiq A 10 GwinAq-GA 58.94 54.74 37 Winston, Brandon A 10 Rockdale-GA 1:08.09 56.09 38 Greenbaum, Maxwell H 9 ASA-GA 1:01.32 56.22 39 Buckley, Matthew C 9 GwinAq-GA 55.41 57.11 40 Gaines, Joseph M 10 UNAT-GA NT 58.03 41 Landry, Jacob A 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:00.39 1:00.06 42 Patrick, Jacob C 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:01.67 1:00.93 43 Duong, Kris H 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:12.43 44 Arasin, Avery W 10 ASA-GA NT 1:13.08 Boys 10 & Under 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 1:10.49 10&U AAAA 1:14.09 10&U AAA 1:17.69 10&U AA 1:21.29 10&U A 1:32.09 10&U BB 1:42.89 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Fields, Brady G 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:12.54 1:10.53 AAA 34.45 1:10.53 2 Siudut, Nicholas G 10 ASC-SC 1:17.58 1:15.78 AA 36.93 1:15.78 3 Gamble, Conor J 10 GwinAq-GA 1:18.63 1:16.42 AA 37.42 1:16.42 4 Lim, Ananda C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:21.50 1:17.70 A 38.44 1:17.70 5 Dang, David T 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:28.02 1:24.84 BB 42.04 1:24.84 6 Rosenburg, Dorian J 10 GwinAq-GA 1:26.39 1:25.70 BB 43.08 1:25.70 7 Zelikovsky, Alan 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:26.81 1:26.10 BB 41.61 1:26.10 8 Bashir, Haleem R 9 Swordfish-GA NT 1:26.16 BB 9 Lane, James C 10 UNAT-GA 1:27.17 1:27.13 BB 42.08 1:27.13 10 Ash, Samuel W 10 ABSC-GA 1:36.93 1:29.07 BB 44.15 1:29.07 11 Hammett, Griffin P 9 GwinAq-GA 1:34.45 1:31.69 BB 45.32 1:31.69 12 Shang, Luccas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:32.26 B 44.36 1:32.26 13 Croker, Riley C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:40.06 1:32.47 B 44.81 1:32.47 14 Yang, Kyle T 10 GwinAq-GA 1:34.78 1:32.64 B 44.88 1:32.64 15 McCormick, Nathan P 9 NGA-GA 1:40.22 1:32.98 B 45.54 1:32.98 16 Fountain, Charlie C 9 GwinAq-GA 1:33.41 1:34.67 B 45.61 1:34.67 17 Simon, Miles A 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:36.98 1:35.84 B 46.46 1:35.84 18 Schimleck, Bailey H 10 ABSC-GA 1:40.02 1:36.30 B 48.39 1:36.30 19 Mitchell, Donovan G 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:36.50 1:38.32 B 48.37 1:38.32 20 Mauldin, Nick S 9 ABSC-GA NT 1:41.07 B 47.74 1:41.07 21 Mistry, Geetam K 9 ABSC-GA 1:47.87 1:41.57 B 50.69 1:41.57 22 Braid, Sam J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:43.39 48.47 1:43.39 23 Kirby, John D 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:41.07 1:46.06 48.25 1:46.06 24 Ash, Jacob M 10 ABSC-GA 1:49.11 1:47.73 1:51.75 1:47.73 25 Barba, Jesse A 9 ASA-GA 2:03.01 1:51.23 26 Hong, Nicholas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:26.82 1:51.30 52.68 1:51.30 27 YE, George 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:53.74 53.81 1:53.74 28 Siudut, Lucas G 7 ASC-SC NT 2:05.41 58.13 2:05.41 29 Landry, Jacob A 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:11.14 2:17.82 1:07.23 2:17.82 -- Willett, Nathan N 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:13.17 DQ Non-continuous turning action 46.63 DQ Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 36.49 10&U AAAA 38.39 10&U AAA 40.29 10&U AA 42.19 10&U A 47.89 10&U BB 53.59 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Dang, David T 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 39.82 39.11 AA 2 Fields, Brady G 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 41.10 40.46 A 3 Hinkes, Cole B 9 Barracudas-GA 43.69 41.91 A 4 Mitchell, Donovan G 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 42.68 42.31 BB 5 Siudut, Nicholas G 10 ASC-SC 45.03 42.36 BB 6 Bashir, Haleem R 9 Swordfish-GA 42.69 42.60 BB 7 Shang, Luccas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 44.79 42.86 BB 8 Abdul-Salaam, Emanuel I 10 Swordfish-GA NT 45.04 BB 9 Yang, Kyle T 10 GwinAq-GA 44.59 45.83 BB 10 Lane, James C 10 UNAT-GA 47.09 46.73 BB 11 Lim, Ananda C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 46.59 46.83 BB 12 Zelikovsky, Alan 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 46.57 47.40 BB 13 Hinkes, Connor A 9 Barracudas-GA 49.87 49.34 B 14 Hammett, Griffin P 9 GwinAq-GA 49.22 49.70 B 15 Mauldin, Nick S 9 ABSC-GA 50.42 49.80 B 16 Schimleck, Bailey H 10 ABSC-GA 49.57 49.81 B 17 McCormick, Nathan P 9 NGA-GA 53.00 50.63 B 18 Kirby, John D 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 54.58 51.18 B 19 Braid, Sam J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 51.57 B 20 Croker, Riley C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 51.22 51.78 B 21 Willett, Nathan N 10 Hurricanes-GA 51.53 51.91 B 22 Ash, Samuel W 10 ABSC-GA 54.88 54.11 23 Simon, Miles A 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 52.78 54.41 24 Lefler, Kai V 9 ASA-GA NT 54.65 25 Bradley, Aatiq A 10 GwinAq-GA 58.04 55.30 26 YE, George 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 55.56 27 Neu, Jerrick F 10 GwinAq-GA 55.16 56.95 28 Greenbaum, Maxwell H 9 ASA-GA 1:00.55 58.35 29 Phillips, Griffin H 9 ASC-SC NT 58.89 30 Womack, Wyatt J 10 ASA-GA NT 1:00.56 31 Hong, Nicholas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:01.40 32 Ash, Jacob M 10 ABSC-GA 1:04.45 1:04.40 33 Mistry, Geetam K 9 ABSC-GA 1:02.01 1:10.45 34 Landry, Jacob A 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:09.89 1:12.30 35 Winston, Brandon A 10 Rockdale-GA NT 1:28.28 -- Arasin, Avery W 10 ASA-GA 1:09.48 DQ Scissors kick Boys 10 & Under 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:19.79 10&U AAAA 1:23.79 10&U AAA 1:27.79 10&U AA 1:31.79 10&U A 1:43.69 10&U BB 1:55.69 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Churchwell, Owen O 10 ABSC-GA 1:29.54 1:27.69 AA 41.59 1:27.69 2 Fields, Brady G 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:34.26 1:27.81 A 41.89 1:27.81 3 Dang, David T 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:33.03 1:30.84 A 43.83 1:30.84 4 Siudut, Nicholas G 10 ASC-SC 1:37.18 1:31.69 A 43.84 1:31.69 5 Shang, Luccas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:37.19 1:33.51 BB 44.16 1:33.51 6 Bashir, Haleem R 9 Swordfish-GA 1:37.79 1:34.47 BB 45.43 1:34.47 7 Hinkes, Cole B 9 Barracudas-GA 1:35.74 1:34.58 BB 43.86 1:34.58 8 Lim, Ananda C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:43.34 1:37.95 BB 46.85 1:37.95 9 Churchwell, Caedmon C 9 ABSC-GA 1:38.94 1:39.01 BB 47.47 1:39.01 10 Zelikovsky, Alan 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:42.52 1:40.60 BB 46.60 1:40.60 11 Yang, Kyle T 10 GwinAq-GA 1:44.66 1:41.00 BB 46.79 1:41.00 12 Lane, James C 10 UNAT-GA 1:41.45 1:41.25 BB 48.11 1:41.25 13 Schimleck, Bailey H 10 ABSC-GA 1:44.10 1:45.28 B 52.65 1:45.28 14 Mauldin, Nick S 9 ABSC-GA NT 1:48.25 B 50.58 1:48.25 15 Braid, Sam J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:50.45 B 54.41 1:50.45 16 Croker, Riley C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:57.51 1:51.07 B 52.41 1:51.07 17 Kirby, John D 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:56.62 1:52.39 B 53.39 1:52.39 18 Fazylov, Misha V 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:01.70 1:55.16 B 55.38 1:55.16 19 Simon, Miles A 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:58.25 1:58.71 57.64 1:58.71 20 Ash, Samuel W 10 ABSC-GA 2:00.98 1:59.70 56.98 1:59.70 21 YE, George 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:01.17 57.42 2:01.17 22 Bradley, Aatiq A 10 GwinAq-GA NT 2:01.33 57.09 2:01.33 23 Gaines, Joseph M 10 UNAT-GA NT 2:04.10 57.52 2:04.10 24 Patrick, Jacob C 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:20.14 2:07.17 58.92 2:07.17 25 Buckley, Matthew C 9 GwinAq-GA 2:08.86 2:08.07 58.28 2:08.07 26 Greenbaum, Maxwell H 9 ASA-GA 2:16.73 2:10.19 1:01.31 2:10.19 27 Teverino, Luke A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:29.01 2:11.02 1:04.23 2:11.02 28 Landry, Jacob A 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:54.83 2:29.47 1:11.31 2:29.47 -- Willett, Nathan N 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:54.16 DQ Non-simultaneous arms 52.72 DQ -- Hong, Nicholas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ No touch 1:01.51 DQ Boys 10 & Under 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 31.29 10&U AAAA 33.09 10&U AAA 34.89 10&U AA 36.69 10&U A 41.99 10&U BB 47.29 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Fields, Brady G 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 35.12 34.44 AA 2 Siudut, Nicholas G 10 ASC-SC 35.31 34.75 AA 3 Gamble, Conor J 10 GwinAq-GA 35.94 35.27 A 4 Lim, Ananda C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 36.58 35.57 A 5 Zelikovsky, Alan 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 36.80 36.83 BB 6 Rosenburg, Dorian J 10 GwinAq-GA 36.70 37.86 BB 7 Churchwell, Owen O 10 ABSC-GA 38.22 38.06 BB 8 Fountain, Charlie C 9 GwinAq-GA 39.91 38.78 BB 9 Hinkes, Cole B 9 Barracudas-GA 42.89 40.58 BB 10 Croker, Riley C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 50.49 41.89 BB 11 Lane, James C 10 UNAT-GA 40.91 42.66 B 12 Churchwell, Caedmon C 9 ABSC-GA 46.68 42.93 B 13 Hinkes, Connor A 9 Barracudas-GA 43.34 42.98 B 14 Bashir, Haleem R 9 Swordfish-GA 43.31 43.27 B 15 Dang, David T 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 45.23 43.56 B 16 Shang, Luccas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 48.22 43.79 B 17 Fazylov, Misha V 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 55.63 44.24 B 18 Carnegie, Jameson 9 Barracudas-GA 47.01 44.59 B 19 Schimleck, Bailey H 10 ABSC-GA 48.33 45.58 B 20 Neu, Jerrick F 10 GwinAq-GA 43.02 45.68 B 21 Willett, Nathan N 10 Hurricanes-GA 44.80 45.95 B 22 Braid, Sam J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 47.30 22 Hammett, Griffin P 9 GwinAq-GA 43.31 47.30 24 Foggin, Will H 7 ABSC-GA 1:05.87 48.14 25 Kirby, John D 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 48.70 48.29 26 Mistry, Geetam K 9 ABSC-GA 48.17 48.55 27 Simon, Miles A 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 47.81 48.62 28 Mauldin, Nick S 9 ABSC-GA 50.27 48.70 29 Ash, Samuel W 10 ABSC-GA 50.27 51.07 30 Hong, Nicholas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 59.57 51.94 31 Teverino, Luke A 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 55.52 52.69 32 Bradley, Aatiq A 10 GwinAq-GA 1:03.00 53.60 33 Ash, Jacob M 10 ABSC-GA 52.36 56.39 34 Buckley, Matthew C 9 GwinAq-GA 59.61 58.29 35 YE, George 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:11.31 59.18 36 Miller, Noah R 9 UNAT-GA NT 1:03.89 37 Gaines, Joseph M 10 UNAT-GA NT 1:07.83 38 Patrick, Jacob C 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:32.72 1:11.35 39 Landry, Jacob A 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:17.95 1:16.41 -- Paredes, Samuel 9 ASA-GA NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms Boys 10 & Under 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 1:10.79 10&U AAAA 1:15.69 10&U AAA 1:20.59 10&U AA 1:25.59 10&U A 1:40.39 10&U BB 1:55.19 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Fields, Brady G 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:18.08 1:16.20 AA 36.08 1:16.20 2 Gamble, Conor J 10 GwinAq-GA 1:22.87 1:20.90 A 38.26 1:20.90 3 Siudut, Nicholas G 10 ASC-SC 1:26.77 1:21.13 A 38.38 1:21.13 4 Lim, Ananda C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:30.40 1:26.43 BB 38.64 1:26.43 5 Fountain, Charlie C 9 GwinAq-GA 1:35.02 1:28.69 BB 43.48 1:28.69 6 Rosenburg, Dorian J 10 GwinAq-GA 1:33.32 1:29.45 BB 41.67 1:29.45 7 Zelikovsky, Alan 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:48.98 1:32.83 BB 41.80 1:32.83 8 Lane, James C 10 UNAT-GA 1:34.42 1:33.97 BB 42.52 1:33.97 9 Croker, Riley C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:44.45 1:42.15 B 43.42 1:42.15 10 Neu, Jerrick F 10 GwinAq-GA NT 1:44.55 B 48.29 1:44.55 11 Willett, Nathan N 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:52.69 1:47.59 B 47.90 1:47.59 12 Shang, Luccas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:54.14 1:48.39 B 46.71 1:48.39 13 Dang, David T 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:50.45 1:49.04 B 45.57 1:49.04 14 Kirby, John D 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:08.52 1:51.31 B 50.48 1:51.31 15 Schimleck, Bailey H 10 ABSC-GA NT 1:53.66 B 51.37 1:53.66 16 Mistry, Geetam K 9 ABSC-GA 1:50.96 1:56.00 51.96 1:56.00 17 Mitchell, Donovan G 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA NT 1:56.90 54.36 1:56.90 18 Braid, Sam J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:56.91 53.35 1:56.91 19 Ash, Jacob M 10 ABSC-GA NT 2:04.86 54.97 2:04.86 20 YE, George 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:20.38 1:02.60 2:20.38 21 Landry, Jacob A 10 Hurricanes-GA 3:29.45 2:57.24 1:26.21 2:57.24 -- Ash, Samuel W 10 ABSC-GA NT DQ Non-simultaneous arms 51.89 DQ -- Hong, Nicholas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ Arms underwater recovery 55.96 DQ Boys 10 & Under 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== 1:10.89 10&U AAAA 1:14.29 10&U AAA 1:17.69 10&U AA 1:21.09 10&U A 1:31.19 10&U BB 1:41.29 10&U B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Fields, Brady G 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:16.74 1:14.57 AA 34.77 1:14.57 2 Siudut, Nicholas G 10 ASC-SC 1:20.22 1:15.71 AA 35.35 1:15.71 3 Gamble, Conor J 10 GwinAq-GA 1:20.24 1:18.22 A 35.82 1:18.22 4 Lim, Ananda C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:24.89 1:21.81 BB 36.31 1:21.81 5 Hinkes, Cole B 9 Barracudas-GA 1:26.66 1:21.82 BB 37.64 1:21.82 6 Bashir, Haleem R 9 Swordfish-GA 1:25.69 1:23.04 BB 40.57 1:23.04 7 Zelikovsky, Alan 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:26.29 1:24.39 BB 38.35 1:24.39 8 Dang, David T 10 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:24.38 1:25.24 BB 41.10 1:25.24 9 Lane, James C 10 UNAT-GA 1:28.03 1:25.98 BB 39.44 1:25.98 10 Shang, Luccas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:34.29 1:26.50 BB 42.53 1:26.50 11 Rosenburg, Dorian J 10 GwinAq-GA 1:24.19 1:26.72 BB 39.04 1:26.72 12 Yang, Kyle T 10 GwinAq-GA 1:28.58 1:28.65 BB 41.61 1:28.65 13 Fountain, Charlie C 9 GwinAq-GA 1:29.44 1:29.36 BB 41.45 1:29.36 14 Hinkes, Connor A 9 Barracudas-GA 1:36.50 1:30.83 BB 41.20 1:30.83 15 Croker, Riley C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:36.69 1:31.01 BB 39.74 1:31.01 16 Schimleck, Bailey H 10 ABSC-GA 1:32.01 1:31.02 BB 43.12 1:31.02 17 McCormick, Nathan P 9 NGA-GA 1:31.67 1:34.14 B 44.87 1:34.14 18 Ash, Samuel W 10 ABSC-GA 1:41.41 1:34.85 B 44.34 1:34.85 19 Neu, Jerrick F 10 GwinAq-GA 1:38.78 1:35.43 B 46.85 1:35.43 20 Willett, Nathan N 10 Hurricanes-GA 1:35.65 1:36.44 B 44.62 1:36.44 21 Simon, Miles A 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:35.94 1:37.86 B 47.35 1:37.86 22 Braid, Sam J 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:38.44 B 45.91 1:38.44 23 Kirby, John D 10 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:45.72 1:40.04 B 47.77 1:40.04 24 Ash, Jacob M 10 ABSC-GA 1:45.59 1:46.25 49.27 1:46.25 25 Womack, Wyatt J 10 ASA-GA NT 1:47.58 48.49 1:47.58 26 Mistry, Geetam K 9 ABSC-GA 1:47.16 1:47.98 27 YE, George 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:52.13 1:50.48 28 Hong, Nicholas 9 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:03.50 1:50.66 29 Bradley, Aatiq A 10 GwinAq-GA 1:57.89 1:51.24 30 Barba, Jesse A 9 ASA-GA 2:18.05 2:17.33 1:02.76 2:17.33 -- Mitchell, Donovan G 9 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:32.13 DQ Non-simultaneous arms - fly 45.28 DQ -- Landry, Jacob A 10 Hurricanes-GA 2:22.11 DQ No touch - breast 1:06.68 DQ -- Mauldin, Nick S 9 ABSC-GA 1:47.29 DQ Alternating Kick - fly -- Greenbaum, Maxwell H 9 ASA-GA 2:13.51 DQ Alternating Kick - fly 59.55 DQ Boys 10 & Under 400 Yard IM =============================================================================== Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Lim, Ananda C 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 6:09.50 37.83 1:28.22 2:11.62 2:56.03 3:53.03 4:48.78 5:28.57 6:09.50 -- Fields, Brady G 10 Marietta Marlins-GA NT DQ 36.35 1:19.36 2:02.62 2:44.00 3:33.47 4:23.99 5:02.36 DQ Boys 10 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 2:09.43 2:04.25 1) Lim, Ananda C 10 2) Hausdorf, Brendan R 8 3) Zelikovsky, Alan 10 4) Fields, Brady G 10 31.86 1:06.26 1:35.58 2:04.25 2 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 2:14.32 2:16.73 1) Rosenburg, Dorian J 10 2) Yang, Kyle T 10 3) Fountain, Charlie C 9 4) Gamble, Conor J 10 33.53 1:10.47 1:46.03 2:16.73 3 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' NT 2:33.15 1) Braid, Sam J 10 2) Croker, Riley C 10 3) Kirby, John D 10 4) Lim, Alex Z 7 38.11 1:11.58 1:50.98 2:33.15 4 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 2:28.95 2:50.13 1) Camus, Caleb D 8 2) Schlicker, George N 7 3) Ash, Samuel W 10 4) Ash, Jacob M 10 40.97 1:32.08 2:10.01 2:50.13 5 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'B' NT 2:51.32 1) Hammett, Griffin P 9 2) Neu, Jerrick F 10 3) Bradley, Aatiq A 10 4) Thompson, Christopher D 7 36.21 1:13.09 1:57.71 2:51.32 6 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'C' NT x3:02.84 1) Shang, Luccas 9 2) YE, George 9 3) Duong, Kris H 9 4) Hong, Nicholas 9 34.60 1:17.21 2:23.58 3:02.84 7 Asa-GA 'B' NT 3:16.07 1) Barba, Jesse A 9 2) Arasin, Avery W 10 3) Kennedy, Thomas R 7 4) Greenbaum, Maxwell H 9 47.19 1:34.88 2:27.61 3:16.07 Boys 10 & Under 200 Yard Medley Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 2:27.11 2:23.83 1) Fields, Brady G 10 2) Shang, Luccas 9 3) Lim, Ananda C 10 4) Zelikovsky, Alan 10 33.46 1:16.37 1:52.23 2:23.83 2 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 2:30.49 2:38.94 1) Gamble, Conor J 10 2) Yang, Kyle T 10 3) Rosenburg, Dorian J 10 4) Hammett, Griffin P 9 35.79 1:24.10 2:04.25 2:38.94 3 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 2:56.66 2:47.53 1) Ash, Samuel W 10 2) Churchwell, Caedmon C 9 3) Churchwell, Owen O 10 4) Schimleck, Bailey H 10 43.74 1:30.67 2:07.24 2:47.53 4 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' 3:00.68 3:10.83 1) Croker, Riley C 10 2) Fazylov, Misha V 9 3) Kirby, John D 10 4) Braid, Sam J 10 41.55 1:25.45 1:44.77 3:10.83 5 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'B' NT 3:21.82 1) Ash, Jacob M 10 2) Mauldin, Jake P 7 3) Mauldin, Nick S 9 4) Mistry, Geetam K 9 53.42 1:37.74 2:32.81 3:21.82 6 Asa-GA 'A' NT 3:49.41 1) Lefler, Kai V 9 2) Paredes, Samuel 9 3) Womack, Wyatt J 10 4) Giglio, Jack R 10 1:10.30 2:19.35 3:11.92 3:49.41 7 Columbus Aquatic Club-GA 'A' 3:32.96 3:54.07 1) Patrick, Riley C 7 2) Landry, Jacob A 10 3) Willett, Nathan N 10 4) Patrick, Jacob C 10 1:15.73 2:16.05 3:05.97 3:54.07 -- Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'C' NT DQ Stroke Infraction swimmer #2: Non-simultaneous touch - breast 1) Duong, Kris H 9 2) Chang, Spencer M 8 3) Hong, Nicholas 9 4) Teverino, Luke A 10 1:19.34 1:36.30 2:41.47 DQ Boys 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 25.09 11-12 AAAA 26.19 11-12 AAA 27.39 11-12 AA 28.59 11-12 A 30.99 11-12 BB 33.39 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Rees, Jacob W 12 GwinAq-GA 27.07 26.33 AA 2 Fields, Cullen B 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 26.77 27.05 AA 3 Mayfield, Alex L 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 28.36 27.45 A 4 Wyzykowski, Brad P 12 GwinAq-GA 27.93 28.08 A 5 Whitehead, David A 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 30.19 28.73 BB 6 Potts, Anthony M 11 Orcas-GA 28.60 28.91 BB 7 Johnson, Parker P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 29.34 29.06 BB 8 Abeyta, Jacob B 12 Hurricanes-GA 29.57 29.27 BB 9 Churchwell, Fear F 12 ABSC-GA 30.08 29.74 BB 10 Favors Jr., Stacy R 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 29.62 29.76 BB 11 McDonald, John Morgan M 11 Orcas-GA 28.99 29.89 BB 12 Hatch, Nick P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 30.58 30.13 BB 13 Beckish, Bryce S 12 ASC-SC 29.16 30.46 BB 14 Brownell, Cooper J 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 30.73 30.52 BB 15 Brook, Aidan Z 11 ABSC-GA 31.38 30.68 BB 16 Curry, Ryan C 11 Rockdale-GA 30.39 30.70 BB 17 Willette, Dax 12 Rockdale-GA 30.39 30.83 BB 18 Fountain, Josh D 11 GwinAq-GA 31.35 30.92 BB 19 Marino, Ryan R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 31.94 31.10 B 20 Seo, David 12 ABSC-GA 32.79 31.34 B 21 Ralph, Sterling E 11 ASA-GA 34.44 32.12 B 22 Johnston, James S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 32.67 32.19 B 23 Liles, Brandon H 12 ABSC-GA 32.08 32.33 B 24 Yi, Nick H 11 ABSC-GA 31.61 32.55 B 25 Thompson, Michael J 12 GwinAq-GA 34.13 32.88 B 26 Fasold Berges, Lawrence 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 33.33 32.99 B 27 Slovensky, John A 12 Barracudas-GA 33.72 33.07 B 28 Johnson, Vincent I 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 31.91 33.31 B 29 Escalante, Mac M 11 GO Swim Team-GA 34.94 34.66 30 Snider, Isaac C 12 Hurricanes-GA 34.55 35.50 31 Schuermann, Casey B 11 GwinAq-GA 35.59 35.77 32 Snell, Jackson L 11 WAVE-GA NT 37.94 33 Lefler, Cameron J 11 ASA-GA 38.30 37.99 34 Mosley, Sebastian 11 Rockdale-GA 39.53 41.57 35 Musgrove, Joshua H 11 ABSC-GA 41.36 41.83 36 Disher, Jarod M 11 GwinAq-GA 45.97 43.61 37 Lynch, Marshall E 11 ASA-GA 51.66 49.77 38 Martin, Titus C 12 GwinAq-GA 51.77 50.06 Boys 11-12 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 54.79 11-12 AAAA 57.39 11-12 AAA 59.99 11-12 AA 1:02.69 11-12 A 1:07.89 11-12 BB 1:13.09 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Fields, Cullen B 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 58.12 57.68 AA 28.24 57.68 2 Hentenaar, Ian T 12 Orcas-GA 58.86 57.70 AA 27.43 57.70 3 Mayfield, Alex L 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 58.82 1:00.45 A 29.36 1:00.45 4 Riley, Colin G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:00.66 1:03.29 BB 29.63 1:03.29 5 Johnson, Parker P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:06.05 1:03.63 BB 30.61 1:03.63 6 Downs, Bradley C 11 GwinAq-GA 1:03.77 1:03.73 BB 29.94 1:03.73 7 Whitehead, David A 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:03.21 1:03.83 BB 29.99 1:03.83 8 McDonald, John Morgan M 11 Orcas-GA 1:04.29 1:03.96 BB 30.58 1:03.96 9 Pokorny, Charlie E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:04.41 1:04.39 BB 31.19 1:04.39 10 Beckish, Bryce S 12 ASC-SC 1:04.26 1:04.49 BB 31.07 1:04.49 11 Brook, Aidan Z 11 ABSC-GA 1:06.66 1:04.96 BB 32.09 1:04.96 12 Fountain, Josh D 11 GwinAq-GA 1:07.05 1:04.98 BB 1:09.60 1:04.98 13 Favors Jr., Stacy R 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:06.57 1:06.20 BB 32.17 1:06.20 14 Brownell, Cooper J 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:06.72 1:07.23 BB 32.52 1:07.23 15 Hatch, Nick P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:05.25 1:07.80 BB 32.13 1:07.80 16 Willette, Dax 12 Rockdale-GA 1:05.57 1:08.43 B 33.19 1:08.43 17 Yi, Nick H 11 ABSC-GA 1:11.48 1:09.21 B 34.84 1:09.21 18 Marino, Ryan R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:27.57 1:09.43 B 33.84 1:09.43 19 Johnston, James S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:11.95 1:09.61 B 33.13 1:09.61 20 Slovensky, John A 12 Barracudas-GA 1:14.78 1:12.49 B 35.04 1:12.49 21 Johnson, Vincent I 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:12.17 1:13.78 34.72 1:13.78 22 Thompson, Michael J 12 GwinAq-GA 1:28.19 1:18.31 37.45 1:18.31 23 Schuermann, Casey B 11 GwinAq-GA 1:19.55 1:18.32 38.42 1:18.32 24 Fasold Berges, Lawrence 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:16.66 1:18.70 37.04 1:18.70 25 McKean, Kyle J 12 NGA-GA 1:17.50 1:18.97 37.66 1:18.97 26 Snider, Isaac C 12 Hurricanes-GA 1:18.99 1:22.41 38.42 1:22.41 27 Hand, Matthew A 12 NGA-GA 1:23.91 1:23.84 40.10 1:23.84 28 Mosley, Sebastian 11 Rockdale-GA 1:34.74 1:32.80 42.29 1:32.80 29 Musgrove, Joshua H 11 ABSC-GA 1:33.35 1:34.58 44.54 1:34.58 30 Disher, Jarod M 11 GwinAq-GA 1:41.87 1:36.44 44.85 1:36.44 -- Walker II, Shon D 12 Rockdale-GA NT DQ No touch on turn 48.79 DQ Boys 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:59.19 11-12 AAAA 2:04.89 11-12 AAA 2:10.49 11-12 AA 2:16.19 11-12 A 2:27.49 11-12 BB 2:38.89 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Rees, Jacob W 12 GwinAq-GA 2:12.20 2:02.03 AAA 27.95 59.20 1:30.75 2:02.03 2 Fields, Cullen B 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:04.41 2:06.73 AA 28.65 1:01.27 1:34.44 2:06.73 3 Mayfield, Alex L 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:09.06 2:06.99 AA 29.17 1:02.21 1:35.34 2:06.99 4 Wyzykowski, Brad P 12 GwinAq-GA 2:15.06 2:14.01 A 31.29 1:06.33 1:41.21 2:14.01 5 Fountain, Josh D 11 GwinAq-GA 2:26.07 2:17.56 BB 32.05 1:07.60 1:43.68 2:17.56 6 Abeyta, Jacob B 12 Hurricanes-GA 2:28.52 2:18.84 BB 31.06 1:06.80 1:43.12 2:18.84 7 McDonald, John Morgan M 11 Orcas-GA 2:43.48 2:20.58 BB 31.24 1:06.83 1:44.31 2:20.58 8 Brook, Aidan Z 11 ABSC-GA 2:20.62 2:21.33 BB 33.05 1:08.99 1:46.04 2:21.33 9 Whitehead, David A 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:20.53 2:22.31 BB 30.42 1:06.45 1:45.40 2:22.31 10 Potts, Anthony M 11 Orcas-GA 2:22.13 2:22.57 BB 31.21 1:06.90 1:45.84 2:22.57 11 Beckish, Bryce S 12 ASC-SC 2:23.47 2:22.86 BB 32.41 1:08.82 1:45.93 2:22.86 12 Seo, David 12 ABSC-GA 2:32.30 2:24.01 BB 33.37 1:10.27 1:48.16 2:24.01 13 Johnson, Parker P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:27.56 2:24.17 BB 32.02 1:08.27 1:45.59 2:24.17 14 Brownell, Cooper J 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:25.47 2:25.18 BB 32.37 1:09.21 2:25.18 15 Hatch, Nick P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:21.95 2:26.82 BB 33.32 1:10.53 1:48.67 2:26.82 16 Favors Jr., Stacy R 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:28.61 2:28.19 B 33.14 1:11.25 1:51.11 2:28.19 17 Marino, Ryan R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:30.76 2:29.72 B 32.86 1:11.41 2:29.72 18 Johnston, James S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:32.57 2:30.05 B 34.51 1:13.28 1:52.55 2:30.05 19 Curry, Ryan C 11 Rockdale-GA 2:28.00 2:31.39 B 33.47 1:11.69 1:52.87 2:31.39 20 Liles, Brandon H 12 ABSC-GA 2:39.60 2:33.09 B 34.29 1:14.15 1:55.11 2:33.09 21 Yi, Nick H 11 ABSC-GA NT 2:41.40 34.98 1:16.65 2:01.40 2:41.40 22 Johnson, Vincent I 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:47.70 2:41.53 34.19 1:16.14 2:41.53 23 Schuermann, Casey B 11 GwinAq-GA 2:48.77 2:42.07 37.60 1:18.85 2:01.85 2:42.07 24 Thompson, Michael J 12 GwinAq-GA 3:06.77 2:44.50 39.22 1:21.83 2:06.48 2:44.50 25 Escalante, Mac M 11 GO Swim Team-GA 2:57.04 2:50.08 37.57 1:20.24 2:06.07 2:50.08 26 Fasold Berges, Lawrence 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:55.90 2:52.61 36.63 2:10.27 2:52.61 27 Snider, Isaac C 12 Hurricanes-GA 3:11.03 2:59.36 37.19 1:22.57 2:13.38 2:59.36 28 Snell, Jackson L 11 WAVE-GA NT 3:06.66 39.43 1:27.11 2:17.18 3:06.66 29 Mosley, Sebastian 11 Rockdale-GA 3:30.13 3:31.46 43.54 1:37.52 3:31.46 30 Martin, Titus C 12 GwinAq-GA 4:17.63 3:57.58 52.90 1:53.32 2:55.48 3:57.58 -- Churchwell, Fear F 12 ABSC-GA 2:19.60 DQ False start 32.27 1:07.95 1:44.29 DQ Boys 11-12 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 5:19.09 11-12 AAAA 5:34.29 11-12 AAA 5:49.49 11-12 AA 6:04.69 11-12 A 6:35.09 11-12 BB 7:05.49 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Manucy, Michael J 12 ASC-SC 5:54.13 5:51.69 A 31.24 1:06.73 1:41.83 2:17.98 2:54.13 3:30.18 4:05.84 4:41.67 5:17.23 5:51.69 2 Downs, Bradley C 11 GwinAq-GA 6:17.39 5:57.11 A 31.84 1:06.80 1:44.50 2:20.62 2:57.15 3:33.70 4:10.88 4:47.13 5:23.65 5:57.11 3 Fountain, Josh D 11 GwinAq-GA 6:18.78 5:59.85 A 32.22 1:08.33 1:44.92 2:21.84 2:59.06 3:35.67 4:12.86 4:49.82 5:26.01 5:59.85 4 Brook, Aidan Z 11 ABSC-GA 6:17.80 6:16.32 BB 33.10 1:10.18 1:48.58 2:27.58 3:05.92 3:44.80 4:23.56 5:02.16 5:40.60 6:16.32 5 Pokorny, Charlie E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 6:37.54 6:17.37 BB 32.39 1:08.77 1:46.02 2:25.01 3:03.95 3:43.26 4:23.11 5:02.85 5:41.41 6:17.37 6 Whitehead, David A 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 7:45.78 6:18.52 BB 31.67 1:09.44 1:48.12 2:27.95 3:06.79 3:46.10 4:24.54 5:04.27 5:43.56 6:18.52 7 Johnson, Parker P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 6:31.70 6:23.03 BB 31.02 1:07.83 1:46.18 2:25.69 3:05.95 3:45.76 4:25.70 5:04.60 5:44.31 6:23.03 8 Beckish, Bryce S 12 ASC-SC 6:43.87 6:28.34 BB 1:09.67 1:47.72 2:27.35 3:06.94 3:47.58 5:08.82 5:49.67 6:28.34 6:28.34 9 Brownell, Cooper J 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 7:25.16 6:30.82 BB 33.33 1:09.66 1:49.02 2:29.89 3:11.04 3:51.52 4:32.48 5:13.57 5:52.84 6:30.82 10 Marino, Ryan R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 6:39.60 B 34.05 1:12.28 1:51.19 2:31.26 3:12.01 3:54.07 4:36.92 5:20.08 6:00.44 6:39.60 11 Curry, Ryan C 11 Rockdale-GA NT 6:54.11 B 36.60 1:17.64 2:00.14 2:42.91 4:08.89 4:50.88 5:33.11 6:14.91 6:54.11 6:54.11 Boys 11-12 1000 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 11:07.59 11-12 AAAA 11:39.29 11-12 AAA 12:11.09 11-12 AA 12:42.89 11-12 A 13:46.49 11-12 BB 14:50.09 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Rees, Jacob W 12 GwinAq-GA 12:30.00 11:17.27 AAA 30.04 1:03.92 1:38.26 2:12.19 2:46.54 3:21.64 3:56.03 4:30.30 5:04.75 5:39.49 6:13.94 6:48.28 7:22.92 7:57.54 8:31.78 9:06.22 9:40.21 10:14.52 10:47.62 11:17.27 2 Mayfield, Alex L 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 11:33.89 11:47.66 AA 29.94 1:03.99 1:38.79 2:14.30 2:49.07 3:24.73 3:59.92 4:35.69 5:11.09 5:46.77 6:23.02 6:59.52 7:35.50 8:12.48 8:48.14 9:23.61 9:59.67 10:36.15 11:12.67 11:47.66 3 Fields, Cullen B 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 12:17.56 11:52.95 AA 30.22 1:04.91 1:40.20 2:15.11 2:50.80 3:26.66 4:03.45 4:41.14 5:16.60 5:54.41 6:30.49 7:06.89 7:44.33 8:21.15 8:56.99 9:33.20 10:09.76 10:46.04 11:20.35 11:52.95 4 Wyzykowski, Brad P 12 GwinAq-GA 13:00.00 12:02.10 AA 31.20 1:06.19 1:41.87 2:18.27 2:53.96 3:29.69 4:05.47 4:41.37 5:17.59 5:54.54 6:30.83 7:07.49 7:44.22 8:21.10 8:58.12 9:35.23 10:12.44 10:49.09 11:26.33 12:02.10 5 Abeyta, Jacob B 12 Hurricanes-GA NT 12:46.57 BB 32.01 1:10.10 1:49.33 2:28.44 3:07.26 3:46.90 4:25.25 5:04.04 5:43.59 6:23.15 7:00.96 7:39.81 8:18.82 8:57.57 9:36.70 10:14.81 10:53.74 11:31.66 12:09.48 12:46.57 6 Hatch, Nick P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 12:42.70 12:54.15 BB 32.88 1:09.86 1:48.57 2:27.10 3:06.17 3:44.70 4:23.92 5:03.45 5:42.95 6:22.19 7:00.85 7:41.27 8:18.97 8:57.91 9:36.96 10:16.28 10:56.04 11:35.87 12:15.96 12:54.15 7 Johnston, James S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 14:05.20 13:55.03 B 35.24 1:15.34 1:56.34 2:38.22 3:20.52 4:03.68 4:45.71 5:27.82 6:11.26 6:54.55 7:38.13 8:20.37 9:02.80 9:46.37 10:28.11 11:11.49 11:54.39 12:35.47 13:15.59 13:55.03 Boys 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 28.99 11-12 AAAA 30.49 11-12 AAA 31.99 11-12 AA 33.49 11-12 A 36.49 11-12 BB 39.49 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Mayfield, Alex L 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 32.53 29.39 AAA 2 Rees, Jacob W 12 GwinAq-GA 31.22 30.99 AA 3 Fields, Cullen B 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 31.35 31.24 AA 4 Wyzykowski, Brad P 12 GwinAq-GA 33.22 33.88 BB 5 Favors Jr., Stacy R 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 33.94 33.93 BB 6 Brownell, Cooper J 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 34.83 34.46 BB 7 Potts, Anthony M 11 Orcas-GA 36.76 35.10 BB 8 Whitehead, David A 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 38.04 35.31 BB 9 Churchwell, Fear F 12 ABSC-GA 34.84 35.43 BB 10 McDonald, John Morgan M 11 Orcas-GA 34.80 35.65 BB 11 Brook, Aidan Z 11 ABSC-GA 36.51 35.95 BB 12 Willette, Dax 12 Rockdale-GA 35.18 36.17 BB 13 Beckish, Bryce S 12 ASC-SC 36.62 36.39 BB 14 Hatch, Nick P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 36.86 36.74 B 15 Marino, Ryan R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 37.18 37.02 B 16 Johnson, Parker P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 38.11 37.19 B 17 Curry, Ryan C 11 Rockdale-GA 37.39 37.27 B 18 Johnston, James S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 36.90 37.59 B 19 Seo, David 12 ABSC-GA 40.50 38.09 B 20 Liles, Brandon H 12 ABSC-GA 38.18 38.31 B 21 Yi, Nick H 11 ABSC-GA 37.23 38.42 B 22 Ralph, Sterling E 11 ASA-GA 41.70 38.44 B 23 Thompson, Michael J 12 GwinAq-GA 40.85 39.80 24 Fasold Berges, Lawrence 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 39.45 39.92 25 Johnson, Vincent I 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 40.85 40.53 26 Slovensky, John A 12 Barracudas-GA 42.72 43.28 27 Schuermann, Casey B 11 GwinAq-GA 41.70 43.68 28 Snell, Jackson L 11 WAVE-GA NT 44.35 29 Escalante, Mac M 11 GO Swim Team-GA 43.94 45.22 30 Mosley, Sebastian 11 Rockdale-GA 51.95 48.66 31 Disher, Jarod M 11 GwinAq-GA 56.64 53.97 32 Lynch, Marshall E 11 ASA-GA 51.19 54.17 33 Musgrove, Joshua H 11 ABSC-GA 53.81 55.38 34 Martin, Titus C 12 GwinAq-GA 56.73 56.17 Boys 11-12 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 1:02.19 11-12 AAAA 1:05.59 11-12 AAA 1:08.89 11-12 AA 1:12.29 11-12 A 1:19.09 11-12 BB 1:25.79 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Mayfield, Alex L 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:11.80 1:06.52 AA 31.51 1:06.52 2 Fields, Cullen B 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:09.27 1:07.08 AA 32.99 1:07.08 3 Riley, Colin G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:06.01 1:07.72 AA 32.87 1:07.72 4 Pokorny, Charlie E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:13.56 1:12.08 A 35.40 1:12.08 5 Brownell, Cooper J 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:14.83 1:14.46 BB 35.85 1:14.46 6 Brook, Aidan Z 11 ABSC-GA 1:16.24 1:14.69 BB 36.92 1:14.69 7 Downs, Bradley C 11 GwinAq-GA 1:14.96 1:14.74 BB 35.84 1:14.74 8 Favors Jr., Stacy R 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:15.77 1:15.71 BB 36.88 1:15.71 9 McDonald, John Morgan M 11 Orcas-GA 1:12.76 1:16.15 BB 36.54 1:16.15 10 Fountain, Josh D 11 GwinAq-GA 1:21.48 1:17.18 BB 37.80 1:17.18 11 Johnson, Parker P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:19.33 1:17.27 BB 38.45 1:17.27 12 Whitehead, David A 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:22.93 1:17.77 BB 38.70 1:17.77 13 Beckish, Bryce S 12 ASC-SC 1:18.46 1:18.51 BB 38.82 1:18.51 14 Hatch, Nick P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:16.81 1:18.83 BB 38.11 1:18.83 15 Yi, Nick H 11 ABSC-GA 1:25.98 1:23.27 B 40.30 1:23.27 16 McKean, Kyle J 12 NGA-GA NT 1:26.27 39.65 1:26.27 17 Fasold Berges, Lawrence 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:30.53 1:28.19 42.68 1:28.19 18 Johnson, Vincent I 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:34.65 1:30.12 43.38 1:30.12 19 Schuermann, Casey B 11 GwinAq-GA 1:32.09 1:33.05 1:33.05 1:33.05 20 Hand, Matthew A 12 NGA-GA NT 1:34.68 45.50 1:34.68 21 Snider, Isaac C 12 Hurricanes-GA 1:34.76 1:38.68 46.76 1:38.68 22 Mosley, Sebastian 11 Rockdale-GA 1:54.32 1:44.25 51.14 1:44.25 23 Disher, Jarod M 11 GwinAq-GA 2:12.18 1:59.98 -- Musgrove, Joshua H 11 ABSC-GA 1:55.42 DQ Shoulders past vertical toward breast -- Johnston, James S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:20.15 DQ Non-continuous turning action 38.95 DQ -- Marino, Ryan R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:27.89 DQ Non-continuous turning action 39.10 DQ Boys 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 32.09 11-12 AAAA 33.79 11-12 AAA 35.59 11-12 AA 37.29 11-12 A 40.79 11-12 BB 44.29 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Mayfield, Alex L 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 36.07 35.96 A 2 Hentenaar, Ian T 12 Orcas-GA 36.35 35.98 A 3 Riley, Colin G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 38.10 36.26 A 4 Hatch, Nick P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 37.44 37.15 A 5 Downs, Bradley C 11 GwinAq-GA 37.37 37.76 BB 6 Willette, Dax 12 Rockdale-GA 38.56 38.62 BB 7 Beckish, Bryce S 12 ASC-SC 41.94 39.48 BB 8 Whitehead, David A 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 41.74 39.99 BB 9 Fields, Cullen B 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 41.38 40.57 BB 10 Favors Jr., Stacy R 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 42.24 42.48 B 11 Fasold Berges, Lawrence 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 44.02 42.53 B 12 McKean, Kyle J 12 NGA-GA 43.30 43.24 B 13 Johnson, Parker P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 43.74 44.11 B 14 Johnson, Vincent I 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 45.80 44.45 15 Marino, Ryan R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 49.01 46.25 16 Mosley, Sebastian 11 Rockdale-GA 48.24 46.86 17 Hand, Matthew A 12 NGA-GA NT 47.19 18 Yi, Nick H 11 ABSC-GA 46.92 47.27 19 Slovensky, John A 12 Barracudas-GA 46.75 47.72 20 Thompson, Michael J 12 GwinAq-GA 49.48 48.12 21 Lefler, Cameron J 11 ASA-GA 52.43 48.30 22 Johnston, James S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 48.76 49.23 23 Pokorny, Charlie E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 50.30 49.40 24 Snider, Isaac C 12 Hurricanes-GA 49.87 49.68 25 Disher, Jarod M 11 GwinAq-GA 57.74 56.26 26 Musgrove, Joshua H 11 ABSC-GA 1:01.42 1:02.31 -- Brownell, Cooper J 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 41.75 DQ False start Boys 11-12 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:09.69 11-12 AAAA 1:13.29 11-12 AAA 1:16.89 11-12 AA 1:20.49 11-12 A 1:27.79 11-12 BB 1:35.09 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Mayfield, Alex L 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:20.30 1:15.72 AA 36.14 1:15.72 2 Hatch, Nick P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:18.50 1:17.79 A 36.79 1:17.79 3 Churchwell, Fear F 12 ABSC-GA 1:23.60 1:25.17 BB 40.08 1:25.17 4 Beckish, Bryce S 12 ASC-SC 1:39.36 1:25.21 BB 40.04 1:25.21 5 Whitehead, David A 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:26.57 1:25.42 BB 41.09 1:25.42 6 Willette, Dax 12 Rockdale-GA 1:23.68 1:26.53 BB 41.01 1:26.53 7 Fields, Cullen B 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:32.46 1:26.89 BB 41.32 1:26.89 8 Potts, Anthony M 11 Orcas-GA 1:31.93 1:29.05 B 41.34 1:29.05 9 Fountain, Josh D 11 GwinAq-GA 1:31.33 1:29.38 B 42.71 1:29.38 10 Brownell, Cooper J 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:33.60 1:29.69 B 42.71 1:29.69 11 Favors Jr., Stacy R 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:33.44 1:30.91 B 43.53 1:30.91 12 Abeyta, Jacob B 12 Hurricanes-GA 1:33.30 1:31.45 B 42.76 1:31.45 13 Brook, Aidan Z 11 ABSC-GA 1:30.56 1:33.89 B 45.24 1:33.89 14 Fasold Berges, Lawrence 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:40.64 1:35.67 45.17 1:35.67 15 Seo, David 12 ABSC-GA 1:36.97 1:35.86 45.28 1:35.86 16 Johnson, Parker P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:39.17 1:37.92 45.43 1:37.92 17 Marino, Ryan R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:43.50 1:38.38 46.11 1:38.38 18 Ralph, Sterling E 11 ASA-GA 1:49.54 1:38.62 46.30 1:38.62 19 Yi, Nick H 11 ABSC-GA 1:48.68 1:41.19 47.22 1:41.19 20 Johnson, Vincent I 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:39.18 1:41.42 47.63 1:41.42 21 Slovensky, John A 12 Barracudas-GA 1:39.15 1:42.47 48.62 1:42.47 22 Mosley, Sebastian 11 Rockdale-GA 1:47.06 1:43.00 48.04 1:43.00 23 Liles, Brandon H 12 ABSC-GA NT 1:43.17 47.69 1:43.17 24 Escalante, Mac M 11 GO Swim Team-GA 1:46.79 1:44.64 48.31 1:44.64 25 Johnston, James S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:43.73 1:45.09 50.83 1:45.09 26 Lynch, Marshall E 11 ASA-GA 1:51.37 1:46.20 50.57 1:46.20 27 Lefler, Cameron J 11 ASA-GA NT 1:46.31 49.71 1:46.31 28 Snell, Jackson L 11 WAVE-GA NT 1:48.06 52.15 1:48.06 29 Snider, Isaac C 12 Hurricanes-GA 1:50.00 1:48.09 51.35 1:48.09 30 Musgrove, Joshua H 11 ABSC-GA 2:18.89 2:15.15 1:03.15 2:15.15 31 Walker II, Shon D 12 Rockdale-GA NT 2:23.19 57.84 2:23.19 -- Disher, Jarod M 11 GwinAq-GA 2:04.42 DQ Non-simultaneous arms 54.94 DQ Boys 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 27.59 11-12 AAAA 29.09 11-12 AAA 30.59 11-12 AA 32.09 11-12 A 35.19 11-12 BB 38.19 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Fields, Cullen B 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 28.96 28.91 AAA 2 Mayfield, Alex L 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 28.67 29.31 AA 3 Rees, Jacob W 12 GwinAq-GA 30.60 29.91 AA 4 Wyzykowski, Brad P 12 GwinAq-GA 31.74 31.13 A 5 Whitehead, David A 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 32.43 31.68 A 6 Fountain, Josh D 11 GwinAq-GA 33.88 33.55 BB 7 Favors Jr., Stacy R 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 32.22 33.64 BB 8 Abeyta, Jacob B 12 Hurricanes-GA 34.29 34.15 BB 9 Johnson, Parker P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 35.06 34.18 BB 10 Marino, Ryan R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 36.97 34.95 BB 11 Hatch, Nick P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 36.55 35.25 B 12 Brownell, Cooper J 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 37.08 35.82 B 13 Beckish, Bryce S 12 ASC-SC 33.25 36.00 B 14 Churchwell, Fear F 12 ABSC-GA 36.64 36.08 B 15 Thompson, Michael J 12 GwinAq-GA 39.80 36.15 B 16 Curry, Ryan C 11 Rockdale-GA 36.42 36.76 B 17 Johnston, James S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 35.98 37.62 B 18 Seo, David 12 ABSC-GA 39.16 38.42 19 Johnson, Vincent I 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 40.78 39.55 20 Ralph, Sterling E 11 ASA-GA 43.95 39.92 21 Liles, Brandon H 12 ABSC-GA 40.60 40.77 22 Yi, Nick H 11 ABSC-GA 38.44 40.80 23 Slovensky, John A 12 Barracudas-GA 39.41 41.00 24 Schuermann, Casey B 11 GwinAq-GA 39.07 41.15 25 Fasold Berges, Lawrence 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 42.11 42.97 26 Snider, Isaac C 12 Hurricanes-GA NT 48.39 27 Snell, Jackson L 11 WAVE-GA NT 48.83 28 Mosley, Sebastian 11 Rockdale-GA 51.98 51.63 29 Musgrove, Joshua H 11 ABSC-GA 1:00.62 56.06 30 Martin, Titus C 12 GwinAq-GA 1:03.13 58.16 31 Disher, Jarod M 11 GwinAq-GA 56.47 1:00.36 Boys 11-12 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 1:01.09 11-12 AAAA 1:04.59 11-12 AAA 1:08.19 11-12 AA 1:11.69 11-12 A 1:18.69 11-12 BB 1:25.79 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Fields, Cullen B 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:01.96 1:02.48 AAA 28.71 1:02.48 2 Mayfield, Alex L 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:05.84 1:05.67 AA 30.83 1:05.67 3 Hentenaar, Ian T 12 Orcas-GA 1:14.77 1:11.00 A 32.33 1:11.00 4 Riley, Colin G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:07.72 1:12.81 BB 33.03 1:12.81 5 Whitehead, David A 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:20.04 1:13.33 BB 33.89 1:13.33 6 Fountain, Josh D 11 GwinAq-GA 1:18.77 1:15.50 BB 35.90 1:15.50 7 Beckish, Bryce S 12 ASC-SC 1:19.49 1:17.06 BB 36.63 1:17.06 8 Pokorny, Charlie E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:18.49 1:18.28 BB 36.42 1:18.28 9 Johnson, Parker P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:24.01 1:18.49 BB 35.36 1:18.49 10 Marino, Ryan R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:21.96 1:18.91 B 35.39 1:18.91 11 Favors Jr., Stacy R 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:21.16 1:19.56 B 36.73 1:19.56 12 Downs, Bradley C 11 GwinAq-GA 1:18.82 1:20.92 B 36.16 1:20.92 13 Brownell, Cooper J 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:23.42 1:21.56 B 38.42 1:21.56 14 Hatch, Nick P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:29.82 1:26.14 38.49 1:26.14 15 Thompson, Michael J 12 GwinAq-GA 1:44.59 1:27.37 39.62 1:27.37 16 Johnston, James S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:25.49 1:31.60 42.27 1:31.60 17 Yi, Nick H 11 ABSC-GA 1:37.15 1:33.03 43.71 1:33.03 18 Brook, Aidan Z 11 ABSC-GA 1:26.10 1:33.59 40.99 1:33.59 19 Schuermann, Casey B 11 GwinAq-GA 1:28.66 1:33.69 43.15 1:33.69 20 Fasold Berges, Lawrence 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:46.25 1:40.33 46.54 1:40.33 21 Hand, Matthew A 12 NGA-GA NT 1:50.45 51.01 1:50.45 -- Johnson, Vincent I 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:42.89 DQ Alternating Kick 41.37 DQ Boys 11-12 100 Yard IM =============================================================================== 1:02.39 11-12 AAAA 1:05.39 11-12 AAA 1:08.49 11-12 AA 1:11.49 11-12 A 1:17.59 11-12 BB 1:23.69 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Mayfield, Alex L 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:07.64 1:07.04 AA 30.61 1:07.04 2 Riley, Colin G 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:06.37 1:08.96 A 31.40 1:08.96 3 Fields, Cullen B 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:10.58 1:09.42 A 30.71 1:09.42 4 Hentenaar, Ian T 12 Orcas-GA 1:07.74 1:09.54 A 32.92 1:09.54 5 Beckish, Bryce S 12 ASC-SC 1:20.04 1:12.75 BB 35.51 1:12.75 6 Downs, Bradley C 11 GwinAq-GA 1:16.84 1:12.89 BB 33.92 1:12.89 7 Whitehead, David A 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:16.37 1:12.91 BB 33.64 1:12.91 8 McDonald, John Morgan M 11 Orcas-GA 1:15.57 1:13.91 BB 32.93 1:13.91 9 Willette, Dax 12 Rockdale-GA 1:16.61 1:14.18 BB 34.84 1:14.18 10 Fountain, Josh D 11 GwinAq-GA 1:19.96 1:14.99 BB 35.39 1:14.99 11 Favors Jr., Stacy R 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:18.35 1:16.00 BB 34.05 1:16.00 12 Brownell, Cooper J 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:16.72 1:16.68 BB 35.75 1:16.68 13 Brook, Aidan Z 11 ABSC-GA 1:18.46 1:17.82 B 36.07 1:17.82 14 Johnson, Parker P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:20.83 1:18.41 B 35.82 1:18.41 15 Pokorny, Charlie E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:21.49 1:19.28 B 35.27 1:19.28 16 Marino, Ryan R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:27.29 1:20.33 B 37.39 1:20.33 17 Johnston, James S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:24.89 1:23.70 38.34 1:23.70 18 McKean, Kyle J 12 NGA-GA 1:26.42 1:23.87 37.85 1:23.87 19 Yi, Nick H 11 ABSC-GA 1:29.86 1:24.46 39.59 1:24.46 20 Fasold Berges, Lawrence 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:31.89 1:24.55 39.68 1:24.55 21 Johnson, Vincent I 12 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:27.11 1:25.25 39.67 1:25.25 22 Thompson, Michael J 12 GwinAq-GA 1:32.11 1:26.56 40.31 1:26.56 23 Schuermann, Casey B 11 GwinAq-GA 1:28.78 1:31.05 42.15 1:31.05 24 Snider, Isaac C 12 Hurricanes-GA 1:37.73 1:36.39 44.76 1:36.39 25 Mosley, Sebastian 11 Rockdale-GA 1:45.80 1:40.20 46.63 1:40.20 26 Disher, Jarod M 11 GwinAq-GA 1:54.69 1:50.08 27 Musgrove, Joshua H 11 ABSC-GA 1:49.56 1:53.69 -- Hand, Matthew A 12 NGA-GA NT DQ Alternating Kick - fly 46.59 DQ -- Slovensky, John A 12 Barracudas-GA 1:27.32 DQ Not on back off wall - back 41.48 DQ -- Hatch, Nick P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:15.08 DQ Did not finish on back - back 36.03 DQ Boys 11-12 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:14.99 11-12 AAAA 2:21.79 11-12 AAA 2:28.69 11-12 AA 2:35.59 11-12 A 2:49.39 11-12 BB 3:03.09 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Rees, Jacob W 12 GwinAq-GA 2:29.78 2:27.02 AA 2 Wyzykowski, Brad P 12 GwinAq-GA 2:35.42 2:33.18 A 3 Whitehead, David A 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:53.77 2:36.68 BB 4 Downs, Bradley C 11 GwinAq-GA 2:34.86 2:37.73 BB 5 Fountain, Josh D 11 GwinAq-GA 2:44.17 2:39.13 BB 6 Beckish, Bryce S 12 ASC-SC 2:44.76 2:42.42 BB 7 Abeyta, Jacob B 12 Hurricanes-GA 2:49.24 2:42.48 BB 8 Brook, Aidan Z 11 ABSC-GA 2:52.31 2:42.69 BB 9 Brownell, Cooper J 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:53.36 2:45.32 BB 10 Johnson, Parker P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:48.90 2:46.81 BB 11 Marino, Ryan R 11 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:49.20 BB 12 Pokorny, Charlie E 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:57.81 2:51.06 B Boys 11-12 400 Yard IM =============================================================================== 4:47.79 11-12 AAAA 5:01.49 11-12 AAA 5:15.19 11-12 AA 5:28.89 11-12 A 5:56.29 11-12 BB 6:23.69 11-12 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Mayfield, Alex L 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 5:07.69 5:05.28 AA 31.12 1:09.25 1:48.39 2:27.05 3:12.24 3:57.65 4:32.09 5:05.28 2 Fields, Cullen B 12 Marietta Marlins-GA 5:46.44 5:10.75 AA 31.93 1:10.29 1:51.34 2:30.64 3:17.09 4:03.83 4:37.60 5:10.75 3 Manucy, Michael J 12 ASC-SC 5:14.60 5:13.76 AA 34.46 1:16.14 1:54.67 2:32.52 3:18.58 4:03.60 4:39.52 5:13.76 4 Johnston, James S 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 6:17.41 6:15.20 B 39.67 1:29.94 2:15.23 2:59.61 3:56.79 4:54.26 5:34.61 6:15.20 -- Hatch, Nick P 11 Marietta Marlins-GA 5:40.91 DQ 36.11 1:20.24 2:05.66 2:50.35 3:34.94 4:19.41 4:58.68 DQ Boys 12 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 1:51.26 1:52.50 1) Riley, Colin G 12 2) Zelikovsky, Alan 10 3) Mayfield, Alex L 12 4) Fields, Cullen B 12 31.53 58.56 1:25.54 1:52.50 2 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' 2:00.79 1:55.63 1) Pokorny, Charlie E 12 2) Brownell, Cooper J 12 3) Hatch, Nick P 11 4) Johnson, Parker P 11 29.20 58.74 1:27.70 1:55.63 3 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'C' 2:10.86 x2:03.28 1) Johnston, James S 11 2) Fasold Berges, Lawrence O 11 3) Whitehead, David A 12 4) Marino, Ryan R 11 32.57 1:04.65 1:33.58 2:03.28 4 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 2:01.63 2:04.97 1) Downs, Bradley C 11 2) Thompson, Michael J 12 3) Fountain, Josh D 11 4) Schuermann, Casey B 11 28.33 59.52 1:34.85 2:04.97 5 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 2:14.43 2:18.36 1) Brook, Aidan Z 11 2) Yi, Nick H 11 3) Musgrove, Joshua H 11 4) Schimleck, Bailey H 10 29.90 1:00.82 1:41.27 2:18.36 Boys 12 & Under 200 Yard Medley Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 2:03.40 2:06.01 1) Mayfield, Alex L 12 2) Hatch, Nick P 11 3) Fields, Cullen B 12 4) Marino, Ryan R 11 30.27 1:07.57 1:36.69 2:06.01 2 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 2:15.69 2:17.58 1) Rees, Jacob W 12 2) Fountain, Josh D 11 3) Wyzykowski, Brad P 12 4) Schuermann, Casey B 11 30.79 1:11.76 1:43.71 2:17.58 3 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 2:24.17 2:28.53 1) Brook, Aidan Z 11 2) Churchwell, Fear F 12 3) Yi, Nick H 11 4) Seo, David 12 35.70 1:14.80 1:57.77 2:28.53 4 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'B' NT 2:56.13 41.51 1:36.33 2:17.94 2:56.13 5 Rockdale County Riptides-GA 'A' 2:47.33 3:02.67 1) Willette, Dax 12 2) Walker II, Shon D 12 3) Curry, Ryan C 11 4) Mosley, Sebastian 11 36.69 2:19.58 3:02.67 -- Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' 2:16.49 DQ Stroke Infraction swimmer #1: Shoulders past vertical toward breast - back 1) Brownell, Cooper J 12 2) Johnston, James S 11 3) Whitehead, David A 12 4) Johnson, Parker P 11 34.57 1:14.92 1:54.28 DQ Boys 13-14 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 22.99 AAAA 24.09 AAA 25.19 AA 26.29 A 28.49 BB 30.69 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Locke, Thomas J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 23.29 23.31 AAA 2 Garratt, Griffin A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 23.36 23.33 AAA 3 Mitchell, Jack 14 Rockdale-GA 23.78 23.90 AAA 4 Tang, Andrew P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 23.68 24.30 AA 5 Riley, Alex P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 24.71 24.66 AA 6 Layde, Garrett H 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 26.17 25.23 A 7 Dingess, David A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 25.22 25.28 A 8 Brook, Evan Z 13 ABSC-GA 25.94 25.52 A 9 Wylie, Robert W 13 ABSC-GA 25.49 25.57 A 10 Dowdell, Robert L 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 25.78 25.79 A 11 Paulukaitis, Greg S 13 GwinAq-GA 27.29 26.34 BB 12 Korbut, George 14 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 26.55 BB 13 Peck, Ryan J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 28.45 27.42 BB 14 Musgrove, Jacob P 13 ABSC-GA 27.46 27.63 BB 15 Johnston, Stephen W 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 27.89 27.71 BB 16 Harward, Myrick D 13 ASC-SC NT 28.10 BB 17 Thompson, Noah P 13 Rockdale-GA 27.92 29.09 B 18 Grose, Nathan L 13 GwinAq-GA 32.57 29.95 B 19 Foster, Thomas M 13 NGA-GA NT 31.34 20 Thompson, Jordan X 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 34.15 32.08 21 MacConvery, Jacy J 13 GwinAq-GA 32.74 32.61 Boys 13-14 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 50.29 AAAA 52.69 AAA 55.09 AA 57.39 A 1:02.19 BB 1:06.99 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Garratt, Griffin A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 49.98 50.05 AAAA 24.27 50.05 2 Locke, Thomas J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 51.39 50.50 AAA 24.58 50.50 3 Mitchell, Jack 14 Rockdale-GA 51.33 51.44 AAA 24.59 51.44 4 Riley, Alex P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 54.00 54.49 AA 25.82 54.49 5 Layde, Garrett H 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 57.67 56.17 A 27.14 56.17 6 Wylie, Robert W 13 ABSC-GA 54.61 56.37 A 26.75 56.37 7 Lefler, Cade A 14 ASA-GA NT 57.09 A 27.53 57.09 8 Dowdell, Robert L 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 57.32 57.22 A 27.08 57.22 9 Dingess, David A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 56.18 57.41 BB 27.32 57.41 10 Devaney, Garrett A 14 ABSC-GA 55.46 57.47 BB 27.47 57.47 11 Brook, Evan Z 13 ABSC-GA 58.61 57.56 BB 27.40 57.56 12 Johnston, Stephen W 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 58.06 57.58 BB 27.76 57.58 13 Peck, Ryan J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 58.35 58.59 BB 28.11 58.59 14 Korbut, George 14 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 58.65 BB 28.47 58.65 15 Musgrove, Jacob P 13 ABSC-GA 59.58 59.41 BB 28.67 59.41 16 Harward, Myrick D 13 ASC-SC NT 1:00.69 BB 29.33 1:00.69 17 Grose, Nathan L 13 GwinAq-GA 1:06.29 1:05.12 B 31.04 1:05.12 18 Thompson, Noah P 13 Rockdale-GA 1:03.99 1:06.23 B 19 Braid, Griffin D 13 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:07.72 33.48 1:07.72 20 MacConvery, Jacy J 13 GwinAq-GA 1:14.76 1:10.90 34.03 1:10.90 21 Swanson, Cal M 13 NGA-GA 1:07.86 1:11.06 33.37 1:11.06 22 Thompson, Jordan X 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:11.58 1:13.20 33.97 1:13.20 23 Foster, Thomas M 13 NGA-GA 1:17.37 1:13.62 34.48 1:13.62 Boys 13-14 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:49.59 AAAA 1:54.79 AAA 1:59.99 AA 2:05.29 A 2:15.69 BB 2:26.09 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Locke, Thomas J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:53.20 1:48.05 AAAA 25.45 52.37 1:20.44 1:48.05 2 Garratt, Griffin A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:50.33 1:48.23 AAAA 25.94 53.34 1:21.15 1:48.23 3 Mitchell, Jack 14 Rockdale-GA 1:53.76 1:52.36 AAA 26.14 54.62 1:23.75 1:52.36 4 Riley, Alex P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:55.75 1:57.69 AA 26.36 55.15 1:25.74 1:57.69 5 Wylie, Robert W 13 ABSC-GA 1:58.51 1:58.35 AA 27.13 56.87 1:27.71 1:58.35 6 Tang, Andrew P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:52.65 1:59.96 AA 26.07 53.20 1:24.26 1:59.96 7 Dingess, David A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:03.84 2:02.34 A 27.52 58.39 1:30.43 2:02.34 8 Johnston, Stephen W 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:05.52 2:03.14 A 28.29 58.86 1:31.30 2:03.14 9 Korbut, George 14 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:03.77 A 28.73 1:00.07 1:32.39 2:03.77 10 Layde, Garrett H 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:05.25 2:04.32 A 28.03 59.33 1:32.07 2:04.32 11 Peck, Ryan J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:06.94 2:07.31 BB 28.57 1:00.65 1:34.46 2:07.31 12 Dowdell, Robert L 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:10.18 2:08.81 BB 28.20 1:00.44 1:35.24 2:08.81 13 Musgrove, Jacob P 13 ABSC-GA 2:12.76 2:10.47 BB 29.64 1:02.88 1:37.28 2:10.47 14 Harward, Myrick D 13 ASC-SC NT 2:12.13 BB 31.46 1:05.05 1:39.59 2:12.13 15 Paulukaitis, Greg S 13 GwinAq-GA 2:16.90 2:14.77 BB 31.35 1:05.24 1:40.60 2:14.77 16 Grose, Nathan L 13 GwinAq-GA 2:33.43 2:23.22 B 31.58 1:07.70 1:46.02 2:23.22 17 MacConvery, Jacy J 13 GwinAq-GA 2:39.94 2:35.45 34.29 1:13.42 1:54.99 2:35.45 18 Thompson, Noah P 13 Rockdale-GA 2:36.11 2:35.65 32.49 1:11.05 1:53.72 2:35.65 19 Foster, Thomas M 13 NGA-GA NT 2:39.84 34.90 1:15.05 1:58.12 2:39.84 20 Thompson, Jordan X 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:45.33 2:47.69 37.10 1:20.30 2:04.70 2:47.69 Boys 13-14 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 4:53.29 13-14 AAAA 5:07.29 13-14 AAA 5:21.29 13-14 AA 5:35.19 13-14 A 6:03.19 13-14 BB 6:31.09 13-14 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Locke, Thomas J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 5:16.54 5:04.59 AAA 26.12 56.20 1:27.23 1:58.91 2:29.98 3:01.32 3:32.73 4:04.18 4:35.25 5:04.59 2 Wylie, Robert W 13 ABSC-GA 5:11.65 5:15.32 AA 27.31 58.02 1:29.78 2:01.46 2:33.45 3:05.89 3:38.48 4:11.06 4:43.66 5:15.32 3 Dingess, David A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 5:33.87 5:34.41 A 28.55 1:01.52 1:35.15 2:08.93 2:42.82 3:17.28 3:51.70 4:26.66 5:01.17 5:34.41 4 Korbut, George 14 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 5:42.33 BB 29.57 1:02.36 1:35.79 2:10.17 2:45.14 3:21.01 3:56.72 4:32.62 5:08.53 5:42.33 5 Musgrove, Jacob P 13 ABSC-GA 6:01.45 5:58.36 BB 31.74 1:07.49 1:44.40 2:21.09 2:57.30 3:33.98 4:11.04 4:47.75 5:24.54 5:58.36 6 Brook, Evan Z 13 ABSC-GA 6:16.12 5:58.84 BB 29.65 1:04.94 1:42.00 2:18.77 2:55.70 3:32.89 4:10.18 4:48.21 5:24.35 5:58.84 7 Harward, Myrick D 13 ASC-SC NT 6:00.49 BB 32.25 1:07.45 1:43.98 2:21.70 2:59.55 3:38.17 4:16.07 4:51.91 5:27.34 6:00.49 8 MacConvery, Jacy J 13 GwinAq-GA 7:09.18 6:33.25 35.64 1:15.57 1:55.97 2:36.89 3:17.62 3:57.46 4:38.31 5:16.86 5:55.16 6:33.25 Boys 13-14 1000 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 10:09.39 13-14 AAAA 10:38.39 13-14 AAA 11:07.39 13-14 AA 11:36.39 13-14 A 12:34.39 13-14 BB 13:32.49 13-14 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Cox, Derek S 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 10:25.28 10:16.88 AAA 27.62 57.99 1:28.70 1:59.67 2:30.87 3:01.80 3:32.74 4:03.62 4:34.64 5:05.87 5:36.86 6:07.76 6:38.76 7:09.75 7:41.14 8:12.30 8:43.87 9:15.51 9:47.13 10:16.88 2 Garratt, Griffin A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 10:39.88 10:26.84 AAA 27.85 58.54 1:29.51 2:00.82 2:32.47 3:04.21 3:35.68 4:07.70 4:39.43 5:11.58 5:43.34 6:14.70 6:46.84 7:18.72 7:50.59 8:22.40 8:54.34 9:26.22 9:56.85 10:26.84 3 Cox, Erek R 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 10:46.86 10:39.48 AA 28.24 59.04 1:30.44 2:02.25 2:34.21 3:06.46 3:38.59 4:11.00 4:43.41 5:15.72 5:48.42 6:21.02 6:53.46 7:25.94 7:58.32 8:30.70 9:03.11 9:35.68 10:07.89 10:39.48 4 Tang, Andrew P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 10:52.80 11:14.22 A 27.15 57.62 1:30.23 2:01.30 2:33.53 3:08.00 3:41.20 4:15.48 4:50.77 5:25.23 5:58.86 6:33.46 7:11.21 7:48.28 8:22.80 8:56.67 9:32.11 10:07.14 10:41.75 11:14.22 5 Layde, Garrett H 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 13:44.45 11:17.83 A 30.14 1:02.80 1:36.94 2:11.20 2:45.44 3:20.24 3:54.51 4:28.58 5:03.74 5:37.98 6:13.00 6:47.29 7:21.38 7:55.94 8:30.73 9:04.92 9:39.23 10:13.44 10:47.77 11:17.83 6 Riley, Alex P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 11:16.41 11:32.78 A 30.55 1:03.69 1:35.60 2:08.75 2:43.70 3:19.42 3:54.32 4:29.65 5:06.03 5:42.86 6:19.56 6:54.64 7:30.29 8:06.64 8:42.18 9:17.07 9:53.11 10:26.85 10:59.37 11:32.78 7 Peck, Ryan J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 11:45.69 11:46.23 BB 30.22 1:04.92 1:40.70 2:16.92 2:52.62 3:28.09 4:03.52 4:39.22 5:15.21 5:50.92 6:26.94 7:02.73 7:38.45 8:14.96 8:50.52 9:26.21 10:01.88 10:37.41 11:13.04 11:46.23 Boys 13-14 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 56.19 AAAA 58.89 AAA 1:01.49 AA 1:04.19 A 1:09.59 BB 1:14.89 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Garratt, Griffin A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 56.53 55.46 AAAA 27.51 55.46 2 Locke, Thomas J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 56.24 56.03 AAAA 27.76 56.03 3 Mitchell, Jack 14 Rockdale-GA 57.29 57.38 AAA 27.88 57.38 4 Riley, Alex P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 57.06 57.67 AAA 28.48 57.67 5 Tang, Andrew P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 59.81 58.01 AAA 28.00 58.01 6 Dingess, David A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:00.04 1:01.58 A 30.04 1:01.58 7 Wylie, Robert W 13 ABSC-GA 1:03.71 1:03.83 A 30.65 1:03.83 8 Korbut, George 14 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:04.27 BB 31.76 1:04.27 9 Layde, Garrett H 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:06.62 1:04.80 BB 31.67 1:04.80 10 Brook, Evan Z 13 ABSC-GA 1:05.96 1:05.48 BB 32.18 1:05.48 11 Johnston, Stephen W 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:11.94 1:09.12 BB 34.12 1:09.12 12 Dowdell, Robert L 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:08.14 1:09.80 B 33.81 1:09.80 13 Peck, Ryan J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:09.89 1:10.52 B 35.04 1:10.52 14 Musgrove, Jacob P 13 ABSC-GA 1:12.67 1:12.52 B 35.04 1:12.52 15 Paulukaitis, Greg S 13 GwinAq-GA 1:16.01 1:15.31 36.57 1:15.31 16 Grose, Nathan L 13 GwinAq-GA 1:22.89 1:18.15 38.97 1:18.15 17 Foster, Thomas M 13 NGA-GA 1:42.82 1:31.35 45.01 1:31.35 18 Thompson, Jordan X 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:31.55 1:32.64 43.75 1:32.64 Boys 13-14 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 2:00.99 AAAA 2:06.69 AAA 2:12.49 AA 2:18.19 A 2:29.79 BB 2:41.29 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Garratt, Griffin A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:02.51 2:07.93 AA 30.79 1:03.70 1:36.62 2:07.93 2 Locke, Thomas J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:07.09 2:08.65 AA 30.65 1:03.86 1:37.22 2:08.65 3 Mitchell, Jack 14 Rockdale-GA 2:06.50 2:09.72 AA 30.46 1:03.62 1:37.67 2:09.72 4 Riley, Alex P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:05.23 2:12.86 A 31.36 1:04.87 1:38.62 2:12.86 5 Dingess, David A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:09.66 2:17.20 A 32.03 1:06.92 1:42.69 2:17.20 6 Wylie, Robert W 13 ABSC-GA 2:24.53 2:19.78 BB 32.84 1:09.06 1:44.78 2:19.78 7 Devaney, Garrett A 14 ABSC-GA 2:19.57 2:20.85 BB 33.31 1:08.88 1:45.58 2:20.85 8 Layde, Garrett H 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:21.75 2:21.30 BB 33.18 1:09.64 1:46.21 2:21.30 9 Brook, Evan Z 13 ABSC-GA 2:22.13 2:21.73 BB 33.11 1:09.33 1:46.51 2:21.73 10 Korbut, George 14 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:22.16 BB 34.04 1:10.05 1:47.02 2:22.16 11 Johnston, Stephen W 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:32.02 2:24.40 BB 34.50 1:11.43 1:48.47 2:24.40 12 Peck, Ryan J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:31.60 2:29.00 BB 35.67 1:13.49 2:29.00 13 Musgrove, Jacob P 13 ABSC-GA NT 2:34.67 B 37.44 1:16.76 1:56.49 2:34.67 14 Dowdell, Robert L 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:31.20 2:36.34 B 36.15 1:14.78 1:55.17 2:36.34 15 Braid, Griffin D 13 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:44.54 1:21.46 2:03.86 2:44.54 16 Grose, Nathan L 13 GwinAq-GA NT 2:54.64 40.55 1:25.45 2:10.25 2:54.64 17 Thompson, Jordan X 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 3:06.59 3:05.14 41.57 1:29.08 2:16.48 3:05.14 18 Foster, Thomas M 13 NGA-GA NT 3:08.62 43.73 1:31.55 2:20.76 3:08.62 19 Swanson, Cal M 13 NGA-GA NT 3:17.44 43.80 1:30.93 2:24.71 3:17.44 Boys 13-14 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:03.09 AAAA 1:06.09 AAA 1:09.09 AA 1:12.09 A 1:18.09 BB 1:24.09 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Garratt, Griffin A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:06.34 1:07.99 AA 32.02 1:07.99 2 Locke, Thomas J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:12.00 1:09.84 A 33.12 1:09.84 3 Wylie, Robert W 13 ABSC-GA 1:10.96 1:10.21 A 33.27 1:10.21 4 Peck, Ryan J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:13.57 1:14.23 BB 35.40 1:14.23 5 Lefler, Cade A 14 ASA-GA 1:16.79 1:14.29 BB 35.16 1:14.29 6 Korbut, George 14 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:14.59 BB 35.94 1:14.59 7 Riley, Alex P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:13.91 1:14.78 BB 35.03 1:14.78 8 Johnston, Stephen W 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:20.00 1:16.17 BB 36.01 1:16.17 9 Harward, Myrick D 13 ASC-SC NT 1:16.30 BB 36.34 1:16.30 10 Devaney, Garrett A 14 ABSC-GA 1:14.71 1:17.23 BB 36.19 1:17.23 11 Layde, Garrett H 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:16.28 1:17.93 BB 36.25 1:17.93 12 Musgrove, Jacob P 13 ABSC-GA 1:17.71 1:18.58 B 37.48 1:18.58 13 Brook, Evan Z 13 ABSC-GA 1:20.04 1:20.35 B 38.03 1:20.35 14 Dingess, David A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:27.32 1:20.88 B 37.97 1:20.88 15 Thompson, Noah P 13 Rockdale-GA 1:26.00 1:26.01 40.85 1:26.01 16 MacConvery, Jacy J 13 GwinAq-GA 1:27.35 1:26.06 41.05 1:26.06 17 Dowdell, Robert L 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:24.47 1:26.40 40.06 1:26.40 18 Swanson, Cal M 13 NGA-GA NT 1:32.83 44.23 1:32.83 19 Braid, Griffin D 13 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:33.28 45.29 1:33.28 20 Thompson, Jordan X 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:48.12 1:43.96 47.73 1:43.96 21 Foster, Thomas M 13 NGA-GA NT 1:51.39 50.67 1:51.39 Boys 13-14 200 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 2:16.79 AAAA 2:23.29 AAA 2:29.79 AA 2:36.29 A 2:49.39 BB 3:02.39 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Garratt, Griffin A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:21.65 2:27.26 AA 34.06 1:11.24 1:49.73 2:27.26 2 Tang, Andrew P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:31.67 2:30.35 A 34.24 1:11.94 1:50.93 2:30.35 3 Wylie, Robert W 13 ABSC-GA 2:35.98 2:33.62 A 34.51 1:13.62 1:53.45 2:33.62 4 Locke, Thomas J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:35.61 2:35.77 A 35.27 1:14.09 1:54.46 2:35.77 5 Peck, Ryan J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:32.88 2:36.76 BB 35.81 1:15.81 1:56.25 2:36.76 6 Riley, Alex P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:40.12 2:37.08 BB 36.43 1:15.96 1:56.41 2:37.08 7 Korbut, George 14 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:41.46 BB 36.29 1:17.45 2:00.46 2:41.46 8 Musgrove, Jacob P 13 ABSC-GA 2:50.98 2:47.81 BB 38.37 1:20.88 2:05.06 2:47.81 9 Johnston, Stephen W 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:48.79 2:48.49 BB 39.00 1:21.67 2:05.25 2:48.49 10 Layde, Garrett H 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:46.94 2:48.78 BB 37.56 1:20.18 2:05.56 2:48.78 11 Harward, Myrick D 13 ASC-SC NT 2:50.89 B 39.11 1:23.45 2:08.42 2:50.89 12 Dingess, David A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 3:02.34 2:52.83 B 39.12 1:23.19 2:08.83 2:52.83 13 Brook, Evan Z 13 ABSC-GA 2:53.20 2:53.54 B 39.25 1:23.67 2:09.81 2:53.54 14 MacConvery, Jacy J 13 GwinAq-GA 2:58.50 2:56.35 B 41.03 1:26.15 2:10.62 2:56.35 15 Dowdell, Robert L 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 3:05.81 3:10.30 42.08 1:30.45 2:20.55 3:10.30 16 Foster, Thomas M 13 NGA-GA NT 3:43.39 47.81 1:46.45 2:45.56 3:43.39 Boys 13-14 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 54.99 AAAA 57.59 AAA 1:00.29 AA 1:02.89 A 1:08.09 BB 1:13.29 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Garratt, Griffin A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 54.08 53.83 AAAA 25.62 53.83 2 Mitchell, Jack 14 Rockdale-GA 57.76 57.09 AAA 26.24 57.09 3 Locke, Thomas J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 58.91 57.77 AA 26.98 57.77 4 Riley, Alex P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:04.62 1:01.72 A 28.62 1:01.72 5 Dowdell, Robert L 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:08.45 1:03.72 BB 29.09 1:03.72 6 Dingess, David A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:02.26 1:03.81 BB 29.28 1:03.81 7 Layde, Garrett H 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:04.73 1:03.99 BB 29.95 1:03.99 8 Korbut, George 14 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:04.01 BB 30.11 1:04.01 9 Wylie, Robert W 13 ABSC-GA 1:03.56 1:05.56 BB 29.91 1:05.56 10 Johnston, Stephen W 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:06.95 1:06.70 BB 30.87 1:06.70 11 Brook, Evan Z 13 ABSC-GA 1:08.19 1:07.40 BB 31.66 1:07.40 12 Tang, Andrew P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 57.70 1:08.31 B 26.40 1:08.31 13 Peck, Ryan J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:09.27 1:10.58 B 33.23 1:10.58 14 Paulukaitis, Greg S 13 GwinAq-GA 1:12.80 1:12.88 B 33.41 1:12.88 15 Harward, Myrick D 13 ASC-SC NT 1:17.78 34.70 1:17.78 16 MacConvery, Jacy J 13 GwinAq-GA 1:24.45 1:17.90 35.97 1:17.90 17 Grose, Nathan L 13 GwinAq-GA NT 1:25.07 39.02 1:25.07 18 Thompson, Noah P 13 Rockdale-GA NT 1:26.27 38.07 1:26.27 Boys 13-14 200 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 2:02.79 AAAA 2:08.59 AAA 2:14.39 AA 2:20.29 A 2:31.99 BB 2:43.69 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Garratt, Griffin A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:59.33 2:04.47 AAA 27.23 58.47 1:31.15 2:04.47 2 Locke, Thomas J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:15.22 2:14.35 AA 29.20 1:02.71 1:37.83 2:14.35 3 Johnston, Stephen W 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:23.03 2:14.91 A 29.34 1:03.25 1:38.69 2:14.91 4 Devaney, Garrett A 14 ABSC-GA 2:17.13 2:20.71 BB 32.19 1:08.42 1:43.65 2:20.71 5 Dingess, David A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:23.77 2:25.80 BB 31.46 1:09.23 1:47.85 2:25.80 6 Wylie, Robert W 13 ABSC-GA 2:24.47 2:25.91 BB 32.91 1:10.05 1:47.57 2:25.91 7 Layde, Garrett H 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:29.06 2:26.35 BB 31.52 1:09.60 1:48.56 2:26.35 8 Korbut, George 14 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:27.71 BB 30.97 1:08.09 1:48.59 2:27.71 9 Riley, Alex P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:24.86 2:30.26 BB 30.98 1:08.04 1:49.44 2:30.26 10 Peck, Ryan J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:42.95 2:38.60 B 34.15 1:14.59 1:56.88 2:38.60 11 Braid, Griffin D 13 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:46.45 37.06 1:19.89 2:02.75 2:46.45 12 Dowdell, Robert L 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:48.78 3:01.42 32.79 1:16.11 2:07.63 3:01.42 Boys 13-14 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 2:02.79 AAAA 2:08.59 AAA 2:14.39 AA 2:20.29 A 2:31.99 BB 2:43.69 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Garratt, Griffin A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:01.57 2:03.06 AAA 25.99 56.61 1:33.53 2:03.06 2 Locke, Thomas J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:08.48 2:06.13 AAA 26.90 58.16 1:36.47 2:06.13 3 Mitchell, Jack 14 Rockdale-GA 2:09.87 2:09.41 AA 27.50 1:00.20 1:40.48 2:09.41 4 Wylie, Robert W 13 ABSC-GA 2:17.42 2:13.94 AA 29.26 1:02.58 1:43.12 2:13.94 5 Riley, Alex P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:11.65 2:14.61 A 28.97 1:01.68 1:44.00 2:14.61 6 Devaney, Garrett A 14 ABSC-GA 2:19.68 2:18.55 A 28.27 1:03.69 1:46.12 2:18.55 7 Johnston, Stephen W 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:26.33 2:18.71 A 29.63 1:06.02 1:46.77 2:18.71 8 Dingess, David A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:22.40 2:19.77 A 28.93 1:03.02 1:47.73 2:19.77 9 Korbut, George 14 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:21.02 BB 29.82 1:04.78 1:48.55 2:21.02 10 Layde, Garrett H 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:19.56 2:21.53 BB 30.38 1:05.31 1:49.45 2:21.53 11 Peck, Ryan J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:25.47 2:23.35 BB 31.37 1:09.39 1:50.66 2:23.35 12 Brook, Evan Z 13 ABSC-GA 2:23.74 2:25.36 BB 32.07 1:09.24 1:53.58 2:25.36 13 Dowdell, Robert L 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:30.71 2:31.41 BB 28.81 1:07.50 1:56.89 2:31.41 14 Lefler, Cade A 14 ASA-GA NT 2:31.96 BB 32.22 1:11.35 1:55.83 2:31.96 15 Musgrove, Jacob P 13 ABSC-GA 2:34.22 2:32.12 B 34.50 1:13.05 1:58.31 2:32.12 16 Harward, Myrick D 13 ASC-SC NT 2:34.06 B 33.96 1:14.99 1:59.03 2:34.06 17 Braid, Griffin D 13 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:43.66 B 33.46 1:14.06 2:05.76 2:43.66 18 MacConvery, Jacy J 13 GwinAq-GA 2:42.73 2:45.96 36.57 1:20.83 2:07.40 2:45.96 19 Grose, Nathan L 13 GwinAq-GA 2:57.72 2:52.82 38.49 1:21.41 2:15.51 2:52.82 20 Swanson, Cal M 13 NGA-GA NT 3:03.68 38.43 1:24.71 2:19.94 3:03.68 21 Foster, Thomas M 13 NGA-GA NT 3:14.80 45.66 1:32.38 2:32.27 3:14.80 Boys 13-14 400 Yard IM =============================================================================== 4:22.89 13-14 AAAA 4:35.49 13-14 AAA 4:47.99 13-14 AA 5:00.49 13-14 A 5:25.49 13-14 BB 5:50.59 13-14 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Garratt, Griffin A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 4:22.54 4:18.33 AAAA 27.28 58.09 1:31.10 3:18.90 3:47.88 4:18.33 2 Locke, Thomas J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 4:38.91 4:29.17 AAA 27.69 59.07 1:32.80 3:27.01 4:29.17 3 Cox, Derek S 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 4:34.49 4:31.43 AAA 28.88 1:01.01 3:29.96 4:31.43 4 Cox, Erek R 13 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 4:44.58 4:46.19 AA 28.83 1:02.00 1:39.32 2:59.69 3:43.25 4:46.19 5 Wylie, Robert W 13 ABSC-GA 4:44.71 4:46.95 AA 30.77 1:06.54 1:44.80 3:03.36 3:44.15 4:46.95 6 Riley, Alex P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 4:48.04 4:47.75 AA 28.89 1:05.13 1:40.11 2:13.54 2:56.67 3:41.45 4:14.62 4:47.75 7 Tang, Andrew P 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 4:27.71 4:51.22 A 28.42 1:07.10 1:44.05 3:00.27 3:45.45 4:51.22 8 Layde, Garrett H 13 Marietta Marlins-GA 4:55.66 4:51.97 A 30.83 1:07.28 1:43.88 2:21.04 3:04.52 3:47.32 4:20.87 4:51.97 9 Dingess, David A 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 4:56.01 4:57.92 A 30.85 1:07.64 1:42.77 2:18.63 3:06.10 3:51.08 4:24.91 4:57.92 10 Peck, Ryan J 14 Marietta Marlins-GA 5:00.89 4:59.74 A 32.52 1:09.29 1:49.96 2:29.18 3:10.39 3:52.21 4:26.18 4:59.74 11 Brook, Evan Z 13 ABSC-GA 5:07.08 5:06.02 BB 32.14 1:10.69 1:49.78 2:27.44 3:12.72 3:59.52 4:34.35 5:06.02 12 Musgrove, Jacob P 13 ABSC-GA 5:38.23 5:25.24 BB 36.81 1:20.12 2:01.23 2:42.54 3:28.66 4:13.88 4:50.63 5:25.24 13 MacConvery, Jacy J 13 GwinAq-GA 5:55.95 5:42.31 B 36.79 1:20.60 2:06.44 2:50.97 3:36.83 4:23.16 5:04.38 5:42.31 Boys 13-14 200 Yard Freestyle Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 1:35.04 1:35.42 1) Garratt, Griffin A 14 2) Riley, Alex P 13 3) Dingess, David A 14 4) Locke, Thomas J 14 23.65 47.78 1:12.70 1:35.42 2 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' 1:47.73 1:42.94 1) Layde, Garrett H 13 2) Peck, Ryan J 14 3) Johnston, Stephen W 13 4) Korbut, George 14 25.35 51.95 1:17.62 1:42.94 3 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 1:44.03 1:43.84 1) Devaney, Garrett A 14 2) Brook, Evan Z 13 3) Materne, Mike J 14 4) Wylie, Robert W 13 25.18 50.64 1:17.55 1:43.84 Boys 13-14 200 Yard Medley Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 1:51.78 1:49.27 1) Riley, Alex P 13 2) Garratt, Griffin A 14 3) Dingess, David A 14 4) Locke, Thomas J 14 27.10 58.82 1:25.76 1:49.27 2 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' 2:02.84 1:56.36 1) Tang, Andrew P 13 2) Peck, Ryan J 14 3) Johnston, Stephen W 13 4) Layde, Garrett H 13 28.58 1:01.66 1:31.84 1:56.36 Boys 15 & Over 500 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 4:43.79 15&O AAAA 4:57.29 15&O AAA 5:10.79 15&O AA 5:24.29 15&O A 5:51.29 15&O BB 6:18.39 15&O B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Parkinson, Jake M 16 ASC-SC 5:04.28 5:05.37 AA 27.69 58.35 1:29.64 2:00.95 2:31.73 3:02.31 3:33.05 4:04.21 4:35.02 5:05.37 2 Taylor, Ben s 16 GwinAq-GA 5:28.40 5:15.55 A 28.21 1:00.16 1:31.92 2:04.07 2:36.36 3:08.23 3:40.58 4:13.10 4:45.21 5:15.55 3 Oslin, Connor J 16 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 5:19.21 A 28.73 1:00.91 1:33.04 2:05.41 2:37.25 3:10.60 3:43.57 4:17.60 4:49.95 5:19.21 Boys 15 & Over 1000 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 9:48.19 15&O AAAA 10:16.19 15&O AAA 10:44.19 15&O AA 11:12.19 15&O A 12:08.19 15&O BB 13:04.19 15&O B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Loong, Henry W 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 10:24.73 10:26.87 AA 27.75 58.27 1:29.06 2:00.42 2:31.95 3:03.71 3:35.47 4:07.16 4:38.87 5:11.12 5:43.24 6:15.03 6:47.29 7:19.57 7:51.49 8:23.48 8:55.31 9:26.69 9:58.24 10:26.87 2 Hilliard, Jean-Michael 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 10:24.13 10:45.67 A 28.10 58.42 1:29.53 2:00.54 2:31.91 3:03.64 3:35.57 4:07.59 4:39.94 5:12.69 5:45.64 6:18.89 6:52.07 7:25.51 7:59.17 8:32.50 9:05.80 9:39.26 10:12.71 10:45.67 3 Siwabut, Non 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 11:11.52 11:01.81 A 28.54 1:00.10 1:32.29 2:04.28 2:37.26 3:09.51 3:43.26 4:16.43 4:50.25 5:24.17 5:58.34 6:31.57 7:40.20 8:14.62 8:47.93 9:21.61 10:28.47 11:00.81 11:01.81 4 Siwabut, Nat 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 12:31.07 11:51.99 BB 30.02 1:03.74 1:38.50 2:14.76 2:49.97 3:27.18 4:40.19 5:52.69 6:29.76 7:06.67 7:43.94 8:20.79 8:56.99 9:33.32 10:09.93 10:41.28 11:52.00 12:20.96 11:51.99 5 Ramos, Eric L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 11:56.25 11:52.95 BB 29.67 1:03.77 1:38.63 2:14.08 2:50.03 3:26.43 4:03.20 4:39.79 5:16.42 5:53.36 6:30.17 7:07.06 7:43.90 8:21.19 8:57.37 9:33.66 10:10.18 10:46.20 11:20.97 11:52.95 6 Onken, Decker J 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 12:19.60 12:01.76 BB 30.63 1:05.68 1:42.15 2:18.38 2:54.51 3:31.41 4:08.40 4:45.25 5:22.02 5:59.10 6:35.95 7:12.84 7:49.78 8:26.21 9:02.20 9:38.53 10:15.47 10:51.85 11:28.08 12:01.76 Boys 15 & Over 400 Yard IM =============================================================================== 4:11.89 15&O AAAA 4:23.89 15&O AAA 4:35.79 15&O AA 4:47.79 15&O A 5:11.79 15&O BB 5:35.79 15&O B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Parkinson, Jake M 16 ASC-SC 4:18.69 4:22.24 AAA 26.52 58.27 1:31.54 3:20.32 4:22.24 2 Loong, Henry W 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 4:16.06 4:25.70 AA 26.56 57.60 1:32.34 2:46.21 3:24.18 4:25.70 3 Hilliard, Jean-Michael 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 4:17.62 4:32.66 AA 28.13 59.93 1:34.57 2:46.90 3:24.96 4:32.66 4 Siwabut, Non 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 4:31.31 4:42.26 A 27.83 59.66 1:36.73 2:53.99 3:35.91 4:42.26 5 Taylor, Ben s 16 GwinAq-GA 5:00.00 4:46.66 A 30.01 1:04.73 1:42.82 2:18.54 3:00.06 3:42.48 4:15.63 4:46.66 6 Yang, David 16 GwinAq-GA 4:47.17 4:49.76 BB 29.59 1:04.47 1:43.31 2:20.83 3:00.89 3:41.66 4:16.38 4:49.76 7 Siwabut, Nat 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 4:59.87 4:59.31 BB 29.35 1:06.69 1:45.04 2:24.69 3:06.87 3:50.77 4:24.94 4:59.31 8 Ramos, Eric L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 5:07.60 5:04.01 BB 32.77 1:12.48 1:51.25 2:30.28 3:11.57 3:53.65 4:29.18 5:04.01 9 Onken, Decker J 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 5:07.99 5:05.98 BB 31.71 1:11.52 1:51.18 2:29.96 3:12.79 3:56.31 4:31.52 5:05.98 Boys 50 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 22.19 AAAA 23.19 AAA 24.29 AA 25.29 A 27.39 BB 29.49 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Shula, John 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 31.22 23.39 AA 2 Loong, Henry W 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 23.65 23.41 AA 3 Oslin, Connor J 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 24.31 23.48 AA 4 Gautsch, William E 17 ASC-SC 23.41 23.82 AA 5 Taylor, Ben s 16 GwinAq-GA 24.13 23.95 AA 6 Ellwanger, Joey 16 Rockdale-GA 24.09 24.21 AA 7 Dieter, Russell J 17 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 24.23 AA 8 Parkinson, Jake M 16 ASC-SC 24.49 24.38 A 9 Siwabut, Non 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 24.90 24.43 A 10 Wood, John P 32 WAVE-GA 24.40 24.55 A 11 Dang, Tan D 16 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 24.17 24.56 A 12 Hilliard, Jean-Michael 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 25.82 25.13 A 13 Mashburn, Quincy S 17 ABSC-GA 24.89 25.16 A 14 Siwabut, Nat 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 24.65 25.19 A 15 Yang, David 16 GwinAq-GA 25.18 25.27 A 16 Saafir, Seifuddin J 17 Swordfish-GA 26.23 25.78 BB 17 Siudut, Dennis G 16 ASC-SC 24.79 25.87 BB 18 McGraw, Alandas C 15 GwinAq-GA 26.28 25.88 BB 19 Welch, Thomas C 18 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 26.07 BB 20 Payne, Marlon l 16 Swordfish-GA 26.30 26.66 BB 21 Onken, Decker J 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 28.23 26.80 BB 22 Gautsch, John H 15 ASC-SC 26.81 27.25 BB 23 Ramos, Eric L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 27.32 27.77 B 24 Mast, Will R 15 ASA-GA 30.05 28.03 B 25 Snell, Warren N 15 WAVE-GA NT 28.07 B 26 Manucy, Michael J 12 ASC-SC 29.00 28.43 B Boys 100 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 48.29 AAAA 50.59 AAA 52.89 AA 55.19 A 59.79 BB 1:04.39 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Powell, Chris W 15 ABSC-GA 49.68 49.06 AAA 23.29 49.06 2 Oslin, Connor J 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 51.98 50.68 AA 24.29 50.68 3 Shula, John 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 52.09 51.16 AA 24.47 51.16 4 Loong, Henry W 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 49.97 51.66 AA 25.13 51.66 5 Dieter, Russell J 17 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 53.35 A 25.32 53.35 6 Humphreys, Patrick H 16 ABSC-GA 52.72 53.39 A 26.42 53.39 7 Siwabut, Non 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 53.52 53.46 A 26.23 53.46 8 Gautsch, William E 17 ASC-SC 52.62 53.74 A 25.20 53.74 9 Devaney, Preston A 15 ABSC-GA 53.97 53.95 A 25.85 53.95 10 Taylor, Ben s 16 GwinAq-GA 53.34 53.99 A 26.04 53.99 11 Hilliard, Jean-Michael 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 54.54 54.51 A 26.77 54.51 12 Ballantyne, Shakeel A 18 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 51.73 55.53 BB 25.83 55.53 13 Dang, Tan D 16 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 55.10 56.85 BB 27.42 56.85 14 Siudut, Dennis G 16 ASC-SC 55.13 56.93 BB 27.33 56.93 15 McGraw, Alandas C 15 GwinAq-GA 56.47 57.12 BB 27.56 57.12 16 Onken, Decker J 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 59.39 59.63 BB 28.86 59.63 17 Gautsch, John H 15 ASC-SC 58.43 59.81 B 28.64 59.81 18 Payne, Marlon l 16 Swordfish-GA 1:00.37 1:01.33 B 29.82 1:01.33 19 Ramos, Eric L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 59.31 1:03.05 B 29.96 1:03.05 20 Saafir, Seifuddin J 17 Swordfish-GA 1:02.31 1:03.10 B 30.17 1:03.10 21 Manucy, Michael J 12 ASC-SC 1:04.62 1:03.40 B 30.36 1:03.40 -- Meadows, Peter M 16 GwinAq-GA 53.80 DQ False start 26.49 DQ Boys 200 Yard Freestyle =============================================================================== 1:45.09 AAAA 1:50.09 AAA 1:55.09 AA 2:00.09 A 2:10.09 BB 2:20.09 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Loong, Henry W 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:47.50 1:50.20 AA 26.00 53.78 1:22.01 1:50.20 2 Shula, John 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:52.71 1:51.31 AA 25.35 53.49 1:22.69 1:51.31 3 Ellwanger, Joey 16 Rockdale-GA 1:50.78 1:51.65 AA 26.62 55.23 1:23.67 1:51.65 4 Oslin, Connor J 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:56.07 1:52.08 AA 25.72 54.37 1:23.59 1:52.08 5 Parkinson, Jake M 16 ASC-SC 1:55.25 1:53.64 AA 25.78 54.27 1:23.96 1:53.64 6 Gautsch, William E 17 ASC-SC NT 1:55.95 A 26.38 54.94 1:24.83 1:55.95 7 Hilliard, Jean-Michael 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:52.10 1:56.32 A 26.45 55.45 1:26.00 1:56.32 8 Taylor, Ben s 16 GwinAq-GA 1:58.83 1:56.38 A 26.39 55.82 1:26.38 1:56.38 9 Siwabut, Non 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:57.18 1:58.36 A 27.30 57.28 1:27.81 1:58.36 10 McGraw, Alandas C 15 GwinAq-GA 1:59.95 1:58.44 A 27.43 57.51 1:28.64 1:58.44 11 Mashburn, Quincy S 17 ABSC-GA 2:07.44 2:00.27 BB 27.33 57.59 1:29.21 2:00.27 12 Siudut, Dennis G 16 ASC-SC 2:02.86 2:03.75 BB 27.40 58.22 1:30.62 2:03.75 13 Dieter, Russell J 17 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:03.94 BB 27.81 59.31 1:32.26 2:03.94 14 Siwabut, Nat 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:04.04 2:05.53 BB 27.98 59.18 1:32.81 2:05.53 15 Gautsch, John H 15 ASC-SC NT 2:09.33 BB 29.47 1:02.63 1:36.20 2:09.33 16 Ramos, Eric L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:08.37 2:11.33 B 29.41 1:02.90 1:37.41 2:11.33 17 Dang, Tan D 16 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:08.18 2:13.36 B 26.64 59.64 1:37.45 2:13.36 18 Onken, Decker J 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:13.25 2:13.99 B 28.66 1:03.19 1:40.02 2:13.99 19 Manucy, Michael J 12 ASC-SC 2:18.88 2:16.17 B 31.04 1:05.56 1:41.50 2:16.17 20 Mast, Will R 15 ASA-GA 2:42.38 2:23.16 31.53 1:07.66 1:46.39 2:23.16 21 Snell, Warren N 15 WAVE-GA NT 2:25.89 31.67 1:07.42 1:45.61 2:25.89 Boys 100 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 53.49 AAAA 55.99 AAA 58.59 AA 1:01.09 A 1:06.19 BB 1:11.29 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Shula, John 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 58.49 56.73 AA 27.70 56.73 2 Oslin, Connor J 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 59.63 57.81 AA 28.63 57.81 3 Parkinson, Jake M 16 ASC-SC 58.92 58.18 AA 28.31 58.18 4 Hilliard, Jean-Michael 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:01.53 59.61 A 29.70 59.61 5 Loong, Henry W 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:00.01 59.81 A 29.67 59.81 6 Dieter, Russell J 17 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:01.22 BB 30.16 1:01.22 7 Yang, David 16 GwinAq-GA 1:03.57 1:03.15 BB 31.03 1:03.15 8 Siwabut, Non 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:03.93 1:03.87 BB 30.70 1:03.87 9 Welch, Thomas C 18 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:04.37 BB 31.05 1:04.37 10 Siwabut, Nat 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:05.67 1:06.11 BB 31.45 1:06.11 11 Onken, Decker J 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:08.61 1:06.25 B 32.42 1:06.25 12 Mashburn, Quincy S 17 ABSC-GA 1:06.93 1:07.04 B 32.50 1:07.04 13 Ramos, Eric L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:08.77 1:08.06 B 33.22 1:08.06 14 Manucy, Michael J 12 ASC-SC 1:10.76 1:08.34 B 33.03 1:08.34 14 Gautsch, William E 17 ASC-SC 1:04.98 1:08.34 B 33.95 1:08.34 16 Siudut, Dennis G 16 ASC-SC 1:07.42 1:08.90 B 33.59 1:08.90 17 Mast, Will R 15 ASA-GA 1:11.98 1:09.87 B 34.36 1:09.87 18 Saafir, Seifuddin J 17 Swordfish-GA 1:21.78 1:13.07 35.02 1:13.07 19 Gautsch, John H 15 ASC-SC 1:11.98 1:14.25 36.02 1:14.25 20 Snell, Warren N 15 WAVE-GA NT 1:14.30 36.35 1:14.30 Boys 200 Yard Backstroke =============================================================================== 1:55.79 AAAA 2:01.29 AAA 2:06.79 AA 2:12.39 A 2:23.39 BB 2:34.39 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Shula, John 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:08.75 2:03.65 AA 29.54 1:00.43 1:31.85 2:03.65 2 Hilliard, Jean-Michael 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:07.15 2:07.34 A 30.41 1:01.92 1:34.70 2:07.34 3 Oslin, Connor J 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:11.47 2:07.99 A 29.72 1:02.92 1:36.36 2:07.99 4 Loong, Henry W 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:06.07 2:08.40 A 31.02 1:03.84 1:36.85 2:08.40 5 Taylor, Ben s 16 GwinAq-GA 2:18.26 2:14.23 BB 32.89 1:07.88 1:41.82 2:14.23 6 Yang, David 16 GwinAq-GA 2:15.58 2:18.57 BB 32.76 1:08.33 1:43.87 2:18.57 7 Dieter, Russell J 17 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:18.80 BB 31.91 1:06.78 1:42.72 2:18.80 8 Siwabut, Non 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:15.41 2:18.88 BB 33.06 1:08.36 1:43.63 2:18.88 9 Devaney, Preston A 15 ABSC-GA 2:19.11 2:21.60 BB 33.57 1:08.58 1:45.00 2:21.60 10 Onken, Decker J 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:28.11 2:25.16 B 33.10 1:09.98 1:47.62 2:25.16 11 Manucy, Michael J 12 ASC-SC 2:35.94 2:27.31 B 33.67 1:11.06 1:49.67 2:27.31 12 Powell, Chris W 15 ABSC-GA 2:21.16 2:28.17 B 34.31 1:11.31 1:50.02 2:28.17 13 Humphreys, Patrick H 16 ABSC-GA 2:24.84 2:29.12 B 34.34 1:12.12 1:50.72 2:29.12 14 Ramos, Eric L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:24.06 2:34.86 35.33 1:14.43 1:54.70 2:34.86 15 Gautsch, John H 15 ASC-SC NT 2:37.92 38.06 1:18.94 1:58.62 2:37.92 Boys 100 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 1:00.29 AAAA 1:03.19 AAA 1:05.99 AA 1:08.89 A 1:14.69 BB 1:20.39 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hilliard, Jean-Michael 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:02.24 1:02.89 AAA 29.75 1:02.89 2 Loong, Henry W 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:03.49 1:07.01 A 31.74 1:07.01 3 Powell, Chris W 15 ABSC-GA 1:06.90 1:07.29 A 31.88 1:07.29 4 Shula, John 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:09.21 1:08.79 A 32.73 1:08.79 5 Meadows, Peter M 16 GwinAq-GA 1:10.91 1:08.95 BB 32.26 1:08.95 6 Oslin, Connor J 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:14.87 1:10.23 BB 33.51 1:10.23 7 Taylor, Ben s 16 GwinAq-GA 1:09.34 1:10.46 BB 33.03 1:10.46 8 Siudut, Dennis G 16 ASC-SC 1:10.37 1:10.79 BB 33.06 1:10.79 9 Devaney, Preston A 15 ABSC-GA 1:15.91 1:10.81 BB 33.42 1:10.81 10 Yang, David 16 GwinAq-GA 1:08.92 1:10.85 BB 33.47 1:10.85 11 Siwabut, Non 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:07.41 1:10.92 BB 33.70 1:10.92 12 Humphreys, Patrick H 16 ABSC-GA 1:10.17 1:12.25 BB 34.50 1:12.25 13 McGraw, Alandas C 15 GwinAq-GA 1:15.28 1:12.52 BB 34.48 1:12.52 14 Dang, Tan D 16 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:10.12 1:13.75 BB 34.27 1:13.75 15 Ellwanger, Robby 16 Rockdale-GA 1:19.59 1:14.55 BB 34.02 1:14.55 16 Onken, Decker J 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:16.10 1:14.77 B 35.59 1:14.77 17 Gautsch, William E 17 ASC-SC NT 1:15.01 B 36.83 1:15.01 18 Ramos, Eric L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:12.23 1:16.88 B 36.06 1:16.88 19 Saafir, Seifuddin J 17 Swordfish-GA 1:17.58 1:19.08 B 36.31 1:19.08 20 Wood, John P 32 WAVE-GA 1:17.96 1:20.38 B 36.65 1:20.38 21 Payne, Marlon l 16 Swordfish-GA 1:22.19 1:21.76 38.49 1:21.76 22 Gautsch, John H 15 ASC-SC 1:20.13 1:22.11 38.95 1:22.11 Boys 200 Yard Breaststroke =============================================================================== 2:11.39 AAAA 2:17.59 AAA 2:23.89 AA 2:30.09 A 2:42.59 BB 2:55.09 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Hilliard, Jean-Michael 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:11.08 2:14.63 AAA 31.13 1:05.03 1:39.61 2:14.63 2 Parkinson, Jake M 16 ASC-SC 2:16.93 2:19.83 AA 31.44 1:06.91 1:42.86 2:19.83 3 Siwabut, Non 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:21.79 2:24.35 A 33.20 1:10.23 1:47.19 2:24.35 4 Loong, Henry W 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:15.51 2:25.00 A 33.30 1:10.03 1:47.36 2:25.00 5 Shula, John 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:27.83 2:26.74 A 33.43 1:10.23 1:48.25 2:26.74 6 Yang, David 16 GwinAq-GA 2:30.60 2:32.99 BB 34.83 1:13.93 1:53.50 2:32.99 7 McGraw, Alandas C 15 GwinAq-GA 2:39.65 2:33.86 BB 35.80 1:14.90 1:54.89 2:33.86 8 Oslin, Connor J 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:42.45 2:34.30 BB 34.27 1:13.74 1:54.62 2:34.30 9 Taylor, Ben s 16 GwinAq-GA 2:35.00 2:34.35 BB 34.79 1:14.38 1:54.61 2:34.35 10 Onken, Decker J 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:42.19 2:38.84 BB 35.18 1:15.36 1:57.47 2:38.84 11 Siwabut, Nat 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:28.01 2:39.54 BB 34.12 1:14.23 1:56.51 2:39.54 12 Ramos, Eric L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:38.98 2:39.98 BB 35.98 1:16.56 1:58.69 2:39.98 13 Siudut, Dennis G 16 ASC-SC 2:34.53 2:41.64 BB 34.74 1:15.18 1:57.87 2:41.64 14 Snell, Warren N 15 WAVE-GA NT 2:56.76 38.48 1:22.72 2:09.97 2:56.76 15 Mashburn, Quincy S 17 ABSC-GA 3:12.38 3:02.75 39.88 1:26.63 2:14.81 3:02.75 Boys 100 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 52.59 AAAA 55.09 AAA 57.59 AA 1:00.09 A 1:05.09 BB 1:10.09 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Parkinson, Jake M 16 ASC-SC 54.01 54.74 AAA 25.40 54.74 2 Loong, Henry W 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 54.69 54.92 AAA 25.93 54.92 3 Oslin, Connor J 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 56.44 55.19 AA 26.56 55.19 4 Siwabut, Non 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 55.32 55.85 AA 26.36 55.85 5 Ellwanger, Joey 16 Rockdale-GA 56.39 57.07 AA 26.74 57.07 6 Shula, John 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 58.13 57.36 AA 26.90 57.36 7 Hilliard, Jean-Michael 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 58.81 57.41 AA 26.88 57.41 8 Mashburn, Quincy S 17 ABSC-GA 59.96 58.88 A 27.02 58.88 9 Dieter, Russell J 17 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 59.56 A 27.60 59.56 10 Gautsch, William E 17 ASC-SC 1:01.88 1:01.15 BB 28.28 1:01.15 11 McGraw, Alandas C 15 GwinAq-GA 1:02.98 1:01.27 BB 28.96 1:01.27 12 Taylor, Ben s 16 GwinAq-GA 1:02.11 1:01.52 BB 28.63 1:01.52 13 Yang, David 16 GwinAq-GA 1:00.28 1:02.51 BB 28.88 1:02.51 14 Siwabut, Nat 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:04.28 1:04.90 BB 28.89 1:04.90 15 Dang, Tan D 16 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 1:04.57 1:05.45 B 28.45 1:05.45 16 Welch, Thomas C 18 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 1:08.20 B 30.22 1:08.20 17 Onken, Decker J 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:11.14 1:08.56 B 31.75 1:08.56 18 Payne, Marlon l 16 Swordfish-GA 1:08.43 1:08.59 B 32.01 1:08.59 19 Siudut, Dennis G 16 ASC-SC 1:04.63 1:10.55 31.86 1:10.55 20 Ramos, Eric L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:18.32 1:13.03 33.15 1:13.03 21 Snell, Warren N 15 WAVE-GA 1:16.57 1:13.21 33.19 1:13.21 22 Manucy, Michael J 12 ASC-SC 1:15.86 1:16.34 34.47 1:16.34 Boys 200 Yard Butterfly =============================================================================== 1:56.69 AAAA 2:02.29 AAA 2:07.79 AA 2:13.39 A 2:24.49 BB 2:35.59 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Loong, Henry W 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:59.73 2:03.25 AA 28.26 59.63 1:31.75 2:03.25 2 Ellwanger, Joey 16 Rockdale-GA 2:04.29 2:05.35 AA 28.37 1:00.97 1:32.45 2:05.35 3 Siwabut, Non 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:03.61 2:06.61 AA 28.33 1:00.44 1:33.51 2:06.61 4 Hilliard, Jean-Michael 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:06.15 2:06.74 AA 28.48 1:00.27 1:33.02 2:06.74 5 Shula, John 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:13.20 2:08.93 A 28.47 1:01.12 1:34.68 2:08.93 6 Oslin, Connor J 16 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:13.05 A 29.46 1:02.98 1:39.82 2:13.05 7 McGraw, Alandas C 15 GwinAq-GA 2:22.70 2:21.97 BB 30.99 1:07.03 1:44.83 2:21.97 8 Ballantyne, Shakeel A 18 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:20.13 2:22.90 BB 29.32 1:05.00 1:44.09 2:22.90 9 Yang, David 16 GwinAq-GA 2:16.94 2:23.57 BB 30.86 1:07.49 1:45.43 2:23.57 10 Devaney, Preston A 15 ABSC-GA 2:25.10 2:26.75 B 31.53 1:07.39 1:46.06 2:26.75 11 Humphreys, Patrick H 16 ABSC-GA NT 2:28.59 B 1:08.23 1:48.16 2:28.59 12 Onken, Decker J 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:42.52 2:37.65 32.70 1:13.18 1:55.51 2:37.65 13 Ramos, Eric L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:53.55 3:00.56 39.57 1:27.87 2:14.25 3:00.56 Boys 200 Yard IM =============================================================================== 1:58.29 AAAA 2:03.89 AAA 2:09.49 AA 2:15.09 A 2:26.39 BB 2:37.69 B Name Age Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Loong, Henry W 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 1:59.47 2:05.36 AA 26.98 59.05 1:36.28 2:05.36 2 Shula, John 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:09.06 2:05.58 AA 27.24 58.75 1:37.60 2:05.58 3 Hilliard, Jean-Michael 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:04.85 2:06.02 AA 29.03 1:01.15 1:36.82 2:06.02 4 Oslin, Connor J 16 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:13.34 2:08.09 AA 26.70 59.69 1:39.22 2:08.09 5 Siwabut, Non 17 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:08.34 2:11.24 A 27.16 1:02.73 1:41.68 2:11.24 6 Ellwanger, Joey 16 Rockdale-GA 2:10.13 2:11.30 A 27.75 1:01.42 1:42.26 2:11.30 7 Powell, Chris W 15 ABSC-GA 2:14.78 2:12.54 A 28.61 1:05.62 1:44.88 2:12.54 8 Meadows, Peter M 16 GwinAq-GA 2:13.16 2:12.74 A 29.82 1:03.85 1:42.93 2:12.74 9 Taylor, Ben s 16 GwinAq-GA 2:15.59 2:12.99 A 29.12 1:03.66 1:42.26 2:12.99 10 Humphreys, Patrick H 16 ABSC-GA 2:16.39 2:13.17 A 27.98 1:03.92 1:45.02 2:13.17 11 Devaney, Preston A 15 ABSC-GA 2:16.34 2:14.39 A 27.96 1:02.00 1:43.37 2:14.39 12 Yang, David 16 GwinAq-GA 2:14.14 2:15.88 BB 28.61 1:03.87 1:42.29 2:15.88 13 McGraw, Alandas C 15 GwinAq-GA 2:16.83 2:16.03 BB 29.23 1:05.66 1:45.10 2:16.03 14 Gautsch, William E 17 ASC-SC 2:18.58 2:17.41 BB 29.15 1:03.54 1:46.67 2:17.41 15 Dieter, Russell J 17 Marietta Marlins-GA NT 2:19.73 BB 27.59 1:02.52 1:46.50 2:19.73 16 Siudut, Dennis G 16 ASC-SC 2:17.53 2:20.76 BB 29.82 1:07.25 1:47.09 2:20.76 17 Ballantyne, Shakeel A 18 Atlanta Dolphins-GA 2:14.74 2:21.72 BB 27.92 1:03.53 1:48.34 2:21.72 18 Onken, Decker J 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:30.69 2:22.79 BB 31.54 1:08.46 1:50.05 2:22.79 19 Ramos, Eric L 15 Marietta Marlins-GA 2:25.33 2:27.21 B 32.80 1:10.41 1:52.77 2:27.21 20 Gautsch, John H 15 ASC-SC 2:34.44 2:30.48 B 32.78 1:13.15 1:57.76 2:30.48 21 Wood, John P 32 WAVE-GA 2:31.81 2:31.68 B 28.50 1:07.04 1:54.92 2:31.68 22 Manucy, Michael J 12 ASC-SC 2:34.21 2:33.23 B 33.74 1:11.97 1:58.13 2:33.23 23 Hammett, Griffin P 9 GwinAq-GA 3:17.00 3:17.79 47.22 1:37.17 2:33.49 3:17.79 Boys 200 Yard Freestyle Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 1:33.98 1:34.33 1) Oslin, Connor J 16 2) Dieter, Russell J 17 3) Loong, Henry W 16 4) Shula, John 17 1:17.25 1:34.33 2 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 1:40.72 1:39.62 1) Meadows, Peter M 16 2) McGraw, Alandas C 15 3) Yang, David 16 4) Taylor, Ben s 16 24.77 50.27 1:15.96 1:39.62 3 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' NT 1:44.61 1) Hilliard, Jean-Michael 17 2) Onken, Decker J 15 3) Ramos, Eric L 15 4) Siwabut, Non 17 4 Rockdale County Riptides-GA 'A' 1:43.36 1:45.45 1) Ellwanger, Robby 16 2) Thompson, Noah P 13 3) Mitchell, Jack 14 4) Ellwanger, Joey 16 23.98 52.35 1:20.97 1:45.45 Boys 200 Yard Medley Relay =============================================================================== Team Seed Finals =============================================================================== 1 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'A' 1:47.72 1:45.42 1) Shula, John 17 2) Hilliard, Jean-Michael 17 3) Loong, Henry W 16 4) Oslin, Connor J 16 27.47 56.14 1:22.43 1:45.42 2 Gwinnett Aquatics-GA 'A' 1:40.58 1:54.45 1) Yang, David 16 2) Taylor, Ben s 16 3) McGraw, Alandas C 15 4) Paulukaitis, Greg S 13 29.48 1:00.26 1:28.33 1:54.45 3 Marietta Marlins, Inc-GA 'B' NT 1:55.10 1) Dieter, Russell J 17 2) Siwabut, Nat 15 3) Siwabut, Non 17 4) Ramos, Eric L 15 28.81 1:01.63 1:28.12 1:55.10 4 Athens Bulldog Swim Club-GA 'A' 2:01.46 2:01.07 1) Brook, Evan Z 13 2) Musgrove, Jacob P 13 3) Wylie, Robert W 13 4) Mashburn, Quincy S 17 29.98 1:05.00 1:36.12 2:01.07